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A weekly selection of the relevant Chromium and Firefox intents

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This is my selection of relevant Chromium and Firefox intents (from blink-dev and, respectively). Updated weekly.

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September 2024

  • 🆕 Prototype Progress Notification API
  • 🆕 Prototype CSS :local-link pseudo-class
  • 🆕 Prototype CSS :has-slotted pseudo-class
  • 🆕 Experiment HTML <permission> element (Page-Embedded Permission Control) (cont.)
  • Ship CSS @page margin boxes
  • Prototype CSS stretch sizing keyword
  • Ship currentcolor in relative color syntax
  • Prototype CSS Custom Highlight highlightsFromPoint method
  • Ship WebXR Hand Input module
  • Ship CSS font-variant-emoji property
  • Prototype Document-Policy expect-no-linked-resources configuration point
  • Ship File System Access on Android and WebView
  • Ship CSS box-decoration-break property (full support)
  • Experiment fetchLater method (cont.)

August 2024

  • Prototype Rewriter API
  • Prototype Writer API
  • Ship interoperable appearance: none fallback style for <meter> elements
  • Experiment Language Detector API
  • Experiment canvas 2D triangle mesh API (Mesh2D)
  • Ship Direct Sockets API
  • Experiment reduced Accept-Language header
  • Ship scheduler.yield method
  • Prototype CSS Gap Decoration
  • Prototype dynamic import maps
  • Prototype Summarizer API
  • Ship preferInitialWindowPlacement option for Picture-in-Picture API
  • Ship CSS nested declarations rules

July 2024

  • Prototype HTML handwriting attribute
  • Experiment FileSystemObserver API
  • Prototype nested view transitions
  • Prototype Sanitizer API
  • Ship CSS interpolate-size property and calc-size() function
  • Ship Isolated Web Apps
  • Experiment partitioning :visited links history (phase 2)
  • Prototype Selection API across Shadow DOM and getComposedRanges method

June 2024

  • Prototype media-playback-while-not-rendered Permission Policy
  • Prototype Canvas placeElement method
  • Experiment Digital Credential API
  • Prototype CSS box-decoration-break property (full support)
  • Implement and ship HTML aria-rowindextext and aria-colindextext attributes
  • Ship color-interpolation: linearrgb on SVG gradients
  • Ship CSS ruby-align property
  • Ship document.caretPositionFromPoint method
  • Prototype sideways-rl and sideways-lr keywords for the CSS writing-mode property
  • Prototype service worker auto preload
  • Prototype CSS Masonry
  • Experiment tabbed web apps (cont.)

May 2024

  • Implement and ship line-breakable ruby (line-breaks within elements with display: ruby)
  • Prototype CSS ruby-align property
  • Ship CSS Snap Events (scrollsnapchange and scrollsnapchanging)
  • Experiment Compression Dictionary Transport (cont.)
  • Ship unrestricted WebUSB (for Isolated Web Apps with "usb-unrestricted" Permission Policy)
  • Ship CSS anchor-scope property
  • Prototype partitioned popins
  • Experiment HTML <permission> element (Page-Embedded Permission Control)
  • Ship CSS font-size-adjust property (new syntax)
  • Ship alt text for the CSS content property (multiple arguments including attr() and counter())
  • Prototype <link rel="payment"> hints for pending push payments
  • Ship tabbed web apps (tabbed display mode)
  • Prototype CSS highlight pseudos for find-in-page results
  • Ship View Transitions in same-origin navigation (expands API to support MPAs)

April 2024

  • Prototype alt text for the CSS content property (multiple arguments including attr() and counter())
  • Prototype Web Translation API
  • Prototype Storage Access API HTTP headers
  • Ship URL.parse static method
  • Ship CSS Anchor Positioning
  • Prototype Web Install API
  • Prototype HTML headingstart attribute
  • Ship Declarative shadow DOM serialization
  • Ship CSS round(), mod(), and rem() functions
  • Prototype HTTP Document-Isolation-Policy header
  • Prototype CSS ::scroll-marker and ::scroll-markers pseudo-elements
  • Experiment Device Posture API and Viewport Segments Enumeration API

March 2024

  • Ship CSS view-transition-class property
  • Ship extending Storage Access API to non-cookie storage
  • Ship HTML writingsuggestions attribute
  • Prototype Playout Statistics API for WebAudio
  • Experiment document.caretPositionFromPoint method
  • Experiment extending Storage Access API to non-cookie storage (cont.)
  • Experiment tabbed display mode for tabbed web apps (cont.)
  • Ship Compute Pressure API
  • Ship HTML <link rel=expect> element for document render-blocking
  • Ship pageswap event

February 2024

  • Prototype HTML interesttarget attribute for buttons and links
  • Prototype CSS reading-order-items property
  • Ship Sec-CH-UA-Form-Factor client hint
  • Experiment <meta name="app-title"> and document.appTitle (document subtitle)
  • Ship clonable option for attachShadow method, and shadowrootclonable attribute for <template> element
  • Ship setHTMLUnsafe and parseHTMLUnsafe methods
  • Ship HTTP Priority request header
  • Ship picture-in-picture value for CSS display-mode media feature
  • Prototype CSS functions (@function)
  • Ship Content-Encoding: zstd (Zstandard data compression mechanism)
  • Ship CSS paint-order property for HTML text
  • Prototype picture-in-picture value for CSS display-mode media feature
  • Ship ServiceWorker static routing API
  • Prototype CSS :open and :closed pseudo-classes
  • Prototype CSS line-clamp property
  • Prototype and ship CSS zoom property
  • Ship pagereveal event
  • Prototype pageconceal event
  • Prototype Web Monetization

January 2024

  • Ship CSS text-spacing-trim property
  • Ship element reflection for ARIA relationship attributes
  • Ship CSS light-dark() function
  • Prototype ShadowRoot clonable property
  • Ship navigation.activation object
  • Prototype HTML writingsuggestions attribute
  • Prototype CSS text-box-trim and text-box-edge properties
  • Prototype delayed clipboard rendering
  • Prototype CSS view-transition-class property (styling of view transition pseudo-elements)
  • Prototype Declarative shadow DOM serialization
  • Prototype document.caretPositionFromPoint method
  • Implement and ship HTML blocking=render attribute on inline <script> elements
  • Implement and ship CSS display: contents not affecting fosucability
  • Ship 'json' and 'css' request destinations for JSON and CSS modules
  • Ship inheritance to CSS ::backdrop pseudo-element from its originating element

December 2023

  • Prototype CSS calc-size() function
  • Ship CSS field-sizing property
  • Prototype fenced frames with local unpartitioned data access
  • Prototype Locked Mode API
  • Prototype CSS cross-fade() function
  • Experiment Compute Pressure (cont.)
  • Ship interoperable mousemove default action

November 2023

  • Ship auto sizes for lazy-loaded images
  • Ship multiple readers/writers in File System Access API
  • Ship unsanitized option for the method
  • Experiment ServiceWorker Static Routing API (cont.)
  • Experiment Element Capture
  • Ship improved CSS masking for SVG
  • Trial HTML <permission> element (Page-Embedded Permission Control)
  • Experiment fetchLater method
  • Ship conditional @import supports() rules
  • Ship Storage Buckets API
  • Prototype snapchanging event (CSS scroll snap)
  • Ship HTTP Speculation-Rules header
  • Prototype navigation.activation object
  • Ship animation behavior for the CSS font-palette property
  • Ship contentVisibilityAuto option for checkVisibility method
  • Prototype passkeys in cross-origin iframes
  • Deprecate and remove third-party cookies
  • Prototype CSS @page margin boxes
  • Prototype contentVisibilityAuto option for checkVisibility method

October 2023

  • Ship EditContext API
  • Ship CSS ::spelling-error and ::grammar-error pseudo-elements, and spelling-error and grammar-error values for text-decoration-line
  • Ship inheritance for the CSS ::selection and ::highlight pseudo-elements
  • Ship CSS mask-* properties
  • Ship Permissions policy violation reports
  • Ship WebGPU on Android
  • Experiment extending Storage Access API to non-cookie storage
  • Ship ruby, ruby-base, and ruby-text values for CSS display property
  • Ship CSS scrollbar-color and scrollbar-width properties
  • Ship CSS <transform-function> and <transform-list> syntax for registered custom properties
  • Prototype Web Printing API
  • Ship CSS pow(), sqrt(), hypot(), log(), and exp() functions
  • Prototype Invokers
  • Prototype and ship URL.canParse method
  • Experiment peformance.measureUserAgentSpecificMemory method
  • Experiment web app manifest "scope_extensions" member
  • Experiment HTTP Priority request header
  • Ship CSS :dir() pseudo-class
  • Ship relaxed CSS Nesting
  • Implement and ship video <source media> attribute
  • Ship HTMLSelectElement showPicker method
  • Ship CSS <image> syntax for registered custom properties
  • Prototype CSS Masking
  • Prototype extending Storage Access API to non-cookie storage

