This is Windwlaker Framework starter package.
$ php composer.phar create-project windwalker/starter windwalker ~2.0
Open http://{Your project root}/www
, you will see the sample page.
Open http://{Your project root}/www/dev.php
, you will enter the development mode.
Copy etc/secret.dist.yml
to etc/secret.yml
and fill database information.
Type this command in your terminal:
php bin/console
You will see console usage:
Windwalker Console - version: 2.0
[console Help]
The default application command
console <command> [option]
-h | --help Display this help message.
-q | --quiet Do not output any message.
-v | --verbose Increase the verbosity of messages.
--ansi Set 'off' to suppress ANSI colors on unsupported terminals.
migration Database migration system.
seed The data seeder help you create fake data.
build Some useful tools for building system.
Welcome to Windwalker Console.
php bin/console migration status
php bin/console migration migrate
Please see README in every Windwalker packages first.