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Core functions

Tim Poulsen edited this page Feb 24, 2019 · 2 revisions

Robovision's core provides functions for image acquisition, adjustment, and overlays.



rv.get_video_stream — returns a VideoStream instance that you can use to access live streaming video from a web cam, IP camera, Raspberry Pi camera, or Jetson development board embedded camera.


rv.resize — Resize an image proportionally (preserves aspect ratio).

rv.resize_raw — Resize an image without regard to aspect ratio.


rv.adjust_brightness — Increase/decrease image brightness.

rv.adjust_contrast — Increase/decrease image Increase/decrease image brightness.

rv.adjust_brightness_contrast — Increase/decrease both image brightness and contrast.

rv.equalize — Performs the CLAHE equalization function on an image to adjust/improve contrast.


rv.detect_edges — Create an edge-detected version of an image using the Canny algorithm.


rv.load_camera_params — Loads camera/lens parameters (determined by for use for flatten() operations.

rv.flatten — Removes camera/lens distortions based on the parameters determined with


rv.draw_arrow — Draw an arrow pointing in any of the four cardinal directions.

rv.draw_border — Draw a colored border around the outside edges of the image.

rv.draw_crosshairs — Draw crosshairs centered on the image.

rv.draw_text — Draw short bits of text on the image.