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Web service that guides the user through the consent process of the MyScience App.


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Smart4Health Data-provision Consent Service


European Flag

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 826117.


This service takes care of guiding the citizen through the consent process in the Smart4Health MyScience App. The consent resources are pulled as an external configuration from dataprovision-consent-resources.


  • api - bootstrapping logic to start the actual API server
  • signing - service to manipulate and sign PDFs using PDFBox
  • signing-javascript - frontend code for the signing flow
  • persistence - persistence layer
  • consent - service to generate frontend informed consent flows based on configuration files hosted remotely
  • consent-javascript - frontend code for the consent flow
  • commons - shared backend code

Local deployment

Without any set spring profile the service will use an in-memory database and local static resources for the consent and signings. See consent/src/main/consents signing/src/main/signings

These consents do not reflect the application's behavior as it would on the deployed services. Consider providing them as external resource as well. To do this, use profile local-repositories:

SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=local-repositories ./gradlew bootRun

To get rid of the in-memory DB and use postgres, also use profile postgres and run DB locally

Persistence on local postgres db

To set up the local postgres database, start up a postgres container with

docker run --rm -it --name postgres \
  -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password \
  -e POSTGRES_USER=username \
  -e POSTGRES_DB=dynamic-consent \
  -p 5432:5432 postgres

Remember to use additional run profile postgres.

Consent frontend via test-server

The consent frontend was typically run within the context of a mobile application, and used to require an emulator to use the full flow. The test-server folder is a simple server that mimics the functionality of the mobile apps so that the flow is fully testable within the browser (that is, moving between consent and signing).

To run it, navigate to the test-server folder and run:

npm install
npm start

The server will listen on port 4444.

Consent / Signing resources


The consent and signing resources are being fetched remotely and can be changed in the application.yaml at remote-consent.sources.smart4health and remote-signing.sources.smart4health



In case you want to use custom external resources served locally:

  1. clone the respective repo dataprovision-consent-resources
  2. use serve or an equivalent tool to host the static content locally at a custom port
  3. adapt host in application.yaml at local-repositories profile settings


There are three kinds of secrets engines used within this service depending on their projects use, as well as a mock variant. Their usage is mutually exclusive and is enabled by using the spring profile:

  • secrets-aws (AWS Secrets Manager): Used for S4H development instances hosted on AWS
  • secrets-vault (HashiCorp Vault): Used for S4H production instance hosted on OpenStack
  • none: If none of these are desired (default spring profile), the com.healthmetrix.dynamicconsent.commons.MockSecrets can be used for local development.

Hashicorp Vault local deployment

To run Vault locally and let consent use approle authentication using sample secrets, proceed the following:

  1. Start Vault dev server locally (dev mode skips unsealing and some defaults):
docker run --rm -p 8200:8200 --cap-add=IPC_LOCK --name=vault-dev -e 'VAULT_DEV_ROOT_TOKEN_ID=root' vault
  1. Run this custom set up script for the initial token, policies, roles and secrets. Also starts the service which will use the initial token to renew the approle lease every 20 seconds and using full pull mode to fetch the role-id and secret-id:
SPRING_CLOUD_VAULT_TOKEN=$(sh | tail -1) SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=secrets-vault ./gradlew bootRun


Adding a new PDF

When a new PDF needs to be loaded, we need to calculate the coordinates of the various checkboxes and inputs to insert text at. To do this, go to the following url and download the first command line tool (pdfbox-app-.jar). Then, load a specific PDF with the following command:

java -jar <path/to/pdfbox-app.jar> PDFDebugger <path/to/pdf>

You can then page through the PDF and hover over spots to find out the coordinates. Sometimes the coordinates are not 100% accurate, and you need to play around with them.

For that check the SignPdfTask in build-logic/local-driver. Make sure dynamic-consent is running locally before, and that the consent sources are served locally, see Consent / Signing resources -> Local.

Important: Make sure to test that not only the signature is in the pdf, but also the texts (first name, last name and date). We noticed when using PDF version 1.3 (with maybe some weird form overlays still in the pdf) for the source PDF, some viewers, e.g. Apple Preview, Evince (Default for GNOME, Ubuntu) do NOT show these texts. Others, e.g. Adobe Acrobat or the Chrome-builtin viewer displayed them. Failsafe way is always export the PDF as PDF/A or ISO compliant one with PDF version 1.5 or higher.

local entry points for consent flow

Smart4Health (only available using local-repositories profile): http://localhost:8080/consents/smart4health-research-consent-en?successRedirectUrl=...

For urlParams descriptions see GUIDE

Generating a schema of the Consent Template Structure

There are three yaml template files that are read from the remote repository:

To generate a schema to be used by s4h-consents repo for validation purposes, just run:

./gradlew cleanTest :api:test --tests com.healthmetrix.dynamicconsent.consent.api.GenerateConsentSchema

The files will be written to api/build/json-schema.

Minor adjustments for non-optional fields that have default values have to be done though. See the example json in . That's because jackson-kotlin marks it as required: mbknor/mbknor-jackson-jsonSchema#97.

Code Stats

Generated with tokei

 Language            Files        Lines         Code     Comments       Blanks
 Batch                   1           91           70            0           21
 CSS                    12         1451         1069          158          224
 JavaScript              2           50           46            0            4
 JSON                    7         1727         1713            0           14
 Kotlin                121         8400         7267          180          953
 Shell                   2          277          126          117           34
 SQL                    11           71           65            0            6
 SVG                    46         2047         2018           29            0
 Plain Text              1           12            0           10            2
 TOML                    1          112           80            5           27
 TypeScript             34         1277         1107           19          151
 XML                     1           19           19            0            0
 YAML                    6          890          819            3           68
 Markdown                4          371            0          252          119
 |- JSON                 1           13           13            0            0
 |- Shell                1           10           10            0            0
 (Total)                            394           23          252          119
 Total                 249        16795        14399          773         1623


Web service that guides the user through the consent process of the MyScience App.




