twitter api wapper like a Rubytter.rb
- open-browser.vim (
let ctx = twibill#access_token()
" open your browser to authenticate , and inpupt pin
echo ctx.access_token "=> your access token
echo ctx.access_token_secret "=> your access token secret
let twibill = twibill#new({
\ 'access_token' : your access token,
\ 'access_token_secret' : your access token secret })
let tweets = twibill.home_timeline()
for t in tweets
echo t.user.screen_name . ' : ' . t.text
let tweets = twibill.mentions()
for t in tweets
echo t.user.screen_name . ' : ' . t.text
let tweets = twibill.mentions()
for t in tweets
echo t.user.screen_name . ' : ' . t.text
let friends = twibill.friends('basyura')
for v in friends
echo v.screen_name
let status ='130596703198916610')
echo status.find('screen_name').value() . ' : ' . status.find('text').value()
let tweets = twibill.list_statuses('basyura', 'vim')
for t in tweets
echo t.user.screen_name . ' : ' . t.text
call twibill.update('hello vim world')
call twibill.remove_status('130580534530293761')
for list in twibill.lists('basyura').lists
echo list.full_name "=> @basyura/list_name
for list in twibill.lists('basyura').lists
echo list.full_name "=> list_name
let users = twibill.list_members('basyura', 'vim').users
for u in users
echo u.screen_name
let favorites = twibill.favorites('basyura')
for f in favorites
echo f.user.screen_name . ' : ' . f.text
call twibill.favorite('130596703198916610')
call twibill.remove_favorite('130596703198916610')
call twibill.retweet('130597082212995072')
update_status /statuses/update post
remove_status /statuses/destroy/%s delete
public_timeline /statuses/public_timeline
home_timeline /statuses/home_timeline
friends_timeline /statuses/friends_timeline
replies /statuses/replies
mentions /statuses/mentions
user_timeline /statuses/user_timeline/%s
show /statuses/show/%s
friends /statuses/friends/%s
followers /statuses/followers/%s
retweet /statuses/retweet/%s post
retweets /statuses/retweets/%s
retweeted_by_me /statuses/retweeted_by_me
retweeted_to_me /statuses/retweeted_to_me
retweets_of_me /statuses/retweets_of_me
user /users/show/%s
direct_messages /direct_messages
sent_direct_messages /direct_messages/sent
send_direct_message /direct_messages/new post
remove_direct_message /direct_messages/destroy/%s delete
follow /friendships/create/%s post
leave /friendships/destroy/%s delete
friendship_exists /friendships/exists
followers_ids /followers/ids/%s
friends_ids /friends/ids/%s
favorites /favorites/%s
favorite /favorites/create/%s post
remove_favorite /favorites/destroy/%s delete
verify_credentials /account/verify_credentials get
end_session /account/end_session post
update_delivery_device /account/update_delivery_device post
update_profile_colors /account/update_profile_colors post
limit_status /account/rate_limit_status
update_profile /account/update_profile post
enable_notification /notifications/follow/%s post
disable_notification /notifications/leave/%s post
block /blocks/create/%s post
unblock /blocks/destroy/%s delete
block_exists /blocks/exists/%s get
blocking /blocks/blocking get
blocking_ids /blocks/blocking/ids get
saved_searches /saved_searches get
saved_search /saved_searches/show/%s get
create_saved_search /saved_searches/create post
remove_saved_search /saved_searches/destroy/%s delete
create_list /%s/lists post
update_list /%s/lists/%s put
delete_list /%s/lists/%s delete
list /%s/lists/%s
lists /%s/lists
lists_followers /%s/lists/memberships
list_statuses /%s/lists/%s/statuses
list_members /%s/%s/members
add_member_to_list /%s/%s/members post
remove_member_from_list /%s/%s/members delete
list_following /%s/%s/subscribers
follow_list /%s/%s/subscribers post
remove_list /%s/%s/subscribers delete