September 2023

  • Prototype Face Framing API
  • Prototype Observable API
  • Prototype firstrender event
  • Prototype Device Bound Session Credentials (DBSC)
  • Ship Intersection Observer scrollMargin property
  • Ship accordion pattern using name attribute on <details> elements
  • Ship Close Watchers
  • Experiment fullscreen option for method
  • Prototype HTML exportid attribute (exporting IDs from shadow roots for cross-root ARIA)
  • Ship <hr> elements inside <select> elements
  • Implement and ship feature detection for supported clipboard formats
  • Prototype showPicker method for HTML <select> elements
  • Ship TLS Encrypted Client Hello (ECH)
  • Prototype and ship xywh() and rect() for CSS clip-path property
  • Prototype CSS dynamic-range-limit property
  • Prototype Intersection Observer scrollMargin property
  • Experiment partitioning :visited links history
  • Experiment HTTP Speculation-Rules header (cont.)
  • Prototype HTTP Sec-CH-UA-Form-Factor Header (client hint)
  • Prototype Web Preferences API

August 2023

  • Ship CSS Relative Color Syntax (from keyword)
  • Prototype CSS form-sizing property
  • Ship HTTP Sec-CH-Prefers-Reduced-Transparency header (client hint)
  • Ship CSS word-break: auto-phrase value (more natural line breaking for Japanese)
  • Prototype HTML <permission> element (Page-Embedded Permission Control)
  • Ship CSS :user-valid and :user-invalid pseudo-classes
  • Ship CSS scripting media feature
  • Prototype CSS text-spacing-trim property
  • Prototype CSS Sticky State Container Queries (stuck)
  • Prototype CSS scripting media feature
  • Implement and ship crossorigin attribute for SVG <image> and <feImage> elements
  • Ship hasUAVisualTransition property for popstate and navigate events
  • Prototype snapchanged event
  • Ship HTML <search> element
  • Deprecate Sanitizer API (initial impl.)
  • Prototype HTML blocking="render" attribute
  • Ship wertical writing modes (vertical-rl, vertical-lr) for form control elements
  • Prototype and ship <geometry-box> in CSS clip-path property value
  • Ship CSS cap and rcap units
  • Ship Storage Access API with prompts
  • Ship CSS logical values for float, clear, and resize properties

July 2023

  • Experiment ServiceWorker Static Routing API
  • Prototype CSS inverted-colors media feature
  • Prototype fetchLater method
  • Ship CSS prefers-reduced-transparency media feature
  • Prototype HTTP Sec-CH-Prefers-Reduced-Transparency header
  • Prototype and ship HTTP Clear-Site-Data: "*" header (clear all storage targets)
  • Experiment web app manifest "tab_strip" member and "display_override": ["tabbed"] (tabbed web apps)
  • Prototype Element Capture
  • Experiment Content-Encoding: zstd (Zstandard data compression mechanism)
  • Prototype CSS text-autospace property
  • Ship back/forward cache (BFCache) for pages with HTTP Cache-control: no-store header
  • Prototype CSS prefers-reduced-transparency media feature
  • Prototype CSS font-variant-emoji property
  • Ship stroke-box, content-box, and border-box values for CSS transform-box property
  • Prototype CSS word-break: auto value (more natural line breaking for Japanese)
  • Ship NotRestoredReasons API (back/forward cache)

June 2023

  • Ship Permissions Policy "unload" feature
  • Prototype partitioning :visited links history
  • Prototype Storage Access API with prompts
  • Prototype FileSystemObserver API
  • Ship CSS text-wrap: pretty keyword
  • Ship Shared Storage API
  • Ship CSS @starting-style rule
  • Prototype Content-Encoding: zstd (Zstandard data compression mechanism)
  • Ship Fenced Frames
  • Ship CSS subgrid layout
  • Experiment EditContext API
  • Ship customElements.getName method
  • Prototype customElements.getName method
  • Experiment scheduler.yield method
  • Ship Document Picture-in-Picture
  • Prototype DOM Parts
  • Prototype ServiceWorker Static Routing API

May 2023

  • Prototype auto sizes for lazy-loaded images
  • Ship CSS @scope rule
  • Experiment 'long-animation-frame' performance entry type
  • Trial web app manifest "scope_extensions" member
  • Deprecate Mutation Events
  • Ship CSS Motion Path
  • Deprecate unload event
  • Trial Pending Beacon API (cont.)
  • Prototype CSS scroll-start property
  • Prototype Exclusive Accordion using <details> elements
  • Ship boolean context style container queries

April 2023

  • Ship scroll-driven animations
  • Experiment Storage Buckets API
  • Ship keyboard-focusable scroll containers
  • Experiment Compute Pressure
  • Ship CSS overlay property
  • Ship multi-keyword values for the CSS display property
  • Trial Controlled Frame API for Isolated Web Apps
  • Prototype CSS display property (new two-value syntax)
  • Trial fullscreen popup windows
  • Ship partitioned storage, service workers, and communication APIs in third-party contexts
  • Trial scheduler.yield method
  • Ship Local Network Access

March 2023

  • Implement and ship RegExp v flag for HTML pattern attribute
  • Ship scrollend event type
  • Prototype Document Subtitle (<meta name="subtitle"> and document.subtitle)
  • Prototype CSS font-size-adjust property (new syntax)
  • Ship requestStorageAccessFor method for First-Party Sets
  • Ship Storage Access API within First-Party Sets
  • Ship First-Party Sets
  • Prototype animation behavior for the CSS font-palette property
  • Ship CSS :lang pseudo-class
  • Ship CSS transitions of discrete properties
  • Ship CSS display and content-visibility in animations
  • Ship Popover API
  • Prototype Popover API popover=hint attribute value
  • Prototype CSS text-box-trim property
  • Prototype Screen-Capture Mouse Events

February 2023

  • Ship CSS text-wrap property
  • Ship CSS overflow-inline and overflow-block media features
  • Ship CSS linear() easing function
  • Ship CSS update media feature
  • Ship CSS font-variant-position property
  • Prototype CSS linear() easing function
  • Experiment service worker fetch fast-path for main resources
  • Trial Popover API (cont.)
  • Prototype CSS text-wrap: balance keyword
  • Prototype CSS top-layer property
  • Prototype CSS :initial pseudo class
  • Prototype Permissions Policy "battery" token

January 2023

  • Prototype Controlled Frame API for Isolated Web Apps
  • Ship CSS animation-composition property
  • Prototype CSS user-select: contain keyword
  • Experiment Permission Policy unload permission (cont.)
  • Ship expanded CSS font shorthand
  • Ship updated <dialog> initial focus algorithm
  • Ship View Transitions for single-page apps
  • Ship streaming declarative shadow DOM
  • Ship CSS Nesting
  • Experiment Back/forward cache NotRestoredReason API (cont.)
  • Prototype CSS abs() and sign() functions
  • Ship selector argument in CSS :nth-child() and :nth-last-child() pseudo-classes (An+B of S)
  • Ship CSS baseline-source property
  • Prototype WebXR Front-facing Camera API
  • Experiment Document Picture-in-Picture
  • Ship CSS rex, rch, ric, and rlh units
  • Prototype HTTP Priority request header
  • Prototype fullscreen popup windows (for Multi-Screen Window Placement)

December 2022

  • Trial Compute Pressure
  • Trial WebGPU (cont.)
  • Prototype Gamepad multitouch extension
  • Ship WebGPU
  • Ship CSS container style queries for custom properties
  • Ship CSS trigonometric functions (sin(), cos(), tan(), asin(), acos(), atan(), atan2())
  • Prototype CSS baseline-source property
  • Prototype streaming declarative shadow DOM
  • Trial Popover API (cont.)
  • Prototype CSS Transitions on specified discrete properties
  • Prototype PointerEvent deviceId property for mult-pen inking
  • Prototype HTTPS Upgrade
  • Ship CSS font-variant-alternates property and @font-feature-values rule
  • Prototype Additional Windowing Controls
  • Trial First-Party Sets
  • Prototype CSS display and content-visibility in animations
  • Ship Network State Partitioning
  • Trial Pending Beacon API (cont.)
  • Ship IDNA 2008 in Non-Transitional Mode for URL processing

November 2022

  • Ship CSS initial-letter property
  • Experiment CSS initial-letter property
  • Ship Permission Policty web-share permission
  • Prototype inactive document invalidation API (for invalidating documents from BFCache or prerendering)
  • Prototype Incoming Call Notifications
  • Prototype WebSockets over HTTP/3
  • Prototype View Transitions for single-page apps
  • Experiment web app manifest "user_preferences" field (allows specifying dark mode colors) (updated)

October 2022

  • Prototype scheduler.yield method
  • Ship anonymous iframes
  • Prototype HTTP Speculation-Rules header
  • Experiment reduced information in HTTP Accept-Language header and navigator.languages property
  • Ship CSS hyphenate-limit-chars property
  • Experiment Back/forward cache NotRestoredReason API
  • Ship Web App Launch Handling ("launch_handler")
  • Ship Cookies Having Independent Partitioned State (CHIPS)
  • Prototype URLPatternList
  • Ship CSS color() and color-mix() functions, and other Color Level 4 additions
  • Prototype CSS hyphenate-limit-chars property
  • Prototype CSS initial-letter property
  • Ship CSS lh unit
  • Ship same-site (cross-origin) prerendering triggered by the speculation rules API
  • Ship Conditional Focus
  • Trial Page Unload Beacon API (PendingBeacon)
  • Trial partitioning Storage, Service Workers, and Communication APIs
  • Ship last baseline alignment for flex/grid items
  • Ship Federated Credential Management API (was WebID)
  • Experiment Private Aggregation API
  • Experiment Network State Partitioning
  • Prototype CSS Nesting

September 2022

  • Implement and ship TrustedHTML fromLiteral method
  • Ship URLPattern ignoreCase option
  • Ship CSS small, large, dynamic, and logical viewport units
  • Ship Origin Private File System on Android
  • Prototype Web Smart Card API
  • Ship CSS @supports font-tech() and @supports font-format() rules
  • Experiment Permission Policy unload permission
  • Ship WebAuthn Conditional UI
  • Experiment Conditional Focus (cont.)
  • Trial WebAuthn Conditional UI
  • Prototype last baseline alignment for flex/grid items
  • Ship HTTP Sec-CH-Prefers-Reduced-Motion header (client hint)
  • Ship variations in COLRv1
  • Prototype CSS lh unit
  • Trial Permission Policy unload permission
  • Prototype Bounce Tracking Mitigations
  • Prototype same-site (cross-origin) prerendering triggered by the speculation rules API
  • Ship HTML aria-brailleroledescription and aria-braillelabel attributes

August 2022

  • Ship tech() function for CSS @font-face src descriptor
  • Ship AudioContext setSinkId method
  • Prototype Scoped Custom Element Registries
  • Implement and ship rich PWA installation dialogs (description and screenshots) on desktop
  • Ship same-origin prerendering triggered by the speculation rules API on desktop
  • Experiment TLS Encrypted Client Hello (ECH)
  • Ship contentvisibilityautostatechanged event
  • Experiment Cookies Having Independent Partitioned State (CHIPS) (cont.)
  • Prototype requestStorageAccessForSite API
  • Ship CSS ic unit
  • Experiment Pop-Up API (HTML popup attribute)
  • Experiment Web App Launch Handling (cont.)
  • Prototype and ship Client Hints in Android WebView
  • Experiment LazyEmbeds (cont.)

July 2022

  • Prototype URLPattern ignoreCase option
  • Experiment Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy restrict-properties value
  • Experiment anonymous iframes
  • Prototype borderless display mode for installed web apps on desktop
  • Trial WebGPU (cont.)
  • Ship NavigateEvent scroll method
  • Experiment web app manifest "user_preferences" field (allows specifying dark mode colors) (cont.)
  • Prototype Custom Highlight API pointer events
  • Ship fetch() upload streaming
  • Prototype contentvisibilityautostatechanged event
  • Ship CSS overflow property for replaced elements

June 2022

  • Ship Viewport Height Client Hint (Sec-CH-Viewport-Height)
  • Ship import.meta.resolve function
  • Prototype renderBlockingStatus property for performance resource entries
  • Ship MathML
  • Prototype CSS overflow property for replaced elements
  • Prototype requestPermission function for DeviceOrientationEvent and DeviceMotionEvent
  • Experiment LazyEmbeds
  • Prototype CSS trigonometric functions (sin(), cos(), tan(), asin(), acos(), atan(), atan2())
  • Ship Picture-in-Picture on Android
  • Experiment Declarative Beacon API (PendingBeacon)
  • Experiment Shared Storage API
  • Experiment Web App Launch Handling ("launch_handler" member) (cont.)
  • Experiment Shared Element Transitions
  • Ship Custom Highlight API
  • Prototype CSS :lang() pseudo-class level 4 extension (argument lists and language range matching)
  • Prototype wide-gamut colors in CSS
  • Ship Sanitizer API (initial impl.)

May 2022

  • Prototype tabbed web apps (tabbed display mode)
  • Prototype Origin-Bound Cookies
  • Ship CSS :modal pseudo-class
  • Experiment Cookies Having Independent Partitioned State (CHIPS) (cont.)
  • Trial subresource loading with Web Bundles (cont.)
  • Ship HTML blocking=render attribute for <link> and <script> elements
  • Ship CSS object-view-box property
  • Ship CSS :has() pseudo-class
  • Experiment HTML focusgroup attribute
  • Prototype CSS Anchor Positioning
  • Prototype Permission Policy unload feature
  • Ship CSS Container Queries
  • Prototype NotRestoredReason API (back/forward cache)
  • Prototype PendingBeacon API
  • Prototype Private Aggregation API
  • Ship Element isVisible method
  • Ship HTML <form rel> attribute
  • Prototype and ship CSS overflow-clip-margin: <visual-box> values
  • Experiment web app manifest "user_preferences" field (cont.)

April 2022

  • Experiment Fenced Frames
  • Experiment Web App Launch Handling (incl. web app manifest "launch_handler" member) (cont.)
  • Prototype Element isVisible method
  • Trial HTML focusgroup attribute
  • Ship AbortSignal.timeout static method
  • Ship Permissions Policy "gamepad" token
  • Ship same-origin prerendering triggered by the speculation rules API
  • Implement and ship Fullscreen Capability Delegation
  • Ship HTTP status code 103 Early Hints on navigation responses
  • Prototype and ship Permissions Policy "bluetooth" token
  • Prototype Isolated Web Apps
  • Ship SerialPort forget method
  • Ship Navigation API
  • Ship subresource loading with Web Bundles
  • Ship Media Queries Level 4 syntax and evaluation (incl. range context)
  • Ship Speculation Rules
  • Prototype CSS Toggles
  • Ship File Handling (web app manifest "file_handlers" field
  • Ship Local Font Access API
  • Experiment HTTP Sec-CH-Viewport-Height header (viewport height client hint)
  • Experiment Network State Partitioning (cont.)
  • Experiment same-origin prerendering triggered by the speculation rules API (cont.)

March 2022

  • Experiment Attribution Reporting
  • Prototype CSS @scope at-rule
  • Prototype NotRestoredReason API (related to back/forward cache)
  • Prototype Range API innerText property and adjust method
  • Ship sync Access Handles for Origin Private File System
  • Trial WebGPU (cont.)
  • Experiment Federated Credentials Management (cont.)
  • Ship HTML hidden=until-found attribute and beforematch event
  • Prototype and ship CSS font-palette property and @font-palette-values at-rule
  • Ship Capture Handle
  • Ship Sec-CH-Save-Data client hint
  • Prototype CSS object-view-box and object-overflow properties
  • Ship Priority Hints (HTML fetchpriority attribute, and priority option for fetch)

February 2022

  • Prototype Topics API
  • Ship USBDevice forget method
  • Ship Multi-Screen Window Placement
  • Ship autofill in shadow DOM
  • Trial Federated Credential Management API (was WebID)
  • Ship omnibox prerendering
  • Deprecate and remove Event path method
  • Ship HIDDevice forget method
  • Ship CSS hwb() color function
  • Ship Network State Partitioning
  • Experiment Cookies Having Independent Partitioned State (CHIPS)

January 2022

  • Prototype Notification API for Confirmation of Action
  • Implement overlay scrollbars on Windows (Microsoft Fluent Design System)
  • Prototype AbortSignal.timeout static method
  • Experiment Speculation Rules (cont.)
  • Ship Web NFC makeReadOnly method (for locking NFC tags)
  • Prototype Document Picture-in-Picture
  • Prototype CSS subgrid layout
  • Experiment Storage Foundation API (cont.)
  • Experiment AccessHandle for File System Access API (cont.)
  • Ship CSS mix-blend-mode: plus-lighter value
  • Prototype HTML focusgroup attribute
  • Prototype service worker registration id property
  • Ship Handwriting Recognition API

December 2021

  • Experiment Handwriting Recognition API (cont.)
  • Prototype CSS mix-blend-mode: plus-lighter value
  • Experiment same-origin prerendering triggered by the speculation rules API (cont.)
  • Ship HTMLInputElement showPicker method
  • Ship CSS @layer rule (Cascade Layers)
  • Ship Handwriting Recognition API
  • Experiment web app manifest "user_preferences" field (allows specifying dark mode colors)
  • Prototype Machine Learning Model Loader API
  • Prototype Web Neural Network API
  • Prototype mirroring the web page on a secondary display via the Presentation API

November 2021

  • Prototype High Dynamic Range (HDR) content in <canvas>
  • Prototype dark mode colors in web app manifest
  • Ship pickling for Async Clipboard API
  • Prototype HTML blocking=render attribute for <link> and <script> elements
  • Ship 'popup' option (window feature) for
  • Ship AudioContext outputLatency property
  • Prototype Fragment Directive API (for scroll-to-text)
  • Prototype HTMLInputElement showPicker method
  • Trial WebGPU (cont.)

