a simple ionic app using pod oauth.
In this sample app authorization code flow is implemented,first you redirect to /oauth2/authorize endpoint with parameters like table below to input their username and password:
Request | Response (redirect) |
https://auth2server.com/oauth2/authorize | https://example.com/oauth/callback |
?client_id=client_id | ?code=code |
&response_type=code | |
&redirect_uri=redirect_uri |
For prompting sign up form just add prompt=signup parameter to the above request.
Then you must use the returned code to request token, this time you send a request to /oauth2/token endpoint like table below:
Request | Response |
POST https://auth2server.com/oauth2/token | { |
?grant_type=authorization_code | "access_token": 'access_token', |
&code=code | "token_type": "Bearer", |
&redirect_uri=redirect_uri | "expires_in": 3600, |
&client_id=client_id | "scope": "profile email", |
&client_secret=client_secret | "refresh_token": 'refresh_token', |
"id_token": "jwt_token" | |
} |
You can use the retrieved token to access user information by sending GET request to the /user endpoint:
the token must be sent using header like this:
Key | Value |
Authorization | Bearer THE_TOKEN_STRING |
for study more about Oauth2 concept see the link below: https://aaronparecki.com/oauth-2-simplified/
This project is built using ionic framework. After cloning or downloading this project you must run npm install
in the main directory of it then must run ionic cordova platform add android
in the main directory of it then you have to edit config.ts and insert real values in right place:
export class ConfigModule{
sso_service:string = '__http://SERVICE.ENDPOINT/_';
sso:string= '__http://SERVICE.ENDPOINT/oauth__';
client_id:string = '__CLIENT_ID__';
redirect_uri:string = 'http://example.com';
client_secret:string = '__CLIENT_SECRET__';