- gcc
- nasm
- sdl
- make
To install:
- Download or clone the repo
to the repo directory- Build:
for 64-bit versionmake out32
for 32-bit version
- Run
(for 64-bit and 32-bit respectively)
Using parameters passed to the program you can set width and height of the window, depth of the Mandelbrot set, output mode (if you want program to print some info to the console).
Say you want the window size to be 1280x720 with initial depth at 100 iterations and with output mode turned on.
./out 1280 720 100 1
There are some hotkeys programmed:
- wasd or arrows moving
- i increasing depth, o for decreasing
- m ',' zooming out, '/' '.' for zooming in
- b go to the starting point
- esc quit the program
- t write actual bitmap to the file
Program can produce images like this one in bmp format.