I want a portfolio that is simple, clean, and easy to navigate. I want to showcase my work and skills in a way that is easy to understand and navigate. I want to be able to quickly find what I'm looking for and be able to easily navigate through my portfolio. I want to be able to quickly find what I'm looking for and be able to easily navigate through my portfolio. As a developer, I feel that I'm losing my skills of documenting my skills and my skill to communicate. So, I planned to use this platform as a chance to both learn a new tech stack Astro and to document my skills.
- Astro
- Tailwind CSS
- Markdown
- TypeScript
- Markdown and MDX support
- SEO-friendly with canonical URLs and OpenGraph data
- Sitemap support
- RSS Feed support
If you have any questions or comments, or with to connect with me, feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn.