A fully functional Microphone module for polybar that adds an icon that changes dynamically accordingly to the microphone status.
- Some Icon-font like ttf-icomoon-feather
- pulseaudio-ctl
- pulseaudio
- pavucontrol
You can install them however you like, on arch-based systems:
yay -S pulseaudio pulseaudio-ctl ttf-icomoon-feather pavucontrol
Place the shell script files in your preferred sctipt directory.
Add the module to your polybar config file
type = custom/script
tail = true
label-foreground = #ffffff
label-background = #000000
interval = 0
exec = path/to/scripts/mic-tog.sh &
click-left = pulseaudio-ctl mute-input
click-right = pavucontrol -t 4 &
label-padding = 1
label-font = 1
Left click on the Microphone icon to toggle the microphone status
Right click on the Microphone icon to open the 'Input Devices' tab on pavucontrol to Adjust the input volume.