This project focuses on building a logic to calculate the distance to the next edge when a robot equipped with a 2D LIDAR sensor is placed on a table. The project leverages the RPlidar.h library and a Raspberry Pi Pico to work with the LIDAR sensor.
I am currently in the process of refining this project, and so far, I've conducted several experiments to achieve the final goal—calculating the distance to the next edge detected by the LIDAR sensor.
For now, this project emphasizes:
- Building the logic for edge detection
- Working with the RPlidar.h library to process data from the 2D LIDAR sensor
- Using Raspberry Pi Pico as the hardware platform for the implementation
The RPlidar.h library can be found here: RPLidar Arduino Library
The Filters library for data filtering can be found here: Arduino Filters Library
Here’s the workflow for this project and the current status of each task:
Circuit Diagram:
Siddharth A. Patel
GitHub: siddharthpatelde