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An upgradeable ERC-721 smart contract for minting and managing AI agent NFTs with enhanced functionalities.

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ERC721AI Project


The ERC721AI project is an upgradeable smart contract implementation for ERC-721 tokens with extended functionalities. This contract allows for the creation, management, and transfer of AI agent NFTs. It utilizes OpenZeppelin's upgradeable contracts to ensure upgradability and security.

Deployment Details

The ERC721AI contract has been successfully deployed to the sepolia network. Below are the details of the deployment:

  • Deployer Account: 0x6fd6E5fCfB4f526AeC218079aDeC118a7F3A6540
  • Contract Address: 0xCD2187Ddc853ea10358Eba78c4d1DF2a80Dfb7c3
  • Transaction Link: View on Sepolia Scan

The contract is now live and can be interacted with on the Sepolia test network.

Contract Description

ERC721AI Contract

The ERC721AI contract extends OpenZeppelin's ERC721URIStorageUpgradeable, OwnableUpgradeable, and ReentrancyGuardUpgradeable contracts. It allows for:

  • Minting AI Agent NFTs: Create new NFTs with specific metadata including name, description, image, capabilities, and version.
  • Metadata Management: Update the metadata of existing NFTs.
  • Transfer of Ownership: Transfer the ownership of NFTs to different addresses.
  • Burning NFTs: Permanently destroy NFTs when no longer needed.

Contract Functions

  • mintAI: Mint a new AI agent NFT with provided metadata.
  • updateMetadata: Update the metadata of an existing NFT.
  • transferPosition: Transfer the ownership of an NFT.
  • burn: Destroy an NFT.
  • generateTokenURI: Generate the URI for token metadata.

Public and External Functions


  • Visibility: external
  • Function: Allows the owner to mint a new AI agent NFT.
  • Parameters:
    • _name: Name of the AI agent.
    • _description: Description of the AI agent.
    • _image: URL to an image representing the AI agent.
    • _capabilities: List of skills or functions the AI agent can perform.
    • _version: Current version of the AI agent.
  • Returns: tokenId - The ID of the newly minted NFT.
  • Modifiers: onlyOwner, nonReentrant
  • Events: MetadataUpdated


  • Visibility: public
  • Function: Retrieves metadata for a specific token ID.
  • Parameters:
    • tokenId: The ID of the NFT to query.
  • Returns: Metadata - The metadata associated with the specified token ID.
  • Modifiers: None


  • Visibility: external
  • Function: Allows the owner to transfer the NFT to another address.
  • Parameters:
    • tokenId: The ID of the NFT to transfer.
    • to: Address of the recipient.
  • Modifiers: nonReentrant
  • Events: PositionTransferred


  • Visibility: external
  • Function: Allows the owner to update the metadata of an existing NFT.
  • Parameters:
    • tokenId: The ID of the NFT to update.
    • _description: Updated description of the AI agent.
    • _image: Updated URL to an image representing the AI agent.
    • _capabilities: Updated list of skills or functions the AI agent can perform.
    • _version: Updated version of the AI agent.
  • Modifiers: nonReentrant
  • Events: MetadataUpdated


  • Visibility: external
  • Function: Allows the owner to destroy the NFT.
  • Parameters:
    • tokenId: The ID of the NFT to burn.
  • Modifiers: nonReentrant
  • Events: Transfer (from owner to address(0))


  • Visibility: internal
  • Function: Generates a token URI pointing to the metadata JSON file.
  • Parameters:
    • tokenId: The ID of the NFT.
  • Returns: string - URI string representing the token metadata.
  • Modifiers: None


  • Visibility: internal
  • Function: Converts a uint256 to a string.
  • Parameters:
    • _i: The integer to convert.
  • Returns: string - The resulting string.
  • Modifiers: None

Testing Scripts

The testing scripts validate the functionality and security of the ERC721AI contract. Below is an overview of what is tested:


  • Test Objective: Ensure the contract is deployed with the correct name and symbol.
  • Details: Verifies that the contract's name and symbol match the expected values.


  • Test Objective: Validate that new NFTs can be minted properly.
  • Details: Checks if the minting function correctly creates a new NFT and sets its metadata. The test confirms that the token URI reflects the provided metadata.

Metadata Update

  • Test Objective: Ensure that the NFT metadata can be updated.
  • Details: Tests updating the metadata of an existing NFT and verifies that the changes are correctly reflected in the token URI.

