Environment agnostic (node.js, browser, commonjs, esnext...) open architecture (plugin system) inspired by 11ty.dev config
Plugins can be added as a function or loaded from absolute path, relative path or URL
A plugin takes a Config object and returns an object which will be merged into the initial Config object. The config object emits events and has a method addPlugin
to attach other plugins from a plugin on specific events.
- Install with
npm i @silexlabs/silex-plugins
- Use in your app to add a plugin system
- Create plugins for your app
In your app
import config from '@silexlabs/silex-plugins'
// Create a config instance
const userConfig = config()
// Add a first plugin which is the main config
// Notify plugins of important events
: This is a config file and a plugin
export default (config) => {
config.on('ready', () => 'do something')
config.addPlugin('myplugin.js', {
text: 'some options',
return {
defaultOption: 'value',
: This is a plugin
export default (config, options) => {
config.on('ready', () => `do something else with ${ options.text }`)
return {
defaultOption: 'override config',
It can be done from a plugin or your app which creates the config object
- A plugin which is just a simple function
function plugin(config, options) { console.log(options.anoption) } // This will log "a value"
export default(config, _) {
config.addPlugin(plugin, { anoption: "a value" })
- A plugin from npm
export default(config, _) {
config.addPlugin('https://unpkg.com/some-plugin', { anoption: "a value" })
- A plugin you import yourself
import plugin from 'a-plugin'
export default(config, _) {
config.addPlugin(plugin, { anoption: "a value" })
- Multiple plugins at once
// Define a function
// The return value will be merged in the config object
function namedFunction(config, options) {
return {
text: 'returns some options to merge into the config',
other: `this is the ${options} object`,
export default(config, _) {
// Add a multiple plugins at once
// Path or URL
], { // Here is how to pass options to the plugins
'https://unpkg.com/some-plugin': {},
'node_modules/some-plugin': {},
'.myappconfig': {},
[namedFunction]: {},