Frinfon - minimal sinatra
# app.psgi
use Frinfon;
get '/' => sub ($c) {
$c.render-text("hello world\n");
get '/:user' => sub ($c) {
my $user = $c.captured<user>;
$c.render-json: { message => "hello $user!" };
# terminal
> crustup app.psgi
Frinfon is a minimal sinatra, a well-known ruby web application framework. You may write a simple web application with Frinfon quickly.
More useful sinatra (or Kossy?) coming soon!
I thought perl6 did not have perl5's import
method. It's wrong! perl6 has EXPORT subroutine!
Shoichi Kaji
Copyright 2015 Shoichi Kaji
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.