A command line application that counts the number of lines of code for each function in a C programming language source file. Useful for estimating
The source is written in portable C, and compiles and runs on on DOS, iRMX, Linux (GCC), and Windows (Borland, MinGW).
C:\code\fcloc>fcloc fcloc.c
Program Function Function Total
Name Name LOC LOC
============ ================================ ======== ========
main 284
create_list_element 9
add_element 12
delete_elements 10
print_functions_wks 31
print_functions 55
last_element 12
open_input_file 8
check_token 23
check_for_function 100
function_name_compare 19
keyword_compare 13
keyword_print 19
open_debug_file 17
debug_file_date 13
Interpret_Arguments 48
Usage 36
TOTAL 17 709 1116
============ ================================ ======== ========
Physical LOC 1285
Comment LOC 478