October 2021

  • Prototype and ship structuredClone function
  • Ship CSS forced-color-adjust: preserve-parent-color value
  • Ship auto keyword for CSS contain-intrinsic-size property
  • Ship only keyword for CSS color-scheme property
  • Trial subresource loading with Web Bundles (cont.)
  • Experiment web app manifest "launch_handler" member
  • Prototype web app manifest "translations" member
  • Ship CSS dynamic-range and video-dynamic-range media features (HDR)
  • Ship Window Controls Overlay for Installed Desktop Web Apps
  • Trial WebTransport over HTTP/3 (cont.)
  • Ship COLRv1 Color Gradient Vector Fonts
  • Ship CSS translate, scale, and rotate properties (individual transforms)
  • Implement and ship keyboard-map feature policy
  • Ship updated Canvas 2D API
  • Ship sec-ch- on all Client Hints
  • Ship App Icon Shortcuts Menu on Mac and Linux
  • Experiment only keyword for CSS color-scheme property
  • Experiment HTTP status code 103 Early Hints on navigation responses (cont.)
  • Ship CSS font-synthesis property
  • Implement and ship no preflight for requests with simple Range header values
  • Prototype web app manifest "scope_extensions" field
  • Prototype web app manifest "handle_links" field

September 2021

  • Ship WebTransport over HTTP/3
  • Ship URL Protocol Handler Registration for PWAs
  • Experiment Storage Foundation API (cont.)
  • Ship web app manifest "id" field
  • Experiment App History API
  • Ship HTMLScriptElement supports method
  • Experiment Trust Token API (cont.)
  • Experiment FocusableMediaStreamTrack subclass (Conditional Focus)
  • Prototype FocusableMediaStreamTrack subclass (Conditional Focus)
  • Prototype HTML renderpriority attribute
  • Prototype CSS font-synthesis property
  • Ship auto-expanding <details> elements
  • Ship speak-as descriptor for CSS @counter-style rule
  • Experiment Priority Hints
  • Trial updated Canvas 2D API (cont.)
  • Experiment Speculation Rules (<script type="speculationrules">) (cont.)
  • Experiment HTML importance attribute (Priority Hints) (cont.)
  • Trial web app manifest "id" field
  • Trial HTMLScriptElement supports method
  • Prototype HTMLScriptElement supports method

August 2021

  • Ship URLPattern API
  • Experiment Shared Element Transitions (cont.)
  • Ship reportError function
  • Experiment Declarative Link Capturing for PWAs (cont.)
  • Experiment Handwriting Recognition API (cont.)
  • Experiment Capture Handle (cont.)
  • Ship back-forward cache (BFCache) on desktop
  • Trial subresource loading with Web Bundles (cont.)
  • Experiment same-origin prerendering triggered by the Speculation Rules API
  • Ship Custom Highlight API
  • Ship EyeDropper API
  • Prototype CSS math generic font family
  • Trial AccessHandle for File System Access API
  • Prototype CSS Cascade Layers
  • Prototype AccessHandle for File System Access API
  • Ship CSS prefers-contrast media feature
  • Prototype Web App Launch Handling ("launch_handler" member)

July 2021

  • Ship JS Self-Profiling API
  • Ship Idle Detection API
  • Ship Virtual Keyboard API
  • Experiment HTTP Service-Worker-Subresource-Filter header
  • Ship preferCurrentTab option for getDisplayMedia method (Screen Capture)
  • Ship display-capture permission
  • Experiment URLPattern API
  • Prototype speak-as descriptor for CSS @counter-style rule
  • Ship CSS @counter-style rules in shadow trees
  • Experiment Window Controls Overlay for Installed Desktop Web Apps
  • Experiment Device Attributes API
  • Ship CSS scrollbar-gutter property
  • Ship Web App Manifest "note_taking" field
  • Experiment Conversion Measurement API (cont.)
  • Experiment reduced User-Agent string
  • Experiment Progressive Web Apps as URL Handlers
  • Ship Prioritized Task Scheduling (scheduler.postTask method)
  • Prototype Cookies Having Independent Partitioned State (CHIPS)
  • Prototype Shared Storage API

June 2021

May 2021

April 2021

March 2021

February 2021

  • Ship CSS advance-override descriptor
  • Ship CSS @counter-style at-rule
  • Prototype HTTP status code 103 Early Hints on navigation responses
  • Ship Declarative Shadow DOM
  • Prototype Speculation Rules
  • Ship files on the clipboard
  • Prototype Custom Highlight API
  • Experiment Storage Foundation API
  • Experiment First-Party Sets and SameParty cookie attribute
  • Prototype CSS accent-color property
  • Experimenrt QuicTransport (cont.)
  • Ship stricter mixed content check for blob: and filesystem: URLs
  • Prototype MulticastReceiver API
  • Experiment Declarative Link Capturing for PWAs ("capture_links" member for web app manifest)

January 2021

December 2020

  • Ship CSS filter property for SVG elements (filter functions)
  • Implement and ship CSS :link, :visited, and :any-link pseudo selectors for <link> elements
  • Prototype Declarative Link Capturing for PWAs ("capture_links" member for web app manifest)
  • Prototype EyeDropper API
  • Ship Web NFC
  • Prototype well-specified prerendering
  • Prototype infinity and NaN values in CSS calc()
  • Prototype and ship CSS ::file-selector-button pseudo-element
  • Ship Import Maps
  • Ship Byte Streams (Streams API)
  • Ship Web Serial API
  • Prototype Canvas Formatted Text
  • prototype and ship CSS border-start-start-radius, border-start-end-radius, border-end-start-radius, and border-end-end-radius properties
  • Ship potentially trustworthy data: URLs
  • Ship Web App Manifest "display_override" field
  • Ship CSS overflow: clip value and overflow-clip-margin property
  • Ship WebHID
  • Ship disclosure-open and disclosure-closed keywords for the CSS list-style-type property
  • Ship CSS list-style-type and ::marker support on <summary> element

November 2020

  • Prototype Screen Fold API
  • Prototype Handwriting Recognition API
  • Prototype "display-capture" permission
  • Experiment beforematch event and CSS content-visibility: hidden-matchable value (cont.)
  • Ship CSS ::target-text pseudo-element
  • Experiment WebCodecs (cont.)
  • Prototype Shared Element Transitions
  • Ship Origin Isolation
  • Prototype signal option for addEventListener method (AbortSignal)
  • Prototype CSS @counter-style at-rule
  • Experiment HTML <meta name="battery-savings"> tag (cont.)
  • Prototype Container Queries
  • Ship click, contextmenu, and auxlick as instances of PointerEvent

October 2020

September 2020

  • Ship HTTP Permissions-Policy header
  • Experiment scheduler.postTask method for main-thread scheduling (cont.)
  • Ship Cross-Origin Isolation
  • Prototype platform-issued trust tokens
  • Experiment QuicTransport (cont.)
  • Ship CSS text-decoration-thickness and text-underline-offset properties, and text-underline-position: from-font value
  • Experiment Idle Detection API (cont.)
  • Experiment Notification Triggers (cont.)
  • Experiment Origin Isolation (cont.)
  • Experiment performance.measureMemory method (cont.)
  • Ship navigator.scheduling.isInputPending method
  • Ship CSS ascent-override, descent-override, and line-gap-override font descriptors
  • Ship Cookie Store API
  • Experiment Conversion Measurement API
  • Ship Web Share API on Windows and Chrome OS
  • Prototype HTTP Critical-CH response header
  • Prototype and ship Screen Wake Lock released property

August 2020

  • Experiment Digital Goods API
  • Experiment WebCodecs
  • Prototype CSS overflow: clip value and overflow-clip-margin property
  • Ship CSS flow-relative box model properties
  • Prototype customizable <select> element
  • Prototype Progressive Web Apps as URL Handlers
  • Ship Native File System API
  • Prototype Raw Sockets API
  • Prototype HTTP Permissions-Policy header
  • Ship CSS quotes: auto value
  • Ship Transferable Streams
  • Experiment Multi-Screen Window Placement
  • Prototype WebXR Depth API
  • Prototype First-Party Sets
  • Experiment beforematch event and CSS content-visibility: hidden-matchable value
  • Experiment HTML <meta name="battery-savings"> tag
  • Ship Imperative Shadow DOM Distribution API
  • Experiment Serial API (cont.)
  • Ship opt-out for Scroll To Text Fragment (force-load-at-top document policy)
  • Prototype SVG image support for the Async Clipboard API
  • Prototype HTML <meta name="battery-savings"> tag
  • Prototype re-enabled SharedArrayBuffer gated behind COOP/COEP (on Android)

July 2020

  • Prototype HTTP Content-Encoding: jxl value (JPEG XL)
  • Ship strict-origin-when-cross-origin as default referrer policy
  • Implement Web Share API on Windows and Chrome OS
  • Ship HTTP Document-Policy header
  • Ship altitude and azimuth angles for Pointer Events
  • Prototype @font-face descriptors for overriding font metrics (e.g., ascent-override)
  • Experiment opt-out for Scroll To Text Fragment
  • Implement and ship WebXR AR Module
  • Ship Permission Policty web-share permission
  • Experiment Declarative Shadow DOM
  • Implement and ship DOM replaceChildren method
  • Ship CSS ::marker pseudo-element
  • Prototype 'visibility-state' performance entries
  • Prototype and ship FetchEvent handled property (promise)
  • Prototype WebAuthn Level 2 and CTAP2.1
  • Prototype quotachange event (storage pressure)
  • Prototype Sanitizer API

June 2020

May 2020

April 2020

  • Ship Forced Colors Mode (CSS forced-color-adjust property)
  • Experiment Idle Detection API
  • Prototype Web Bluetooth watchAdvertisements method
  • Ship Web Animations API
  • Ship CSS @property at-rule
  • Experiment HTML rendersubtree attribute (cont.)
  • Ship Content Index API
  • Prototype Virtual Keyboard API
  • Prototype Window Segments Enumeration API
  • Experiment Portals (same-origin, Android only)
  • Prototype altitude and azimuth angles for Pointer Events
  • Prototype App Icon Shortcuts Menu
  • Ship navigator.getInstalledRelatedApps API on Windows
  • Prototype Window Controls Overlay for Installed Desktop Web Apps
  • Prototype CSS text-decoration-thickness and text-underline-offset properties, and text-underline-position: from-font value

