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Forward Ports Over Skywire

Moses Narrow edited this page Jan 25, 2023 · 1 revision

Forward Ports Over Skywire

skywire-cli fwd

To forward ports over skywire, register the port via the CLI


CLI can be used if you do not want to make any changes to the code of the http server or if it is written in another language.

  • Register skywire-cli fwd -p <local-port> Register a local port to be accessed by remote visors

  • deregister skywire-cli fwd -d <local-port> Deregister a local port to be accessed by remote visors

  • ls-ports skywire-cli fwd -l List all registered ports


RPC can be used for integration with applications to register and deregister within the http server code so that the process is automatic. First create a RPC client conn to the local visor

func client() (visor.API, error) {
	const rpcDialTimeout = time.Second * 5
	conn, err := net.DialTimeout("tcp", "localhost:3435", rpcDialTimeout)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	logger := logging.MustGetLogger("api")
	return visor.NewRPCClient(logger, conn, visor.RPCPrefix, 0), nil

And then use the created RPC conn to register and deregister the server

err = rpcClient.RegisterHTTPPort(port)
err = rpcClient.DeregisterHTTPPort(port)


Connect to the forwarded server

Connect to a server forwarded by a remote visor.


  • connect skywire-cli rev <remote-pk> -p <local-port> -r <remote-port> Connect to a server running on a remote visor machine. The http server is proxied to the specified local port.

  • disconnect skywire-cli rev -d <id> Disconnect from the server running on a remote visor machine

  • ls skywire-cli rev -l List all configured connections

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