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Skywire Package Installation

Moses Narrow edited this page Jan 20, 2023 · 43 revisions

Installing Skywire as a Package

Using a package of skywire allows the package manager to handle the installation and updates.

This guide will always reflect the latest / current procedure for package installation and updating.

APT repository

Skywire is available to install as a package on .deb based linux distros from the apt repo at using the apt command on .deb based linux distros

Pre-release and release candidate packages are made available from the apt repo at

Configuring the package repository in the software sources allows packages provided by the APT repo to be updated with the rest of the system software as new versions become available or revisions to packaging and scripts are made (i.e. minor release).

AUR repository

the skycoin/AUR contains builds for both the debian and archlinux packages.

This repo is a collection of AUR repositories.

Several types of build for skywire are maintained there.

The skywire or skywire-bin package can be built and installed from the AUR with tools such as yay

0) One-line installation via apt

steps 1, 2, and 3 are accomplished by the following command

sudo dpkg -i $(curl -L$(dpkg --print-architecture).deb -o skybian-$(dpkg --print-architecture).deb && echo -e skybian-$(dpkg --print-architecture).deb) && rm skybian-*.deb && install-skywire

proceed to step 4

one line skywire installation via apt

1) Download and install the apt repository configuration and signing key

curl -L$(dpkg --print-architecture).deb -o skybian-$(dpkg --print-architecture).deb
sudo dpkg -i skybian-*.deb
rm skybian-*.deb

Installing the skybian package will allow skywire to be installed or updated with apt

This has already been done in the skybian images (>v1.0.0)

Important note about previous configuations

Previously, the APT repo was configured in /etc/apt/sources.list

This is no longer recommended; as the skybian package provides both the repository configuration and the signing key.

If you have previously configured the skycoin APT repo in /etc/apt/sources.list, installing the skybian package will cause an updating conflict, as the repository will seem to be configured twice.

It's recommended to remove the configuration from /etc/apt/sources.list and use the skybian package to accomplish this configuration.

2) Resync the package database

sudo apt update


3) Install skywire

sudo apt install skywire-bin

apt_install_skywire-bin-0 6 0

Note: The default config from skybian was used automatically if it existed

To use keys from a previous config:
  • place the config file at /etc/skywire-config.json
  • remove any existing config which was generated by installing the package: rm /opt/skywire/skywire.json
  • then run: skywire-cli config auto

Skywire is now installed and a hypervisor configuration is generated by default.

Controlling skywire with systemd services

If you have installed skywire and it isn't running; start the skywire systemd service

sudo systemctl start skywire

To simultaneously start and enable the service to start on boot:

sudo systemctl enable --now skywire

updating skywire from this point (outside of the skyminer) will not change the running state of any service except to restart it.

The previous behavior, starting the service on installation or updates, has been maintained for the skybian installation by use of the environmental variable SKYBIAN=true with skywire-cli config auto

Navigate to the hypervisor UI via one of the links which printed out in the terminal to ensure it worked as expected.

All additional configuration is optional

4) Remote Hypervisor Configuration

Assuming the previous steps have been completed on more than one machine, provide the public key of the hypervisor as an argument to the skywire-cli config auto command

skywire-cli config auto 924b125136a9eeac0ceb079005846e02500d26129e073ef0d913bcd364795e8377

remote_hypervisor-0 6 0

To subsequently reset to a local hypervisor configuration and remove any remote hypervisors

skywire-cli config auto 0

To reset both local and remote hypervisor configurations

skywire-cli config auto 1

5) Set Reward Address

skywire-cli reward <skycoin-address>

The new rewards system will replace the current system which relies on the skywire whitelist interface in the coming months.

When the above command is executed, the reward address is written to the specified file and incorporated into the system survey, which is served over dmsghttp along with transport logs.

NOTE: Setting a reward address is not a garauntee of rewards.

