A Revolt.chat API bot wrapper
This wrapper is a WIP. Pyre is a fast and stable-ish wrapper for revolt.
I want to achieve a wrapper that will be stable, easy to use and understand.
What works?
- Caching and cache management of servers, users, members, roles, channels
- Raw methods for interacting with the API I deemed neccessary
- Recieving events from the API
- Sending messages, embeds, uploading to the API
- Basic Command system
What needs to be done?
- Adding methods to models
- Proper rate limiting and rate limit prevention
- Documentation
- Extension system
- Improvements, making stuff more efficient
- More stuff, idk...
Example usage:
Python 3.10+ needed.
import pyre.models as models
from pyre import PyreClient
import os
bot = PyreClient(os.getenv('token'), ["!", "+"])
async def on_ready():
print(f'{bot.user.username} fed to the Pyre!')
latency = await bot.latency() * 1000
print(f"Bot's latency: {latency:.0f}ms")
@bot.listen() # you can create listeners by writing the event name as the function name
async def message_create(message: models.Message):
if message.content == '+ina' and message.author.bot is False:
embed = models.Embed()
embed.title = "INA"
embed.icon_url = "https://media.tenor.com/images/3b4e1e628bb5778cc1b27b66a3f6b5d3/tenor.gif"
embed.media = 'tenor-3608348314.gif'
embed.description = "INA"
embed.colour = "#6d5f7b"
await message.channel.send(embed=embed)
@bot.listen(models.MessageUpdate) # or you can specify which event to listen to by providing the appropriate model - and have any function name (the preferred method)
async def udpate_message(message: models.MessageUpdate):
async def memupd(event: models.ServerRoleCreate):
async def repeat(ctx: models.CommandContext, text:str):
await ctx.reply(text)