March 2020

  • Ship CSS revert keyword
  • Ship Web OTP API (requesting one-time-passwords)
  • Prototype CSS lch() and lab() functions (CIE LAB color functions)
  • Prototype CSS page property (named pages) and page-orientation descriptor
  • Prototype CSS aspect-ratio property
  • Experiment Native File System API (cont.)
  • Prototype Font Access API (enumerate installed fonts and obtain table data)
  • Ship Wake Lock API
  • Implement and ship (unprefixed) CSS appearance property
  • Implement and ship CSS -webkit-appearance: auto value
  • Ship WebXR DOM Overlay
  • Ship off and noscroll values for the <iframe scrolling> attribute
  • Experiment performance.measureMemory method

February 2020

  • Ship Cross-Origin Opener Policy (COOP)
  • Prototype Imperative Shadow DOM Distribution API
  • Ship Cross-Origin Embedder Policy (COEP)
  • Prototype URL Protocol Handler Registration for PWAs
  • Prototype Web Bluetooth getDevices method
  • Ship CSS :state() pseudo-class
  • Prototype Media Feeds API
  • Ship durability property for IndexedDB transactions (durability hint)
  • Ship <iframe disallowdocumentaccess> attribute
  • Ship ARIA suggestion, mark, and comment roles and aria-description attribute (ARIA annotations)
  • Ship CSS contain-intrinsic-size property
  • Prototype CSS prefers-reduced-data media feature
  • Prototype Declarative Shadow DOM
  • Prototype CSS spanning media feature and fold-top/fold-left/fold-width/fold-height environment variables
  • Implement and ship CSS font-display: optional without relayout
  • Prototype rawValue property for <input> elements
  • Experiment scheduler.postTask method for main-thread scheduling

January 2020

December 2019

November 2019

  • Prototype and ship Resize Observer contentBoxSize, borderBoxSize, and devicePixelContentBoxSize properties
  • Ship HTML <a hreftranslate> attribute
  • Ship HTTP Sec-Fetch-Dest request header
  • Ship Media Playback Quality (getVideoPlaybackQuality method)
  • Ship CSS ActiveText, Field, and FieldText values (system color keywords)
  • Implement and ship CSS image-orientation property
  • Experiment Content Index API
  • Implement spatialNavigationSearch method (part of CSS Spatial Navigation)
  • Experiment Contact Picker API (cont.)
  • Ship navigator.getInstalledRelatedApps API
  • Ship CSS :focus-visible pseudo-class
  • Implement Window Placement
  • Ship CSS intrinsic-size property

October 2019

  • Ship default semantics for custom elements via the ElementInternals object
  • Ship ARIA attribute reflection
  • Implement latencyHint attribute for HTML media elements
  • Experiment ARIA annotation-attribution, annotation-commentary, annotation-presence, annotation-revision, annotation-suggestion roles
  • Implement WebCodecs (access to built-in media encoders/decoders)
  • Ship CSS Canvas and Text system color keywords
  • Implement strict-origin-when-cross-origin as new default for Referrer Policy
  • Implement Conversion Measurement API
  • Implement MathML Core
  • Experiment Serial API
  • Implement Trust Token API
  • Implement CSS :state() pseudo-class
  • Ship Scroll To Text Fragment
  • Implement Raw Clipboard Access
  • Experiment HTML rendersubtree attribute and CSS content-size property
  • Ship Trusted Types
  • Implement requestAnimationFrame method for <video> elements
  • Implement and ship CSS @supports selector() function
  • Ship image/video aspect ratios from HTML width and height attributes
  • Implement QuicTransport API (part of the WebTransport framework)
  • Ship WebXR Device API
  • Ship WebXR Gamepads Module
  • Implement and ship string values for the CSS list-style-type property
  • Ship CSS line-break: anywhere value
  • Implement and ship CSS overflow-wrap: anywhere value

September 2019

  • Implement percent-based scrolling
  • Implement “heavy ad” intervention
  • Implement ARIA roles for annotation purposes
  • Implement and ship CSS font-optical-sizing property
  • Implement HTML rendersubtree attribute
  • Implement Screen Enumeration (navigator.screen.requestDisplays method)
  • Ship auto-upgrade mixed audio and video content (http: to https:)
  • Implement navigation to Bundled HTTP Exchanges (Web Packaging)
  • Implement CSS navigation-controls media feature
  • Experiment Wake Lock API
  • Experiment SMS Receiver API
  • Implement EditContext API
  • Implement image/video aspect ratios from HTML width and height attributes
  • Experiment Notification Triggers (show notifications when certain conditions are met)
  • Implement and ship autofocus attribute on any focusable HTML/SVG element
  • Experiment Native File System API
  • Implement relaxedDurability option for the IndexedDB transaction method (controls flushing to disk)

August 2019

July 2019

  • Implement scheduler.postTask method for main-thread scheduling
  • Implement Feature Policy document-access policy
  • Experiment navigator.scheduling.isInputPending method (early detection of input events)
  • Implement Storage Access API
  • Ship Barcode Detection API (part of Shape Detection API)
  • Ship Layout Instability API
  • Implement JSON Modules
  • Implement and ship buffered option for PerformanceObserver observe method
  • Experiment Trusted Types (cont.)
  • Experiment navigator.getInstalledRelatedApps API (cont.)
  • Ship Element Timing
  • Ship Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) page-load metric

June 2019

May 2019

April 2019

  • Ship IDBTransaction commit method
  • Implement Feature Policy execution-while-out-of-viewport and execution-while-not-rendered features (enables freezing hidden iframes)
  • Implement Periodic Background Sync
  • Implement JS Self-Profiling API
  • Implement Picture-in-Picture for arbitrary content
  • Experiment <a hrefTranslate> attribute (cont.)
  • Experiment Event Timing API (cont.)
  • Ship CSS white-space: break-spaces value
  • Experiment HTML importance attribute (Priority Hints) (cont.)
  • Ship Storage Quota Usage Details
  • Implement SMS OTP Retriever API
  • Ship image support for the Async Clipboard API
  • Implement and ship Blob text, arrayBuffer, and stream methods
  • Implement Gamepad light indicator extension
  • Ship HTTP Sec-Fetch-Mode, Sec-Fetch-Site, and Sec-Fetch-User request headers
  • Ship arbitrary timestamps and metadata in User Timing
  • Ship Animation constructor (Web Animations)

March 2019

February 2019

  • Implement image support for the Async Clipboard API
  • Implement and experiment Feature Policy unoptimized-images and oversized-images features
  • Ship Signed Exchange Reporting for distributors
  • Ship PointerEvent getPredictedEvents method
  • Implement Notification Triggers (show notifications when certain conditions are met)
  • Implement import maps (<script type="importmap">)
  • Implement Signed Exchange Reporting for distributors
  • Experiment Event Timing API (cont.)

January 2019

December 2018

  • Implement and ship document.featurePolicy API (for policy introspection)
  • Implement Web Bluetooth Scanning
  • Implement scroll-linked animations (only JavaScript part)
  • Ship stale-while-revalidate Cache-control extension
  • Ship CSS ::part pseudo-element (CSS Shadow Parts)
  • Ship Constructable Stylesheet Objects
  • Experiment Signed HTTP Exchanges (cont.)
  • Experiment lowLatency option for '2d' and 'webgl' canvas contexts (cont.)
  • Ship GamepadButton touched property
  • Experiment Badging API
  • Implement and ship PerformanceObserver.supportedEntryTypes property

November 2018

  • Experiment Web XR Device API (cont.)
  • Ship First Input Timing
  • Implement Storage Quota Usage Details
  • Experiment <a hrefTranslate> attribute
  • Implement User Idle Detection
  • Implement form-associated custom elements
  • Implement Contacts API
  • Implement Feature Policy document-domain feature
  • Ship Intl.ListFormat API
  • Ship crash reports (Reporting API)
  • Ship keyboard-focusable scroll containers
  • Ship an API for enumerating IndexedDB databases
  • Ship CSS Properties and Values API Level 1 (subset)

October 2018

  • Implement FetchEvent Worker Timing (measuring the performance of service workers)
  • Implement an explicit API for commiting IndexedDB transactions
  • Ship colorSpace and pixelFormat options for canvas contexts (canvas color management)
  • Implement CSS font-display descriptor for @font-feature-values (setting the default font-display value for a font family)
  • Experiment lowLatency option for '2d' and 'webgl' canvas contexts
  • Experiment Event Timing API (cont.)
  • Implement 'layoutjank' performance entry (Performance API)
  • Ship navigator.getDisplayMedia method (Screen Capture)
  • Ship spec-compliant specificity for CSS Scoping selectors (:host(), etc.)
  • Experiment Background Fetch

September 2018

August 2018

July 2018

  • Implement iframe sandboxing features as Feature Policy features
  • Implement Badging API
  • Implement HTML <portal> element for seamless navigations between sites or pages
  • Experiment Feature Policy API (document.policy)
  • Implement and ship queueMicrotask function
  • Implement options argument for the postMessage method
  • Experiment Web Locks API (cont.)
  • Implement Feature Policy sync-script feature (for disabling parser-blocking script execution)
  • Ship intervention reports
  • Experiment stale-while-revalidate directive for HTTP Cache-Control header
  • Implement and ship left and right values for the CSS text-underline-position property

