- esbuild-plugin-alias supports paths resolution for esm exploded builds.
- esbuild only natively supports paths resolution for bundling scenario.
- esm exploded minified builds are usefull for creating shareable components for both node and browser projects.
- single location to configure path aliases for both intellisene and bundling using (t|s)config.json
- configure the source and destination path in (t|s)config.json
- (t|s)config.json are config files using by mscode.
- mscode supports configuring intellisene aliaes using (t|s)config.json, which helps navigating a project.
- unfortunately (t|s)config.json aliases are not natively used when bundling.
npm install -D git@github.com:skedee/esbuild-plugin-alias.git
"compilerOptions": {
"paths": {
"@xyz/*": [ "xyz/*" ],
"@zzz/*": [ "zzz/*" ],
"@styles/*": [ "styles/*" ],
"@/*": [ "*" ]
import esbuild from 'esbuild'
import esbuildPluginAlias from 'esbuild-plugin-alias';
entryPoints: ['....'],
bundle: false,
minify: true,
sourcemap: true, // helpful for debugging
target: ['chrome108', 'firefox113'],
platform: 'browser',
allowOverwrite: true,
jsx: 'automatic',
outdir: 'dist',
plugins: [
esbuildPluginAlias({outDir: 'dist'}),
.catch((error) => {
import { abc } from '@xyz';
import { log } from '@zzz/app';
@import '@styles/index.css';
ul {