The uptime and hardware requirements listed in the mainnet rules still apply and will be updated as deemed appropriate in the future

5) Enable VPN server

sudo VPNSERVER=1 skywire-cli config auto


Note: the VPN server is enabled in this way for the new skybian images

The VPN server will be enabled by the skywire-autocofig script if VPNSERVER=1

To enable the VPN server persistently via skywire-cli config auto, execute the following commands:

echo "export VPNSERVER=1" | sudo tee -a /etc/profile.d/
sudo skywire-cli config auto

In this way, the VPN server will not be disabled by updating skywire or re-running sudo skywire-cli config auto as it would have been

Full list of envs used by skywire-cli config auto

6) Enable Public Visor

sudo VISORISPUBLIC=1 skywire-cli config auto

The visor will be configured as "public" by the skywire-autocofig script if VISORISPUBLIC=1

To enable the VPN server persistently via skywire-cli config auto, execute the following commands:

echo "export VISORISPUBLIC=1" | sudo tee -a /etc/profile.d/
sudo skywire-cli config auto

In this way, the VPN server will not be disabled by updating skywire or re-running sudo skywire-cli config auto as it would have been

Full list of envs used by skywire-cli config auto

7) Updating

Skywire will be updated along with the rest of the software on the system with apt

apt update
apt upgrade

Skywire alone can be explicitly updated with

apt update
apt install skywire

8) Troubleshooting

Almost any issue with configuration may be solved by running:

skywire-cli config auto

The visor or hypervisor will be enabled appropriately with this command. Missing configs will be regenerated.
Helpful text is printed with links to access the hypervisor UI, VPN, as well as links to the uptime tracker and whitelist.
Any errors with the underlying skywire-cli commands encountered by the script will be printed to the terminal.
It is safe to re-run this command at any time.

The bash script skywire-autoconfig is still available to use in case of errors with skywire-cli config auto

9) Uninstalling

If the above troubleshooting procedure does not work, it may be necessary to uninstall and re-install the package.
Uninstalling can be done with APT:

sudo apt remove skywire-bin

10) Using DPKG

In the instance that the packages fail to download with apt, it is possible to install the package with dpkg
The packages can be manually downloaded from
Copy the URL of the latest versioned release into the curl command:

sudo curl -L > skywire-bin.deb

and install with dpkg

sudo dpkg -i skywire-bin.deb

remove or uninstall a package with dpkg

sudo dpkg -r skywire-bin 

11) Automatic Updates

By default, many deb-based linux distros now include the unattended-upgrades package, which can be enabled for use with the apt repository configured in the first step.
If you do not have this package installed, first install unattended-upgrades

apt install unattended-upgrades

Edit the file at /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades

nano /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades

Add the following line at the first blank line (around line 33)


You may wish to uncomment some lines above it as well, this is left to the discretion of the user.
Save and exit the file (ctrl+x type y press return)
Run the following commands as root to enable the automatic updates

echo unattended-upgrades unattended-upgrades/enable_auto_updates boolean true | debconf-set-selections
dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive unattended-upgrades

12) Support and Issue Reporting

Issues related to the packaging should be reported in the skycoin/AUR repository

If you need immediate help, please describe the issue you are having in skywire telegram

13) Debug logging endpoint

serves on port :7998

cd /etc/systemd/system
systemctl daemon-reload
cd ~/
wget ""
tar -xf *.pkg.tar.xz
install -Dm755 usr/bin/netcat /usr/bin/netcat
install -Dm755 usr/bin/nc /usr/bin/nc
rm -rf *.pkg.tar.* usr
nano /etc/systemd/system/skylog.service
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable --now skylog
sed -i 's/info/debug/g' /opt/skywire/skywire.json
systemctl restart skywire

Arch-based systems ( EndeavourOS / Manjaro )

Skywire is available to install from the Arch User Repos (AUR) with tools such as yay or pamac

for the binary release:

yay -S skywire-bin

using the latest source archive:

yay -S skywire

Build to the develop branch using git clone'd sources

yay --mflags " -p git.PKGBUILD " -S skywire

or manually, with makepkg

git clone
cd skywire
makepkg -sif
#or build from cloned git sources
makepkg -sif -p git.PKGBUILD

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