The CorsServiceProvider provides CORS support as middleware for your silex application. CORS allows you to make AJAX requests across domains. CORS uses OPTIONS requests to make preflight requests. Because silex doesn't have functionality for serving OPTIONS request by default, this service goes through all of your routes and generates the necessary OPTIONS routes.
Install the silex-cors-provider using composer. This project uses sematic versioning.
composer require jdesrosiers/silex-cors-provider "~1.0"
- cors.allowOrigin: (string) Space separated set of allowed domains (wildcards allowed e.g. * Defaults to all.
- cors.allowMethods: (string) Comma separated set of allowed HTTP methods. Defaults to all.
- cors.allowHeaders: (string) Comma separated set of allowed HTTP request headers. Defaults to all.
- cors.maxAge: (int) The number of seconds a CORS pre-flight response can be cached. Defaults to 0.
- cors.allowCredentials: (boolean) Are cookies allowed? Defaults to false.
- cors.exposeHeaders: (string) Comma separated set of headers that are safe to expose. Defaults to none. This should not include the six simple response headers which are always exposed:
- cors: A function that can be added as after middleware to the Application, a ControllerCollection, or a Controller.
- cors-enabled: Pass this function an Application, ControllerCollection, or a Controller and it will enable CORS
support for any controller that object includes. Optionally, you can pass an array of options as a second parameter.
The options you can pass are the same as the
parameters without thecors.
part. This is useful of you need different configuration for different routes.
$app->register(new JDesrosiers\Silex\Provider\CorsServiceProvider(), [
"cors.allowOrigin" => "",
Add CORS functionality to the entire application.
$app->get("/foo/{id}", function ($id) { /* ... */ });
$app->post("/foo/", function () { /* ... */ });
Add CORS functionality to a controller collection.
$foo = $app["controllers_factory"];
$foo->get("/{id}", function () { /* ... */ });
$foo->post("/", function () { /* ... */ });
$app->mount("/foo", $app["cors-enabled"]($foo));
$app->get("/bar/{id}", function ($id) { /* ... */ }); // Not CORS enabled
Add CORS functionality to a controller.
$controller = $app->get("/foo/{id}", function ($id) { /* ... */ });
$app->post("/foo/", function () { /* ... */ }); // Not CORS enabled