A trial estimation of glottal source spectrum by anti-formant filter and inverse radiation filter.
some frequency response samples of pseudo glottal source waveform
python3 glottal2mass.py
estimate formant peak frequency and Q factor based on LPC analysis
python3 get_fp4.py -w wav-file-name(mono,16bit) -f frame-number
get a low shelving filter as inverse filter against high pass filter that simulates radiation from mouth
python3 iir_LowShelving1.py
peaking filter class to drop formant boost portion, anti-formant filter
estimate of glottal source spectrum condition by anti-formant filter and inverse radiation filter
vowel /a/ : python3 est_gss1.py -w a_1-16k.wav -f 3 -g 1
nasal voice /na/ : python3 est_gss1.py -w na_1-16k.wav -f 8 -g 2
glottal source spectrum condition
resampling wav to 16Khz sampling
python3 resample1.py -w wav-file-name(mono,16bit)
For more information, please see related WEB or same content in Japanese
except LPC.py