Custom ethersjs Provider for Shutter on Optimism.
is a custom ethersjs
provider, that
allows to send shutter encrypted ("shutterized") transactions on Shutter-Optimism.
Shutter-Optimism is an Optimism testnet, that provides a mechanism to include Shutter encrypted transactions.
Shutter is a distributed key generation (DKG) threshold encryption
protocol, that enables applications and/or users to encrypt arbitrary data, commit the encrypted
message (i.e. by sending it in a transaction) and have it revealed after a certain condition is
met (i.e. once the position of the transaction in a future block is confirmed). Shutter's
threshold decryption scheme, where a threshold of n
out of m
key holders ("keypers") need to
release their decryption key share for successful reveal, enables an environment where censorship,
by not releasing decryption keys, and collusion, by peeking into encrypted messages before the
reveal condition was reached, become very unlikely.
In Shutter-Optimism this allows to build MEV-resistant applications.
The intention of shop-sdk
is to make it as easy as possible to transform a traditional
application, that could run on Optimism, into a MEV protected version running on Shutter-Optimism.
npm install @shutter-network/shop-sdk
npm run build
This section covers some behind-the-scenes on how Shutter-Optimism works. While it can be beneficial to understand the background, if you're eager to get started, you can jump down to Usage and come back here later.
Here is a general overview, for the tx-flow on Shutter-Optimism:
In contrast to the original transaction flow ("without shutter"), users will send an encrypted version of their transaction as data to an inbox contract. The sequencer ("block builder") will pick up them to execute later. Encrypted transactions are scheduled to be executed in a specified block. This results in what we call inclusion tx (a "normal" tx, writing encrypted data into the inbox and scheduling it for execution in block X), and the execution transaction (happens in the scheduled block and will always be the first transactions in that block).
makes use of the Shutter WASM library, a WebAssembly of Shutter's cryptography
library shlib
The general crypto scheme is based on an eon public/private key pair, that is created during the
initialization of a keyper set, and epoch keys. For
only the eon public key, an epoch identifier and some random input (sigma
) are needed.
The eon public key
through a smart contract and can be used as long as the same keyper set stays active.
of messages encrypted with the above scheme requires an epoch secret key
, that is created
collaboratively by the keyper set, based on a certain epoch identifier
The SDK allows to develop browser applications, that can encrypt transactions and submit them to
the Shutter-Optimism
contract. The
accepts encrypted transactions with the following signature:
function submitEncryptedTransaction(
uint64 blockNumber,
bytes memory encryptedTransaction,
uint64 gasLimit,
address excessFeeRecipient
) external payable whenNotPaused {...
Here we can see, that an encryptedTransaction
is scheduled for a certain blockNumber
in the
future, with a specified gasLimit
for the execution of the decrypted transaction and an
address for the excessFeeRecipient
. The gas
for execution needs to be provided as msg.value
at submission time (hence the payable
signature). The Inbox
will check the general sanity
(availability of funds for gas, gas limits for the block, ...) and enqueue the (still) encrypted
transaction in an internal data structure for the scheduled block.
Shutter-Optimism employs a fork of op-geth
, that
has special rules for the state transition function, that require to include the enqueued Inbox
transactions at the top of the scheduled block.
At block building time, the shutter keypers will produce an eon secret key
for the next
epoch identifier
, which, in the case of Shutter-Optimism is based on the block number. The
secret key is shared with the block builder. All enqueued transactions for this block will now be
decrypted and regularily executed, in the order specified in Inbox
A shutterized block will contain a shutter specific EVM log message, that will publish the epoch secret key, as well as the decryption and execution status for the shutterized transactions:
type RevealRecord struct {
DecryptionKey []byte
TransactionRecords []RevealedTransactionRecord
type RevealedTransactionRecord struct {
Status uint64
CumulativeGasUsed uint64
CumulativeLogs uint64
const (
RevealedTransactionRecordStatusSuccess = 0x64
RevealedTransactionRecordStatusDecryptionFailed = 0x65
RevealedTransactionRecordStatusExecutionFailed = 0x66
By definition, the RevealRecord
will be in log position 0
of the shutterized block.
Usage is very similar to that of a vanilla ethers
. If you're not familiar with
it yet, you should read the documentation.
The following is an annotated version of the example in example/browserwallet.ts
import {
} from '@shutter-network/shop-sdk'
// shutter specific constants
const options = {
// path to the WASM library
wasmUrl: '/shutter-crypto.wasm',
// contract address to query the current keyper set
keyperSetManagerAddress: '0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000067',
// target address for encrypted transactions
inboxAddress: '0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000066',
// contract address to query encryption keys
keyBroadcastAddress: '0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000068',
In the case of Shutter Optimism, the contract addresses are "predeployed" at fixed addresses. So you don't have to expect these to change.
In order for the WebAssembly to become available, it needs to be initialized. This is achieved by
the init()
// initialize shutter WASM library
await init(options.wasmUrl)
Note, that the .wasm
file needs to be accessible for the browser, so usually it is a good idea
to bundle it with other assets
of your application.
The following is almost a copy & paste of the
original ethers documentation.
Pay attention to the creation of the ShutterProvider
- you need to pass the options
let signer = null
let provider
if (window.ethereum == null) {
// If MetaMask is not installed, we use the default provider,
// which is backed by a variety of third-party services (such
// as INFURA). They do not have private keys installed,
// so they only have read-only access
console.log('MetaMask not installed; using read-only defaults')
provider = ethers.getDefaultProvider()
} else {
// Connect to the MetaMask EIP-1193 object. This is a standard
// protocol that allows Ethers access to make all read-only
// requests through MetaMask.
