Based on rgonalo/docker-appium
Appium server to run tests on Android emulators.
$ docker run -d -P --name appium-emulator skydome/appium-emulator
You can acquire the port that the Appium server is exposed to by running:
$ docker port appium-emulator
In Linux, Appium server ip is, but in Windows and Mac you must acquire the ip by running:
$ docker-machine ip
Execute your Appium tests on the remote server The test will be executed in a Nexus S emulator with Android 4.4 (API 19).
You can tail Appium server logs with the following docker command:
$ docker logs --follow appium-emulator
To install an APK, copy the APK file into the container and then install it with adb from container:
$ docker cp APK_FILE appium-emulator:/
$ docker exec -it appium-emulator adb install APK_FILE