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Go Platform: linux-64 Docker image


MOCK Service for testings http clients.

It work as service that allows to start/handle/stop the handlers for handling request to several different external services. Each handler works on its own port, has individual configuration and can:

  • record forwarded requests&responses
  • replay recorded responses
  • passthrough some requests as just proxy (without recording it)
  • work as an recorded responses re-player (all unknown requests will return HTTP 404 status code).

The configuration of handlers can be changed via http requests to management service port. Handlers also can be deactivated (stopped) and activated (started).

Each handler can handle simple requests (with compression of the response body when it allowed into to request header) and request with multiple response parts (with Transfer-Encoding: chunked in the response header).

get docker image

docker pull

Configuration of container can be done via environment variables MANAGEMENT_HOST, MANAGEMENT_PORT and MANAGEMENT_DATA (see configuration for details). You can also use dockerCompose.yml to start the configured container.

get executable binary

curl -sL > http-mock
chmod a+x http-mock

or clone/download this repository source and build it by


executed from the repo folder. You need Golang v.1.20 or higher to build the binary. Also the uses upx utility to compact the binary but You may skip this step by commenting or removing the line with upc call.



It will start management service with default configuration on localhost:8080 and with _storage as handlers config storage path.


Command line options can be used to set configuration values or to get help/version for http-mock. It is help output:

http-mock is proxy/mock service v. master-xxxxxxxx

  http-mock [flags]

http-mock --port 8080 --host localhost

Values for --port, --host, --data can be also set via environment variables MANAGEMENT_PORT, MANAGEMENT_HOST and MANAGEMENT_DATA.

  -d, --data string   path for configs storage (default "_storage")
  -h, --help          help for http-mock
  -s, --host string   host to start service (default "localhost")
  -p, --port int      port to start service (default 8080)
  -v, --version       version for http-mock

management service API

health check

  • request
    • Method: GET
    • URL: /
  • request example curl "http://localhost:8080"
  • response
    • Code 200: with the service version string

new handler

  • request
  • request example curl "http://localhost:8080" -d '{"id":"my_handler","status":"active","port":8090}'
  • response
    • Code 200: json with a new handler id looking like: {"id":"my_handler","status":"active","port":8090}. When provided handler config contains "status":"active" then handler will be started.
    • Code 400: means that the provided config couldn't be parsed, the body contain the config parsing error

start handler

  • request
    • Method: GET
    • URL: /start?id=<handler id>
  • request example curl "http://localhost:8080/start?id=my_handler"
  • response
    • Code 200: without body means that the handler was successfully started
    • Code 420: means that provided handler id was not found, the body contain the error description
    • Code 500: means that the starting of the handler have been failed, the body contain the error description

stop handler

  • request
    • Method: GET
    • URL: /stop?id=<handler id>
  • request example curl "http://localhost:8080/stop?id=my_handler"
  • response
    • Code 200: without body means that the handler was successfully stopped
    • Code 420: means that provided handler id was not found, the body contain the error description
    • Code 500: means that the stopping of the handler have been failed, the body contain the error description

get list of handlers IDs

  • request
    • Method: GET
    • URL: /list
  • request example curl "http://localhost:8080/list"
  • response
    • Code 200: json list with handlers IDs and current statuses.

get handler config

  • request
    • Method: GET
    • URL: /config?id=<handler id>
  • request example curl "http://localhost:8080/config?id=my_handler"
  • response
    • Code 200: with body containing the handler config
    • Code 420: means that provided handler id was not found, the body contain the error description

set handler config

  • request
    • Method: POST
    • URL: /config?id=<handler id>
    • Body: json with the handler config
  • request example curl "http://localhost:8080/config?id=my_handler" -d '{"id":"my_handler","status":"active","port":8090}'
  • response
    • Code 200: without body means that the handler config was successfully stored
    • Code 420: means that provided handler id was not found, the body contain the error description
    • Code 400: means that the provided config couldn't be parsed, the body contain the error description

The changed value of host and/or port will restart active handler. The value of "status" is also will affect the handler activity status: value "active" will try to run or keep handler running, while value "inactive"(or empty value) will stop or keep handler stopped.

delete config

  • request
    • Method: DELETE
    • URL: /config?id=<handler id>
  • request example curl -X DELETE "http://localhost:8080/config?id=my_handler"
  • response
    • Code 200: without body means that the handler config was successfully deleted
    • Code 420: means that provided handler id was not found, the body contain the error description

If handler was active (started) then before deletion it will be stopped. Note that all handler data will be lost.

get single response from handler config

  • request
    • Method: GET
    • URL: /response?id=<handler id>&resp-id=<response id>
  • request example curl "http://localhost:8080/response?id=my_handler&resp-id=3A4CAD37B2985E4D47EC61D00A2241E3997C1AEAB9A37299217004892FEE7A3E"
  • response
    • Code 200: with body containing the requested response
    • Code 400: means that provided response id was not found, the body contain the error description
    • Code 420: means that provided handler id was not found, the body contain the error description

set single response from handler config

  • request
    • Method: POST
    • URL: /response?id=<handler id>
    • Body: json with the response to store in the handler config.
  • request example curl "http://localhost:8080/response?id=my_handler" -d '{"url":"/some","code":200,"response":[{"data":"ok"}]}'

When fields url and body in the provided response are matching with fields url and body in the one of existing response, then that response will be overwritten. If the provided response contains id the response with the same id will be deleted before storing new one. When there no response with id in the provided response or when id is not provided then the provided response will be written as new one.

