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Terraform module to setup logging in AWS


This modules allows to setup cloudtrail passing an existing s3 bucket


  • [bucket_name]: String(required): the name of the cloudtrail bucket
  • [project]: String(required): Project name to use
  • [environment]: String(required): Environment to deploy on
  • [include_global_service_events]: Boolean(optional): Specifies whether the trail is publishing events from global services such as IAM to the log files. (default: true)
  • [is_multi_region_trail]: Boolean(optional): Specifies whether the trail is created in the current region or in all regions. (default: true)




module "cloudtrail" {
  source                   = ""
  bucket_name              = "test-cloudtrail-log"
  project                  = "${var.project}"
  environment              = "${var.environment}"


Terraform module to setup the cloudtrail s3 bucket and enable cloudtrail


  • [project]: String(required): Project name to use
  • [environment]: String(required): Environment to deploy on
  • [include_global_service_events]: Boolean(optional): Specifies whether the trail is publishing events from global services such as IAM to the log files. (default: true)
  • [expired_object_delete_marker]: String(optional) On a versioned bucket (versioning-enabled or versioning-suspended bucket), you can add this element in the lifecycle configuration to direct Amazon S3 to delete expired object delete markers. (default: false)
  • [is_multi_region_trail]: Boolean(optional): Specifies whether the trail is created in the current region or in all regions. (default: true)




module "cloudtrail-s3" {
  source                   = ""
  lifecycle_expire_enabled = true
  lifecycle_expire_days    = "365"
  project                  = "${var.project}"
  environment              = "${var.environment}"


Module to ship AWS Cloudwatch logs to AWS Elasticsearch. This assumes that your AWS Elasticsearch is running inside a VPC and your Lambda will be deployed inside that VPC. The needed IAM rights + securitygroups and rules are created. To make this work, you need to choose a subnet that has access to the AWS elasticsearch service.


  • [elasticsearch_sg_id]: String(required): Security group ID of the AWS elasticsearch service.
  • [elasticsearch_dns]: String(required): Elasticsearch DNS hostname
  • [environment]: String(required): the name of the environment these subnets belong to (prod,stag,dev)
  • [subnet_ids]: List(required): Subnet IDs you want to deploy the lambda in
  • [log_group_name]: String(required): Cloudwatch logs loggroup name to use
  • [aws_account_id]: String(optional): Your AWS account ID. Default to your current AWS account
  • [aws_region]: String(optional): AWS region where you have your AWS cloudwtach loggroup deployed in. Defaults to your current region
  • [retention_in_days]: Int(optional): How many days the lambda logs are kept. Defaults to 30 days


module "cwlogs-to-es" {
  source               = ""
  elasticsearch_sg_id  ="sg-224234c"
  elasticsearch_dns    = "${module.logs.endpoint}"
  environment          = "${terraform.workspace}"
  subnet_ids           = "${data.terraform_remote_state.static.private_db_subnets}"
  log_group_name       = "kubernetes"