June 2018

  • Implement gamepadbuttondown, gamepadbuttonup, gamepadbuttonchange, and gamepadaxismove events
  • Ship Web Locks API
  • Implement and ship DOM Element toggleAttribute method
  • Experiment Cookie Store API
  • Ship Notification Inline Replies
  • Implement stale-while-revalidate directive for HTTP Cache-Control header
  • Ship CSS environment variables and viewport-fit descriptor for <meta name="viewport">
  • Implement CSP 'unsafe-hashes' source expression
  • Ship Keyboard Map (navigator.keyboard and keyboardchange event)
  • Implement and ship module workers (type: 'module' option for Worker constructor)
  • Implement navigator.getDisplayMedia method (Screen Capture)
  • Ship Picture-in-Picture (requestPictureInPicture method)
  • Experiment Event Timing API
  • Ship Request isHistoryNavigation property
  • Implement an API for querying the user activation state
  • Ship deprecation reports and the ReportingObserver API
  • Implement and ship nested, dedicated workers

May 2018

  • Implement WebGPU API
  • Implement and ship CSS Logical Properties
  • Implement HTTP Sec-Metadata request header
  • Ship Web Lifecycle
  • Implement TextEncoderStream and TextDecoderStream APIs
  • Implement scroll target based on CSS selector in URL fragment
  • Ship Reporting API and Network Error Logging
  • Implement Gamepad API touchpad extension
  • Ship <script referrerpolicy> attribute
  • Ship CSS Scroll Snap
  • Experiment Picture-in-Picture (requestPictureInPicture method)
  • Ship Keyboard Lock API (second intent)
  • Implement element visibility reporting for Intersection Observer API (trackVisibility and isVisible properties)
  • Implement Async Local Storage API (layered API)
  • Implement HTML <virtual-list> element (layered API)
  • Implement and ship AnimationEvent pseudoElement property (CSS Animations)

April 2018

  • Implement infrastructure for Layered APIs
  • Ship 'same-origin' as the default credentials mode for fetch() (the previous default was 'omit')
  • Ship HTTP Network-RTT and Network-BW request headers (network quality estimates)
  • Implement Priority Hints API (importance attribute)
  • Implement and ship CSS overflow shorthand (accepts two values)
  • Implement User Timing Level 3 extensions
  • Implement Wake Lock API
  • Implement prefersNavigationBar option for Fullscreen API
  • Implement and ship Cross-Origin Read Blocking (CORB)
  • Implement Keyboard Map (navigator.keyboard and keyboardchange event)
  • Implement Event Timing API ('event' performance entries)
  • Implement customElements.upgrade method

March 2018

  • Ship events for back/forward mouse buttons (button property values 3 and 4)
  • Implement style option for customElements.define method (for providing a custom element’s default styles)
  • Implement formdata event type (Form Participation API)
  • Ship unified touch adjustment
  • Ship Motion Sensors (based on Generic Sensor API)
  • Ship Web Authentication API (with FIDO U2F support)
  • Ship TransformStream constructor
  • Ship CSS conic-gradient() function
  • Ship customized built-in elements
  • Implement and ship CSP navigate-to directive
  • Ship HTTP Accept-CH-Lifetime response header
  • Implement CSS Shadow Parts (::part() and ::theme() pseudo-elements)
  • Experiment AudioWorklet

February 2018

  • Implement CSS :focus-visible pseudo-class
  • Ship Media Capabilities API (getting information about decoding capabilities)
  • Ship <slot> elements in the flat tree
  • Implement WebSockets over HTTP/2
  • Implement srcset and imgsizes attributes on <link rel="preload" as="image"> elements
  • Ship modulepreload link relation
  • Experiment CSS Animation Worklet API
  • Ship AudioWorklet
  • Ship HTML inputmode attribute
  • Experiment Web Locks API
  • Implement and ship: Expand list of properties that can apply to CSS ::first-letter pseudo-elements
  • Ship Payment Handler API
  • Implement constructable style sheet objects (CSSStyleSheet constructor)
  • Implement CSS :is() pseudo-class

January 2018

December 2017

  • Ship CSS display: contents value
  • Implement CSS :matches() pseudo-class
  • Implement and ship Feature Policy accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer features
  • Implement and ship Abortable fetch (AbortController and AbortSignal)
  • Implement unified touch adjustment
  • Ship Feature Policy autoplay feature
  • Ship CSS :any-link pseudo-class
  • Ship TLS 1.3 draft-22 in 1-RTT mode
  • Ship <img decoding> attribute
  • Ship Network Information saveData property

November 2017

October 2017

  • Ship HTML <iframe delegatestickyuseractivation> attibute
  • Ship CSS transform-box property
  • Ship CSS text-decoration-skip-ink property (and remove text-decoration-skip: ink value)
  • Implement stylable <slot> elements (assigned nodes inherit style)
  • Implement Fetch API keepalive option
  • Implement Web Lifecycle
  • Implement Network Information saveData property
  • Implement <img async> attribute
  • Implement and ship CSP 'unsafe-hashed-attributes' source expression

September 2017

  • Ship Resize Observer API
  • Implement and ship <textarea autocomplete> and <select autocomplete> attributes
  • Implement CSS overflow-wrap: break-spaces value
  • Ship JavaScript import() syntax for dynamic imports
  • Implement Gesture Delegation (HTMLIframeElement allowedActivationDelegation property)
  • Implement trusted types for DOM manipulation
  • Implement PauseFrame API
  • Ship “Send mouse events (excluding click) to disabled form controls”
  • Implement and ship MediaStreamTrack applyConstraints method
  • Experiment Media Capabilities API
  • Ship CSS Paint API
  • Implement CSS Animation Worklet API
  • Ship Intl NumberFormat formatToParts method
  • Implement revised WebVR API
  • Ship Promise finally method
  • Ship CSS scroll-boundary-behavior property
  • Ship Keyboard Lock API (navigator.requestKeyboardLock method)
  • Implement options argument for Element focus method

August 2017

July 2017

  • Ship s flag for JavaScript regular expressions
  • Implement performance.timeOrigin property
  • Ship HTMLImageElement decode method
  • Ship HTTP Device-Memory header
  • Ship HTTP Expect-CT header
  • Implement JavaScript import() syntax for dynamic imports

June 2017

May 2017

April 2017

  • Implement HTTP Device-Ram header and navigator.deviceRam API
  • Ship Web Payment Manifest
  • Ship Navigation Preload for Service Worker
  • Implement Memory Pressure API
  • Implement and ship CSS scroll-behavior property and behavior option for scroll APIs (enables smooth scrolling)
  • Ship Budget API reserve method
  • Experiment Budget API getCost and getBudget methods

March 2017

February 2017

  • Ship animations/transitions on the CSS offset-path property
  • Implement and ship “Temporarily stop permission requests after 3 dismissals”
  • Implement and ship HTMLMediaElement controlsList property (for customizing native media controls)
  • Implement and ship CSS Box Alignment place-* (shorthand) properties
  • Ship allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation keyword for <iframe sandbox>
  • Ship IndexedDB 2.0 APIs
  • Implement HTML inert attribute
  • Implement Media Capabilities API (getting information about decoding capabilities)
  • Implement and ship “Pause <video muted autoplay> when invisible (on Android)
  • Implement and ship global origin property (self.origin)
  • Implement and ship construcing workers with data: URLs
  • Implement HTTP Network-RTT and Network-BW headers (Network Information API extension)
  • Ship Long Task API

January 2017

December 2016

November 2016

October 2016

September 2016

  • Ship CSP violation event disposition property
  • Experiment Long Task API
  • Implement CSS overscroll-action property
  • Ship pinch-zoom value for CSS touch-action property
  • Implement Content Security Policy: Embedded Enforcement
  • Experiment MediaStream Image Capture
  • Ship MediaStream constructor
  • Implement and ship CSS text-decoration-skip property (and default to ink value)
  • Ship Pointer Events
  • Ship ECMAScript async functions
  • Implement and ship constructible document with new Document()
  • Experiment WebVR
  • Ship MediaDevices devicechange event
  • Ship CSS hyphens property
  • Implement “Process continuous events just before requestAnimationFrame occurs”
  • Implement Shape Detection API
  • Implement AudioWorklets for Web Audio API

August 2016

July 2016

  • Ship ParentNode/ChildNode prepend/append/before/after/replaceWith methods
  • Ship pan-up/pan-down/pan-left/pan-right values for CSS touch-action property (follow up)
  • Implement and ship “Allow web pages to request fullscreen while an orientation change event handler is running”
  • Implement and ship Node.getRootNode method (was Node.rootNode)
  • Implement Content Size Policy
  • Implement and ship Gamepad API extensions (touched and pose properties)
  • Ship BroadcastChannel API
  • Implement CSP require-sri-for directive
  • Implement and ship Push API PushSubscription.options property
  • Implement "auxclick" event type (non-primary button click)
  • Implement and ship “Block navigator.vibrate in cross-origin iframes”
  • Ship pan-up/pan-down/pan-left/pan-right values for CSS touch-action property