  • response
    • Code 200: without body means that the response was successfully stored
    • Code 400: means that provided response id was not found, the body contain the error description
    • Code 420: means that provided handler id was not found, the body contain the error description

delete single response from handler config

  • request
    • Method: DELETE
    • URL: /response?id=<handler id>&resp-id=<response id>
  • response
    • Code 200: without body means that the response was successfully deleted
    • Code 400: means that provided response id was not found, the body contain the error description
    • Code 420: means that provided handler id was not found, the body contain the error description
  • request example curl -X DELETE "http://localhost:8080/?id=my_handler&resp-id=3A4CAD37B2985E4D47EC61D00A2241E3997C1AEAB9A37299217004892FEE7A3E"

dump all handlers configs to local folder

  • request
    • Method: GET
    • URL: /dump-configs
  • response
    • Code 200: without body means that all handler configs were successfully stored to local folder
  • request example curl "http://localhost:8080/dump-configs"

load handlers configs from local folder

  • request
    • Method: GET
    • URL: /load-configs
  • response
    • Code 200: without body means that the handler configs were successfully loaded from local folder
  • request example curl "http://localhost:8080/load-configs"

handler config

The handler config is provided into JSON object with the following parameters (attributes):

mandatory parameters:

  • port - port to start handler

optional parameters:

  • host - host to start handler, by default it is "".
  • id - any unique ID that may be provided in handler creation or while updating config. If it is not provided it is automatically created as random 16 HEX symbols. Once handler id is set all the communication with handler is performed by this id.
  • status - current handler status active - for handler that is started and inactive when handler is not started. It is possible to start and stop handler by changing this config parameter via set handler config. When a new handler created with "status": "active" then it will be automatically started.
  • forward-url - where to forward requests incoming requests. If it not provided the handler can only respond on known requests.
  • passthrough-re - regexp that used to pass through requests (without recording). This regexp have to match to the request url joined with the request body. By default it is regexp ^$ that match only empty value. The passthrough mode requires forward-url to be set.
  • url-re - regexp that is applied to the request url. It can be used to specify the key part into the request url. By default it is ^.*$ that match to whole URL with parameters.
  • url-ex-re - regexp for parts that have to be excluded form the request url that passed through url-re regexp. All non-overlapping parts which match this regexp will be submitted to empty string. Default: ^$ that match only empty value and it removes nothing from the request url.
  • body-re - the regexp for request body filtering. It can be used to specify the key part into the request body. By default it is "^.*$" that match whole body.
  • body-ex-re - regexp for parts that have to be excluded form the request body that passed through body-re regexp. All non-overlapping parts which match this regexp will be submitted on empty string. Default: ^$ that match only empty value and it removes nothing from the request body.
  • responses - the array with recorded responses.


Each recorded response has following attributes:

  • id - hex representation of SHA256 hash over the request's url and body (first passed through url-re and body-re filters then filtered bu url-ex-re and body-ex-re). When the response is changed (via set single response from handler config or set handler config) and the values of url or/and body are changed it will change the id. Previous id will be deleted in case of change in values of url or/and body.
  • url - original request url with parameters.
  • body - original request body as string.
  • code - the HTTP status code of response.
  • headers - headers that have to be send with the response. By default the only very common heder items (like Date and e.t.c) will be sent.
  • response - list of response chunks. For simple response it contain one chunk. Several chunks mean that response is in chunked mode.

When response contains more than one chunk the response header will contain Transfer-Encoding: chunked even if it is non set into headers. The Content-Length will not be send into headed in this case.

If response contains only one chunk and Transfer-Encoding: chunked is set into headers then it will be ignored (will not be send in response). The Content-Length will be set into the response headers with actual length of transferred data regardless of value set for this key into headers in configuration of the response.

A good idea is: never use Transfer-Encoding: chunked and Content-Length into headers.


Each element of response list may contain:

  • data - chunk data as string
  • delay - number of milliseconds to wait before sending the chunk data to requester. It is ignored for only one chunk (simple) response.

The chunk with data and without delay will be send immediately. Chunk without data but with non-zero value of delay will just add waiting before processing next chunk without sending anything to requester. When delays into replayed response from http-mock is not important then it can be removed from the stored response data.

Config example:


When the handler handles new request the url of request and its body is used to make the response id. If that id exists among the responses then the recorded response is used as response on the request. When ID is not exists then that request is forwarded to the external service using forward-url but if forward-url is not set than HTTP 404 is returned. When forward-url is set then the request is forwarded and the received response will be replayed as request response and it will be stored into responses. When the request match the passthrough-re then the forwarded request response is not stored.