This is a simple php app that uses pod single sign on service based on oauth 2.0 service
In this sample app authorization code flow is implemented, first you redirect to /oauth2/authorize endpoint with parameters like table below to input their username and password:
Request | Response (redirect) |
---|---| | |
?client_id=$CLIENT_ID | ?code=$AUTHORIZATION_CODE |
&response_type=code | &state=$STATE |
&redirect_uri=$CLIENT_REDIRECT_URI |
For prompting sign up form just add prompt=signup parameter to the above request.
Then you must use the returned code to request token, this time you send a request to /oauth2/token endpoint like table below:
Request | Response |
POST | { |
?grant_type=authorization_code | "access_token": "$ACCESS_TOKEN", |
&code=$AUTH_CODE | "token_type": "Bearer", |
&redirect_uri=$REDIRECT_URI | "expires_in": 3600, |
&client_id=$CLIENT_ID | "scope": "profile email", |
&client_secret=$CLIENT_SECRET | "refresh_token": "$REFRESH_TOKEN", |
"id_token": "$JWT_TOKEN" | |
} |
You can use the retrieved token to access user information by sending GET request to the /user endpoint:
the token must be sent using header like this:
Key | Value |
Authorization | Bearer THE_TOKEN_STRING |
for study more about Oauth2 concept see the link below:
This project is built using simple php and access_token and refresh token are retrieved using curl and stored in php default $_SESSION magic variable for running this project you must enter your client_id and client_secret and other needed information in config.php file.
$config = [
//main endpont:
//oauth endpoint:
//the url of where this app is deployed