June 2016

  • Ship PaymentRequest API
  • Implement and ship "install" event for Web App Manifest
  • Implement and ship timer throttling for hidden, cross-origin frames
  • Implement Feature Policy
  • Implement and ship CSS the text-size-adjust property
  • Ship Shadow DOM v1
  • Ship Media Capture from <audio>/<video> (“WebRTC streaming of prerecorded content”)
  • Implement Web Share API
  • Implement Referrer-Policy HTTP header
  • Ship “Do not perform default action on un-trusted events”
  • Implement “Web Audio requires user gesture on Android”
  • Implement and ship “Autoplay muted videos on Android” (<video autoplay muted>)
  • Implement and ship Resource Timing transferSize/encodedBodySize/decodedBodySize properties
  • Implement “Block cross-origin scripts inserted via document.write” (for users on slow connections)
  • Implement Media Capture Depth Stream Extensions (media stream from depth camera)

May 2016

  • Ship HTTP Alternative Services
  • Implement and ship “External stylesheets in <body> do not block paint”
  • Implement and ship CSS nav-up, nav-down, nav-left, nav-right properties
  • Implement and ship “Apply u flag to <input pattern> attribute”
  • Implement and ship allow-presentation token for <iframe sandbox> attribute
  • Implement Resize Observer API
  • Ship “Specifying a ReadableStream response body in the Response constructor”
  • Implement permission delegation for <iframe>s
  • Ship (read-only) action/vibrate attributes on Notification instances
  • Ship “Do not perform default action on untrusted events”
  • Implement ECMAScript async functions (async and await)
  • Implement IndexedDB Observers
  • Ship 8 and 4-digit hex color notation (#RRGGBBAA and #RGBA)
  • Deprecate and remove requestAutocomplete method
  • Implement and ship CSS font-variant-numeric property
  • Experiment durable storage ( and .persisted methods)
  • Ship Performance Observer API

April 2016

March 2016

  • Implement and ship Fetch API Request.referrerPolicy property
  • Ship DOM KeyboardEvent.key property
  • Implement multiple audio and video tracks
  • Ship SameSite attribute for cookies
  • Implement inline replies in web notifications
  • Implement Visual Viewport API
  • Implement and ship notification badges
  • Implement multiple image definitions for notifications
  • Implement HTMLMediaElement.srcObject for MediaStreams
  • Ship iterable array-like interfaces
  • Ship Intersection Observer
  • Implement and ship “Disallow and document.write during unload”
  • Implement “Fire "visibilitychange" event on document unloading”
  • Implement <script type="module">
  • Ship DOM .rootNode property
  • Implement and ship “Correct handling of percentages in children of flex items”
  • Implement CORS restrictions on internet-to-intranet connections

February 2016

January 2016

  • Implement and ship "notificationclose" event
  • Ship "preload" link relationship
  • Implement CSS Paint API
  • Ship Brotli (Accept-encoding: br on HTTPS connection)
  • Ship Unprefixed CSS Multi-column Layout
  • Ship ImageBitmap and createImageBitmap method
  • Implement Media Capture from HTMLMediaElement
  • Implement and ship CSS column-fill property
  • Implement and ship FetchEvent.clientId and Clients.get(id) for Service Worker
  • Implement EventListenerOptions.passive
  • Ship “Modify {add,remove}EventListener to accept EventListenerOptions
  • Ship Canvas Hit Regions

December 2015

November 2015

October 2015

  • Ship notification action buttons
  • Implement and ship "navigate" mode in fetch requests
  • Ship Audio Output Devices API
  • Implement CSS Typed OM
  • Implement “modify addEventListener to accept EventListenerOptions
  • Ship WindowClient.navigate method for service workers

September 2015


September 2024

August 2024

  • Ship altitude and azimuth angles for Pointer Events
  • Ship WebCodecs
  • Prototype View Transitions for single-page apps
  • Prototype Network Error Logging

July 2024

  • Prototype CSS stretch keyword (and -webkit-fill-available alias)
  • Implement HTMLVideoElement requestVideoFrameCallback method

June 2024

May 2024

  • Prototype and ship (non-standard) CSS -webkit-font-smoothing property
  • Ship CSS Properties and Values API (incl. @property)
  • Prototype Partitioned attribute for cookies (CHIPS)
  • Prototype bounce tracking nitigations
  • Prototype CSS Anchor Positioning

April 2024

  • Ship Async Clipboard API read and write methods
  • Prototype CSS @starting-style rule
  • Prototype CSS @scope rule
  • Prototype CSS margin at-rules (such as @top-left)
  • Prototype CSS Relative Color Syntax (from keyword)
  • Ship CSS zoom property and Element currentCSSZoom property
  • Prototype legacy textInput event

March 2024

  • Prototype Close Watchers
  • Prototype and ship URL.parse static method
  • Ship custom state pseudo-class (CustomStateSet interface)
  • Prototype Selection direction property and getComposedRanges method, and selections across shadow boundaries
  • Prototype element reflection for ARIA relationship attributes (ARIAMixin interface)
  • Ship Clipboard readText method
  • Ship color interpretation mode in CSS gradients

February 2024

January 2024

  • Ship Link headers with rel=preload or rel=modulepreload in HTTP Early Hints responses
  • Ship: Fire pointer events on disabled form elements
  • Prototype Observable
  • Ship Screen Wake Lock API
  • Ship Declarative Shadow DOM
  • Prototype and ship CSS content-visibility property

December 2023

  • Prototype and ship CSS xywh() and rect() basic shapes
  • Ship CSS offset-position and offset-path properties
  • Ship content-box and stroke-box values for CSS transform-box property

November 2023

  • Ship HTML popover attribute
  • Preview Declarative ShadowDOM
  • Ship Cache API in Private Browsing Mode
  • Prototype and ship <hr> elements inside <select> elements
  • Prototype Invokers
  • Prototype ._internals.states property for exposing custom element states (CustomStateSet)

October 2023

September 2023

August 2023

July 2023

  • Prototype CSS text-transform: math-auto keyword
  • Ship CSS math-style and math-depth properties, and font-size: math keyword
  • Prototype CSS Custom Highlight API

June 2023

May 2023

  • Ship CSS animation-composition property
  • Ship IndexedDB API in Private Browsing Mode
  • Ship modulepreload link relation
  • Ship Module Workers
  • Prototype and ship HTML dirname attribute (submitting element directionality)
  • Ship conditional @import supports() rules
  • Ship CSS NaN/infinity in calc()

April 2023

March 2023

February 2023

  • Prototype Screen Orientation lock method on Android and Windows tablet

January 2023

December 2022

November 2022

October 2022

  • Ship CSS trigonometric functions and constants
  • Ship width and height attributes for HTML <source> elements
  • Ship CSP script-src-elem, script-src-attr, style-src-elem, style-src-attr directives
  • Prototype CSS font-variant-emoji property
  • Ship Import Maps
  • Prototype Audio Output Devices API
  • Prototype and ship CSS font-palette property and @font-palette-values at-rule

September 2022

  • Ship CSS contain-intrinsic-size property and its longhands
  • Prototype default accessibility semantics for custom elements via the ElementInternals object
  • Ship COLRv1 fonts

August 2022

July 2022

June 2022

  • Ship Transferable Streams
  • Ship CSS scroll-snap-stop property
  • Prototype CSS linear() easing function

May 2022

  • Ship CSS constructable stylesheets
  • Prototype Transferable Streams
  • Ship TransformStream and ReadableStream pipeThrough method

April 2022

  • Ship CSS small (sv*), large (lv*), dynamic (dv*), and logical (vi, vb) viewport units
  • Ship CSS prefers-contrast media feature
  • Prototype and ship HTMLInputElement showPicker method
  • Prototype TransformStream and ReadableStream pipeThrough method
  • Prototype Largest Contentful Paint
  • Prototype Import Maps

March 2022

  • Prototype CSS content-visibility: hidden value

January 2022

  • Ship Readable Streams (new implementation)
  • Ship relaxed cache re-validation on a soft reload (don’t re-validate subresources)
  • Ship CSS hyphenate-character property
  • Ship form-associated custom elements
  • Ship HTML <dialog> element

December 2021

  • Ship CSS scrollbar-gutter property
  • Prototype CSS hyphenate-character property
  • Ship CSS d property
  • Prototype OffscreenCanvas interface
  • Ship SameSite=Lax cookie attribute by default

November 2021

  • Prototype and ship CSS hwb() function (HWB Colors)
  • Ship Web Locks API
  • Ship reversed() functional notation for the CSS counter-reset property

October 2021

September 2021

August 2021

  • Ship "HTTPS" DNS resource record (HTTPS RR)
  • Prototype Web Locks API
  • Prototype and ship reportError function
  • Ship avoid-page and avoid-column values for CSS break-inside property
  • Prototype and ship CSS system-ui generic font family name
  • Ship disabledFeatures static method for custom element classes

July 2021

  • Prototype and ship CSS accent-color property
  • Ship assign method for <slot> element
  • Ship CSS size-adjust descriptor and extended syntax of the font-size-adjust property

June 2021

  • Ship CSS font-synthesis: small-caps value
  • Ship CSS content: none on elements
  • Ship CSS content: none on ::marker pseudo-elements
  • Ship CSS tab-size property
  • Ship Implicit Pointer Capture

May 2021

  • Ship Visual Viewport API on desktop platforms
  • Ship HTTP Ship Sec-Fetch-* headers (Fetch Metadata Request Headers)
  • Prototype CSS d property on SVG <path> elements
  • Prototype JPEG XL image format (limited support)

April 2021

  • Prototype and ship relaxed cache re-validation on soft reload
  • Prototype and ship EXIF image density correction
  • Ship CSS ascent-override, descent-override, and line-gap-override font descriptors
  • Ship CSS forced-colors media feature (née prefers-contrast)

