An RSS feed aggragtor built with GO.
View the site Analytics
- GO
- Templ
- TailwindCSS
- GoatCounter for Analytics
tailwindcss --input tailwind.css --output test.css --content basic.templ
- Create feed follow/unfollow CRUD
- [] Create a new post card
- [] Make the post scrapping more generic to cover more xml formats
- [] Email notification for your feed - when new post is added
- [] User followings feeds filter
- [] Verify new users email
- Pagination for posts list page
- Use session management package
- Setup Middleware
- Setup Middleware group with go-chi for authenticated routes
- (Using a package) Setup session management - DB table - cookies - hashed token
- In login handler create a new session entry to the sessions table
- Inlcude the session data in the context for the views
- Link Middleware and session to get auth user
- Get the user details from context in the templ files
- Create a logout handler
- Delete the session when user logs out
- If user is loggedin redirect them to referrer
- Build a dark theme based on color inverting check the extention for reference
- /posts
- Create page for post list,
- /feed/{feedId}/posts -> make Post templ customizable
- User profile management
- Create a user profile dropdown for auth user
- Error handling with htmx
- Fix Change password error: No consistent hashing for passwords
[] auth
- Testing reset-password
- Create a reset_password table and save the reset requests there. right now users can reset their passwords as much as they want as long as their token is valid
- Testing reset-password
CSRF token protection for the forms
Check django requres object for any other userful data to be included in the context
Check the laravel readirect()->back() and implement it for the GO