php >=7.1
composer install singlewallet/singlewallet-php-sdk
$singeWallet = new SingleWallet($apiKey,
$endpoint = null /*default mainnet endpoint*/,
$timeout = null /*default is 5 seconds*/
$wallet = $singeWallet->createWallet('tron', 'user #1534 wallet');
$invoiceRequest = (new Invoice())
->setOrderName('Order Name Here') // required
->setOrderNumber("#54321") // optional, default = null
->setDescription("Order Description") // optional, default = null
->setAmount(5) // required, min=3
->setCurrencyCode('GBP') // optional, default = USD
->setLanguage('en') // optional, default = en
->setTtl(15) // optional, default = 15, min = 15, max = 10080
->setCallbackUrl("") // optional, default is project callback url
->setCancelUrl("") // optional, default is project cancel url
->setRedirectUrl("") // optional, default is project redirect url
->setCustomerEmail("") // optional
->setPayload("this can hold anything to be sent with webhook"); // optional
$invoice = $singlewallet->createInvoice($invoiceRequest);
if($singeWallet->isValidAddress('tron', 'TR7NHqjeKQxGTCi8q8ZY4pL8otSzgjLj6t')){
// valid
// invalid
$signature = $_SERVER['HTTP_sw-signature'];
$payload = file_get_contents('php://input');
if($singeWallet->isValidPayload($payload, $signature)){
// valid
// invalid
$singeWallet->createWallet(string $network_code, string $label = null) : CreateWalletResponse;
$singeWallet->isValidPayload(string $payload, string $signature) : bool;
$singeWallet->isValidAddress(string $network_code, string $address) : bool;
$singlewallet->getAccountInfo() : AccountInformationResponse; // Basic account information
$singlewallet->getNetworkList() : NetworkResponse[]; // List of all available networks
$singlewallet->getWalletInfo(string $walletId_or_walletAddress) : WalletInformationResponse; // Get wallet information
$singlewallet->withdraw(string $network_code, string $address, float $amount) : WithdrawResponse; // Withdraw from your balance
$singlewallet->walletDeposits(string $walletId_or_walletAddress) : TransactionResponse[]; // Get list with last 1000 deposits to the selected wallet
$singlewallet->getTransaction(string $id) : TransactionResponse; // Get transaction details by id
$singlewallet->createInvoice(Invoice $invoice) : NewInvoiceResponse;
$singlewallet->cancelInvoice(string $invoiceId) : boolean; // Cancel invoice
$singlewallet->getInvoice(string $invoiceId) : InvoiceResponse; // Get invoice details
$singlewallet->getFiatCurrencies() : FiatCurrenciesResponse[]; // Get fiat currencies list
$singlewallet->getLanguageList() : LanguageResponse[]; // Get supported languages list