This project focuses on implementing face recognition for biometric validation. The scope includes understanding computational challenges in face recognition, conducting a literature review, and constructing a solution using existing methods.
- Collect a set of face images from publicly available datasets.
- Utilize suitable methods for face recognition, including older methods or more recent deep neural network-based frameworks.
- Evaluate recognition performance using "unknown" query images and validate results with images not in the dataset.
- The dataset should consist of more than 20 subjects/classes, each with more than 2 images.
- Images can be sourced from publicly available datasets such as LFW, CelebA, or custom datasets.
- Implement face recognition using appropriate methods and frameworks.
- Pre-trained models on specific datasets can be utilized for deep learning-based approaches.
- Programming Language: Python
- Libraries: OpenCV, TensorFlow, Keras
- data: Contains collected face image datasets.
- src: Source code for face recognition implementation.
- results: Stores validation results.
- Description of the project, methodology, and instructions.
- Clone the repository.
- Place the collected face image datasets in the "data" folder.
- Run the source code for face recognition implementation.
- Review the validation results in the "results" folder.
- Shubham Vats Under the Guidance of Dr Miheryan Tuceryan( Dean Of School Of Science, Purdue University)