Python tools for astro-photography. Strongly tailored to my personal hardware setup.
- Python 3.6+
- numpy and Pillow for image processing
- skimage, simple-pid and PySerial for tracking and motor control
- matplotlib and influxdb for analytics
- image calibration CLI tools (specifically solve-field)
- astropy for FITS files
Dockerization is planned and will happen on a cloudy day.
This is a web application with a rich set of features for controlling a telescope and capturing image data. It is built with Flask and React and is best run on a desktop machine.
Notable features and integrations:
- Images are captured via INDI
- Mount is controlled via serial port (interfaces with Arduino to control stepper motors)
- Current celestial coordinates are computed using the Astrometry CLI
- An SQLite database is used to store a target catalog (e.g. NGC objects)
- Guiding is done via a control loop featuring a PID controller for each axis
The HTI is ever-evolving, and may not be very useful to others as a whole just yet.
Performs image calibration and computation of metrics such as brightness and sharpness. Data is written to disk and InfluxDB.
Stacks a series of images into a single image. Notable features:
- Image alignment
- Darkframe correction
- Flatframe correction
- Filter shaky frames
- Auto-crop most exposed region
- Gamma correction
- RGB, Greyscale or R/G/B