- Ionic3 + Angular 4
- This app assumes you are always online.
- User signup and user login
- Conversation list
- Send text messages
- Send image from gallery
- Send audio
- Push notification
To test the app:
ionic serve
Run on iOS Simulator
ionic cordova build ios
ionic cordova run ios
Run on Android Simulator
ionic cordova build android
ionic cordova run android
To enable Push, please set up FCM and APN in Push Settings on Skygear portal.
*You will need to build on Android / iOS Device to try out Push notification feature.
ionic cordova run android --device
ionic cordova run ios --device
You may login the app with the following sample users:
- id: "ten" pw: "123456" (buyer)
- id: "franco" pw: "123456" (buyer)
- id: "peter" pw: "peter" (seller)
*Only buyers and sellers can talk with each other in this sample app.