March 2021

  • Prototype and ship inferred aspect-ratio from width/height attributes for <video>, <canvas> and <input type=image>
  • Prototype CSS ascent-override, descent-override, and line-gap-override font descriptors
  • Prototype CSS glyph-scale-factor/size-adjust descriptor
  • Ship AbortSignal.abort() for creating an aborted AbortSignal
  • Ship AV1 Image File Format (AVIF)
  • Ship CSS aspect-ratio property
  • Prototype CSS fit-content() function

February 2021

January 2021

  • Ship beforeinput event and its getTargetRanges method
  • Ship CSS :autofill pseudo-class

December 2020

  • Ship Network Partitioning (incl. storage and HTTP cache partitioning)
  • Ship strict-origin-when-cross-origin as default referrer policy
  • Prototype CSS :autofill pseudo-class
  • Unship <menu type=context>, <menuitem>, and contextMenu property (HTML context menus)
  • Prototype and ship signal option for addEventListener method (AbortSignal)

November 2020

October 2020

  • Prototype and ship localhost addresses as secure contexts (“potentially trustworthy”)
  • Ship CSS conic-gradient() notation

September 2020

  • Ship Media Session API
  • Prototype CSS math-style property
  • Ship beforeinput event and its getTargetRanges method
  • Prototype better error recovery for CSS :is() and :where() pseudo-classes
  • Prototype TLS Encrypted Client Hello
  • Prototype HTML autocapitalize attribute
  • Ship allow-downloads keyword for the <iframe sandbox> attribute
  • Ship CSS ::file-selector-button pseudo-element

August 2020

  • Ship selectionchange event for <input> and <textarea> elements
  • Prototype WebXR Layers
  • Ship Redirect Tracking Protection

July 2020

  • Ship CSS overflow: clip value
  • Unship CSS ::-moz-focus-outer pseudo-element
  • Ship composite modes for animations
  • Prototype Payment Handler API
  • Prototype Sanitizer API
  • Ship CSS appearance property (unprefixed)
  • Prototype CSS cross-fade() function
  • Prototype CSS prefers-contrast media feature
  • Prototype unprefixed CSS appearance property

June 2020

May 2020

April 2020

March 2020

  • Prototype and ship “Defer <script defer> execution until all script-blocking stylesheets are loaded”
  • Unship FTP protocol
  • Ship getAnimations method for the Element and Document interfaces

February 2020

  • Prototype and ship ARIA suggestion, mark, and comment roles and aria-description attribute (ARIA annotations)
  • Prototype CSS :focus-visible pseudo-class
  • Prototype and ship CSS min(), max(), and clamp() functions
  • Implement CSS conic-gradient() notation
  • Prototype and ship <img loading> attribute (for lazy-loading images)
  • Ship submit event (contains submitter property)
  • Ship <form> requestSubmit method

January 2020

  • Prototype masonry layout in CSS Grid
  • Ship CSS outline-style: auto value
  • Implement AVIF image format (based on the AV1 video codec)
  • Ship HTTP Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy header
  • Prototype beforeinput event
  • Ship CSS text-underline-position property

December 2019

November 2019

  • Prototype delegated permissions for third-party iframes via the allow attribute
  • Ship CSS Shadow Parts
  • Ship CSS translate, scale, and rotate properties (individual transforms)
  • Ship CSS Motion Paths
  • Ship user interaction requirement for notification permission prompts

October 2019

  • Ship CSS subgrid layout
  • Experiment heading level based on outline depth
  • Ship CSS column-span property
  • Experiment Web Speech API
  • Experiment Web Share Target
  • Ship: Infer aspect-ratio from image width/height attributes

September 2019

  • Ship CSS text-decoration-skip-ink, text-decoration-thickness, and text-underline-offset properties
  • Ship event-based form participation (incl. formdata event)
  • Ship X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff for navigations

August 2019

  • Ship CSS clip-path: path() values
  • Implement double-keyed HTTP cache
  • Ship multi-keyword values for the CSS display property
  • Ship inline list-item and inline flow-root list-item values for the CSS display property
  • Ship block ruby value for the CSS display property
  • Ship CSS font-size: xxx-large value
  • Implement CSS text-decoration-skip-ink property

July 2019

June 2019

May 2019

  • Implement and ship queueMicrotask function
  • Implement changes to cookies (add SameSite=Lax by default, require Secure for SameSite=None)
  • Implement CSS line-break property
  • Ship Visual Viewport API on Android

April 2019

March 2019

February 2019

January 2019

December 2018

November 2018

October 2018

September 2018

August 2018

July 2018

  • Implement and ship <img decoding> attribute
  • Implement and ship CSS prefers-reduced-motion media feature (on Windows and macOS)
  • Ship HTTP Clear-Site-Data header
  • Ship Web Animations API (core interfaces)
  • Implement CSS scrollbar-face-color and scrollbar-track-color properties

June 2018

  • Ship DOM Element toggleAttribute method
  • Ship range context for CSS media queries (with limitations)
  • Ship Storage API on Android (persist and estimate methods)
  • Implement HTTP Clear-Site-Data header
  • Ship CSS shape-outside property

May 2018

  • Ship speech synthesis on Android (part of Web Speech API)
  • Implement and ship import.meta meta property in module scripts
  • Ship Media Capabilities API
  • Implement Async Clipboard API
  • Implement AudioWorklet interface (Web Audio API)
  • Ship Event srcElement property (alias of target property)

April 2018

  • Ship Server Timing
  • Implement application/javascript+binast (JavaScript Binary AST content encoding)
  • Ship CSS overflow shorthand (accepts two values)
  • Implement CSS subgrid layout (prototype)
  • Implement and ship SameSite attribute for cookies

March 2018

  • Ship OpenType variable fonts

February 2018

  • Ship module scripts (<script type="module">)
  • Implement and ship navigator.webdriver (Boolean) property
  • Ship CSS paint-order property for HTML text

January 2018

  • Ship CSS overscroll-behavior property

December 2017

  • Implement CSS paint-order property for HTML text
  • Remove Ambient Light and Proximity Sensor APIs
  • Implement CSS translate, scale, and rotate properties (individual transforms)
  • Ship Web Authentication API (initially for FIDO U2F tokens)

November 2017

October 2017

  • Implement CSS overscroll-behavior property
  • Ship Pointer Events on desktop
  • Unship preload link relation (temporary)
  • Ship "navigation" performance entry (replacement for navigation.timing)
  • Ship “throttle timeouts in background tabs”
  • Implement and ship Resource Timing workerStart property
  • Implement CSS interaction media features (pointer, hover, any-pointer, any-hover)
  • Ship <a ping> attribute

September 2017

  • Ship WebVR on macOS
  • Ship Performance Observer API

August 2017

  • Ship Abort API (AbortController)
  • Ship CSS font-display descriptor

July 2017

  • Ship preload link relation

May 2017

  • Ship HTTP SourceMap response header

March 2017

  • Implement CSS line-height-step property
  • Implement and ship CSS ::cue pseudo-element
  • Implement ScrollTimeline API (for creating scroll-linked animations)
  • Ship Intersection Observer
  • Ship CSS frames() timing function
  • Ship CSS text-justify property
  • Ship CSS transform-box property
  • Ship WebVR (on Windows)

February 2017

January 2017

  • Ship new syntax of CSS color functions (e.g. rgb(0 0 0 / 100%))
  • Implement and ship HTTP Large-Allocation header (non-standard)
  • Implement module scripts (<script type="module">)
  • Experiment CSS Houdini Paint API Level 1

December 2016

November 2016

October 2016

  • Implement and ship transitionrun, transitionstart, and transitioncancel events
  • Ship TLS 1.3 (draft 16)
  • Implement CSS shape-outside property
  • Ship Selection API events (selectionstart, selectionchange)
  • Ship CSS touch-action property (only Level 1 values)

September 2016

August 2016

July 2016

  • Implement and ship forEach method on NodeList and DOMTokenList
  • Ship Blink’s Entries API (webkitGetAsEntry method) incl. file input webkitdirectory attribute
  • Ship (unprefixed) CSS :any-link pseudo-class
  • Implement MediaDevices devicechange event
  • Implement and ship MediaStreamTrack getConstraints and getSettings methods
  • Implement CSS Properties and Values API
  • Implement and ship once option for addEventListener method
  • Implement and ship __Secure-/__Host- cookie prefixes
  • Ship CSS touch-action property
  • Implement and ship “Force flattening of transform-style: preserve-3d when opacity is applied”

June 2016

May 2016

April 2016

  • Ship Speech Synthesis API
  • Implement and ship "noopener" link relation
  • Ship “Restrict geolocation.watchPosition to secure contexts”
  • Ship basic shapes (polygon et al) for CSS clip-path property
  • Implement requestIdleCallback function
  • Ship Element.animate method
  • Ship ParentNode prepend, append, before, after, replaceWith methods
  • Ship document.scrollingElement property
  • Ship “Treat cookies set over non-secure HTTP as session cookies”
  • Ship HTML <details> and <summary> elements
  • Implement and ship CSS -webkit-text-stroke property

March 2016

February 2016

January 2016

December 2015

November 2015

October 2015


A weekly selection of the relevant Chromium and Firefox intents







No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 4
