Fast asynchronous web-crawler based on Tornado framework.
Tested on:
- MacOSX
- Debian-based Linux.
- Unix
- Python >= 3.5
- Redis server
To install required Python packages, run from the project root:
$ python install develop
Linux installation may require additional steps for building pycurl with SSL support. If so, you may find more convenient to install the dependencies before running :
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
If it fails at some stage because of a missing system package, install the system package manually with your standard package manager (apt, yum, etc.), then repeat the above command.
To run all the unit tests:
$ python -m unittest discover tests/ -p test_*.py
Default configuration file is named default.conf. To override any of its predefined settings, put desired key/value pair to local.conf or provide an alternative via command-line option. The rule is simple:
- Options from local.conf override those from default.conf.
- Options from command line override those from both the configuration files.
To see all available command-line options, run:
See also the detailed options description.
$ torspider --help
To provide initial URLs, edit seeds.conf file. If you do not provide any seeds, the program will be able only to continue previous session. If there were no previous sessions, or you start torspider with --clear-tasks option, there won't be any tasks for workers.
plugins.json file contains list of available plugins. To disable a plugin,
set its enabled
property to false. config hash contains plugin-specific configuration data.
$ torspider
With extra logging:
$ torspider --logging=debug
With 50 asynchronous workers:
$ torspider --workers=50
To stop after passing 5000 pages:
$ torspider --max-pages=5000
To clear all data from previous session:
$ torspider --clear-tasks
The program is pluggable. Briefly speaking, its primary responsibility is to traverse the network following a set of rules. How to use the results is entirely up to plugins. In one scenario each page must be parsed and saved to a database. Another scenario requires extracting some special information from the page, such as stock prices.
See Wiki article.
- More entry points for plugins, e.g. let them control where to go from a page.
- More configurable settings, at the first place: request headers.
- Black list of domains / addresses.
- Pauses between succedent request to the same domain.
- Additional content types.
- Monitoring tools.
- Sphinx-compatiable documentation.