Ownership Transfer

  • Test Objective: Verify that ownership of an NFT can be transferred.
  • Details: Ensures that an NFT's ownership can be transferred from one account to another and confirms that the new owner is correctly assigned.


  • Test Objective: Confirm that an NFT can be burned (destroyed).
  • Details: Tests the burning functionality and ensures that querying ownership of a burned token reverts with the appropriate error.


npx hardhat clean
npx hardhat compile
npx hardhat test


  ✔ should have the correct owner
    ✔ Should mint a new AI agent NFT
    ✔ Should transfer an existing AI agent NFT
    ✔ Should update the metadata of an existing AI agent NFT
OldData Result(7) [
  'AI Agent 3',
  'Description of AI Agent 3',
  Result(3) [ 'skill1', 'skill2', 'skill3' ],
    ✔ Should burn an existing AI agent NFT

|      Solc version: 0.8.20       ·  Optimizer enabled: false  ·  Runs: 200  ·  Block limit: 30000000 gas  │
|  Methods                                                                                                 │
|  Contract  ·  Method            ·  Min         ·  Max        ·  Avg        ·  # calls      ·  usd (avg)  │
|  ERC721AI  ·  burn              ·           -  ·          -  ·      94060  ·            2  ·          -  │
|  ERC721AI  ·  mintAI            ·      388458  ·     413391  ·     393445  ·            5  ·          -  │
|  ERC721AI  ·  transferPosition  ·           -  ·          -  ·      65127  ·            2  ·          -  │
|  ERC721AI  ·  updateMetadata    ·           -  ·          -  ·     136010  ·            2  ·          -  │
|  Deployments                    ·                                          ·  % of limit   ·             │
|  ERC721AI                       ·           -  ·          -  ·    4490423  ·         15 %  ·          -  │

  5 passing (944ms)


To deploy the ERC721AI contract, you can use the provided deployment script. This script deploys the contract using an upgradeable proxy setup. Ensure you have Hardhat and OpenZeppelin's upgrades package installed.

Deploy Commands:

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts --network sepolia

Deployment Script

import { ethers } from "ethers";
import hre from 'hardhat';
import { upgrades } from "hardhat";

async function main() {
  // Get the ContractFactory and Signers here.
  const ERC721AI = await hre.ethers.getContractFactory("ERC721AI");
  const [deployer] = await hre.ethers.getSigners();

  console.log("Deploying contracts with the account:", deployer.address);

  // Deploy the contract
  const ERC721AI = await upgrades.deployProxy(ERC721AI, [], {
    initializer: 'initialize',
  console.log("ERC721AI deployed to:",  await ERC721AI.getAddress());

  // Wait for deployment to be mined
  await ERC721AI.deployed();
  console.log("ERC721AI successfully deployed!");

// Run the script
  .then(() => process.exit(0))
  .catch((error) => {
    console.error("Error during deployment:", error);

Upgrade Scripts

Upgrading the ERC721AI contract involves deploying a new implementation while preserving the state of the existing proxy. The upgrade process is outlined below:

Upgrade Process

  1. Script Overview: The upgrade script uses Hardhat to deploy a new implementation of the ERC721AI contract to an existing proxy.
  2. Procedure:
    • Get Signer: Identifies the deployer account.
    • Get ContractFactory: Retrieves the factory for the new implementation of ERC721AI.
    • Upgrade Proxy: Upgrades the proxy to point to the new implementation.
    • Logging: Outputs the address of the upgraded contract and confirms successful deployment.

Client Scripts

The client script is used to upload metadata for NFTs to IPFS using the NFT.Storage service. Here’s how it works:

Client Script Overview

  1. Setup:
    • NFT.Storage Initialization: Uses an API key to interact with the NFT.Storage service.
    • Upload Metadata: Converts metadata into JSON format and uploads it as a file to IPFS.
  2. Metadata Details:
    • Name: Name of the AI agent.
    • Description: Description of the AI agent.
    • Image: URL to an image representing the AI agent.
    • Capabilities: List of skills or functions the AI agent can perform.
    • Version: Current version of the AI agent.
    • Timestamps: Creation and update times.

PS: For Client Script, there will many changes to the code, and it wouldn't be exactly the same as before , according to the DOC - we can add this approach in another contract


An upgradeable ERC-721 smart contract for minting and managing AI agent NFTs with enhanced functionalities.






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