This is snake game with Tkinter in python!
in this game you can do create accounts, save scores, personalize, etc. individually from other accounts
you can play in 3 level, it's up to you 🙂
Please communicate with us & share your experiences, ideas and whatever else you have
- The energy is required for moving the snake
- Save the scores for each level & user individually
- Database is located at a secure place & also is unique (no matter where you run the game, always uses the same database)
- All the passwords are saved as hash
- Separate frames for login & game
- A variety of tables
- my scores
- best scores
- records
- Manageable accounts
- change username/password
- reset all scores
- delete account entirely
- Personalize your accounts
- snake head/body color
- background color
- peewee
pip install peewee
- tksheet
pip install tksheet
- sina_programer in telegram (when texting, please mention that you are coming from GitHub)
- Python Mini Projects (a lot of thrilling stuff)