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revert command name typo #12

revert command name typo

revert command name typo #12

Workflow file for this run

name: Release
tags: ["v[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+"]
branches: [master]
name: Build and publish tagged release
if: startsWith( github.ref, 'refs/tags/v')
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
timeout-minutes: 10
- name: OS Packages
run: |
sudo apt-get update --fix-missing && sudo apt-get -y install \
git build-essential zlib1g zlib1g-dev wget zip unzip \
mingw-w64 binutils-mingw-w64 g++-mingw-w64 gcc-multilib jq
- name: Minisign
run: |
MINISIGN_TMP=`mktemp -d`
tar xvf minisign-linux-amd64.tar.gz
mv ./minisign ~/minisign
touch ~/minisign.key && chmod 600 ~/minisign.key
echo -e "${{ secrets.MINISIGN_PRIVATE_KEY }}" > ~/minisign.key
ls -l ~/
realpath ~/
- name: Check out code
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Git Fetch Tags
run: git fetch --prune --unshallow --tags -f
- name: Packages Setup
run: |
mkdir packages
- name: ProcessDestroy
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ ProcessDestroy Remote
- name: ProcessListHandles
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ ProcessListHandles Remote
- name: adcs_request
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ adcs_request Remote
- name: adduser
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ adduser Remote
- name: addusertogroup
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ addusertogroup Remote
- name: chromeKey
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ chromeKey Remote
- name: enableuser
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ enableuser Remote
- name: lastpass
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ lastpass Remote
- name: office_tokens
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ office_tokens Remote
- name: procdump
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ procdump Remote
- name: reg_delete
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ reg_delete Remote
- name: reg_save
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ reg_save Remote
- name: reg_set
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ reg_set Remote
- name: sc_config
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ sc_config Remote
- name: sc_create
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ sc_create Remote
- name: sc_delete
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ sc_delete Remote
- name: sc_description
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ sc_description Remote
- name: sc_start
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ sc_start Remote
- name: sc_stop
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ sc_stop Remote
- name: schtaskscreate
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ schtaskscreate Remote
- name: schtasksdelete
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ schtasksdelete Remote
- name: schtasksrun
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ schtasksrun Remote
- name: schtasksstop
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ schtasksstop Remote
- name: setuserpass
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ setuserpass Remote
- name: shspawnas
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ shspawnas Remote
- name: suspendresume
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ suspendresume Remote
- name: unexpireuser
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ unexpireuser Remote
- name: get_priv
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ get_priv Remote
- name: ghost_task
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ ghost_task Remote
- name: sc_failure
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ sc_failure Remote
- name: slack_cookie
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ slack_cookie Remote
- name: clipboard
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ clipboard Injection
- name: conhost
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ conhost Injection
- name: createremotethread
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ createremotethread Injection
- name: ctray
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ ctray Injection
- name: dde
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ dde Injection
- name: kernelcallbacktable
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ kernelcallbacktable Injection
- name: ntcreatethread
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ ntcreatethread Injection
- name: ntqueueapcthread
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ ntqueueapcthread Injection
- name: setthreadcontext
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ setthreadcontext Injection
- name: svcctrl
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ svcctrl Injection
- name: tooltip
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ tooltip Injection
- name: uxsubclassinfo
run: |
chmod +x ./
./ uxsubclassinfo Injection
- name: "Publish Release"
uses: "marvinpinto/action-automatic-releases@latest"
repo_token: "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}"
prerelease: false
files: |