Run python --timit=./TIMIT --preprocessed=False
to compute the features and store them in a folder.
This script also converts the NIST "SPHERE" file format to WAVE PCM format.
If you have already converted the files, set --preprocessed=True
to skip the conversion process.
- Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC) tutorial :
- TIMIT related documents:
- Implementation references:
- Code to read files and compute MFCC features
- Computing MFCC for time slices given in .PHN files
- Dumping computed features to a folder
- Dumping phone-wise features to a folder
- GMM training
- GMM model dumping
- GMM evaluation
- PER computation
- Implement and run and
- Please feel free to modify any part of the code to implement the solution