// SHUTTER> use ShutterProvider
provider = new ShutterProvider(options, window.ethereum)
// It also provides an opportunity to request access to write
// operations, which will be performed by the private key
// that MetaMask manages for the user.
signer = await provider.getSigner()
Sending an encrypted transaction can now be achieved through the standard interface,
. This will trigger the usual signature request in the wallet plugin.
// transaction parameters
let txRequest = {
from: signer.address,
to: signer.address,
value: 1,
data: '0x',
// send transaction with standard settings
const txResponse = await signer.sendTransaction(txRequest)
// wait for the inboxTransaction to be mined:
await txResponse.wait()
IMPORTANT: The transaction presented in the confirmation dialog will be different from the
content specified in txRequest
. This is due to the request being encrypted and sent to the
contract. You will need to communicate to your users what is happening!
ShutterSigner will automatically
- query the encryption parameters
- schedule an execution block based on the
parameter (default:25
)scheduledExecutionBlock = latestBlock + inclusionWindow
- encrypt the original transaction
- estimate the necessary gas
- prepare a transaction to the
contract - trigger the user interaction for signing
IMPORTANT: if the user does not sign the transaction in time to be included
before scheduledExecutionBlock
, the transaction will fail.
In order to present more status to the user (i.e. time to execution, encrypted message, ...),
there is also a more comprehensive function to send transactions, signer._sendTransactionTrace()
const inclusionWindow = 25 // default inclusionWindow
const [encryptedMessage, txResponse, scheduledExecutionBlock] =
await signer._sendTransactionTrace(txRequest, inclusionWindow)
Finally some example, how to inspect the execution results:
// wait for the execution block, then check the result:
let blockdata = await provider.getBlock(scheduledExecutionBlock, true)
let txHash = blockdata.getPrefetchedTransaction(0).hash
let receipt = await provider.getTransactionReceipt(txHash)
let executionLog = receipt.logs[receipt.logs.length - 1].data
// the executionLog contains the decryptionKey
let [decryptionKey, executions] = ethers.decodeRlp(executionLog)
// check that the included transaction corresponds to txRequest
let decrypted = await decrypt(
Uint8Array.from(Buffer.from(encryptedMessage, 'hex')),
Uint8Array.from(Buffer.from(decryptionKey.slice(2), 'hex')),
const [to, data, value] = ethers.decodeRlp(
'0x' + Buffer.from(decrypted.slice(1)).toString('hex'),
console.log([ == to, == data,
txRequest.value == parseInt(value, 16),
// executions contains an array with status information for all shutterized transactions
// in the block => {
let [status, gasUsed, logNumber] = execution
let success = status == '0x64'
`${logNumber} successful: ${success} (${status}) gas used ${gasUsed}`,
const shopChain = {
chainId: '0x281b6fc',
chainName: 'SHOP',
rpcUrls: [''],
iconUrls: [''],
nativeCurrency: {
name: 'SHOPeth',
symbol: 'SHOP',
decimals: 18,
blockExplorerUrls: null,
"AddressManager": "0x970Bf4b5F6493292361c6cC763eE62960e7A2F3E",
"L1CrossDomainMessenger": "0x5537c3D815bc9cD37B1c5758D51EA6a109f599Fc",
"L1CrossDomainMessengerProxy": "0xb1044b939e73631F4AF646c9782B9D7d20a83A58",
"L1ERC721Bridge": "0x51300e790366e7Fe2C592EB1DF4Ea35F4aD6B8aD",
"L1ERC721BridgeProxy": "0x6955D9c433E8cA3c8eDEFC635774eDbE1b2c953D",
"L1StandardBridge": "0x5F298AD62b4caf8481E6d259902CD4446C814C59",
"L1StandardBridgeProxy": "0xC98Cdf523091100e4F83389EB93385071Ca349B9",
"L2OutputOracle": "0x89427E9D5EFD08CFA1db80450c78aB881a8Ee629",
"L2OutputOracleProxy": "0x62bd32753EB813617aAa44375ed870e38207a418",
"OptimismMintableERC20Factory": "0xe8e2603c73a31c6D1C8468d1623b7e3945eB81fD",
"OptimismMintableERC20FactoryProxy": "0x462F3cCBCafcDA1fAA6711813f4A60ed248Fe788",
"OptimismPortal": "0x387BdFFbcc4f5cE54e68025c2Ebfcaa5e6CB9976",
"OptimismPortalProxy": "0x75d931B9F7aEE5E1D0635E9d98020303F2B85110",
"ProtocolVersions": "0x9E0720bd0f5ac9176D15a3F5395128fDA3fc90E3",
"ProtocolVersionsProxy": "0xE62c33DA07A6209c819E8406Ba454Eba58aE6C79",
"ProxyAdmin": "0x9133006a6B5F5f01E5E51FCA8D55a1fd6795c6A4",
"SafeProxyFactory": "0xa6B71E26C5e0845f74c812102Ca7114b6a896AB2",
"SafeSingleton": "0xd9Db270c1B5E3Bd161E8c8503c55cEABeE709552",
"SystemConfig": "0x217c9a125cf36e0912Dc2C0A8f414da9E41e0A33",
"SystemConfigProxy": "0x78942913Dd67a4bE57e382A5C5DBA2a0ee821F7c",
"SystemOwnerSafe": "0xafB5230168994606BBaB66798B4361A051E4068F"