If a smoke alarm goes off, the microphone will detect it, sending a signal to the ESP8266, which will send a signal to the Maker Channel on IFTTT to send an SMS that the smoke alarm went off.
0 Plug jumper wires into the “GND”, “3V3”, and “D2” pins on the right side of the ESP8266 NodeMCU V3 board, making sure that on the microphone, “GND” connects to “GND”, “+” connects to “3V3”, and “D0” connects to “D2.”
1 Use the 32-bit ESP8266 Flasher or the 64-bit ESP8266 Flasher (depending on your hardware) to flash the NodeMCU Firmware for ESP8266 Development Board.
2 Download all the .lua files in this repo, and change the key in iftttKey.lua to your own IFTTT Maker Channel key.
3 Use the LuaLoader to load all the .lua files in this repo, as well as set the network connection to your local router.