Cardboard is a simple CMS Engine for your Rails 4 applications.
- Build for Rails 4
- Make your site and your admin area the standard rails way (no complex engines)
- Create pages and site settings in seconds
- Repeatable page parts
- Write your views in haml/slim/erb...! (no restrictive DSL or templating language)
- Your customers will love the UI/UX
- Easy to extend and customize
- It's like your favorite admin interface gem just had a baby with a CMS
Some changes were made to the database. Before updating make sure to have a look at the new migration
- An authentication solution. For example, here is what you need to do to get Devise installed.
- ImageMagick
- Rails 4.x and Ruby 2.x
Add the gem to the Gemfile
gem 'cardboard_cms'
Run bundler and cardboard's install generator
bundle install
rails generate cardboard:install
rake db:migrate
Edit your config/cardboard.yml file then run
rake cardboard:seed
Add a file in your app/views/pages (or app/views/templates) with filename matching the identifier of the page. Inside this file you can access the page with:
current_page.get 'slideshow'
Repeatable parts returns an active record collection. This means that regular Rails methods such as where
, limit
, first
, each
, etc can be used on page parts
- current_page.get('slideshow').each do |slide|
p = image_tag slide.attr('image1').thumb('600x300').url, alt: slide.attr('description') if slide.attr('image1')
If this part is not repeatable you can use both
current_page.get('intro').attr 'text1'
# Or
current_page.get 'intro.text1'
Images returned by :image
type fields are Dragonfly objects. As such, it's possible to edit them directly from the view.
if image = current_page.get('intro.image1')
image.url # URL of the modified image
image.thumb('40x30#').url # resize, crop if necessary to maintain aspect ratio (centre gravity)
end # Hint: remember to check if image is not nil before calling methods on it
More options and methods are available at Dragonfly's Documentation
Similarly to images, files are also Dragonfly objects. This allows such methods as:
file.format # => :pdf # => "some.pdf"
number_to_human_size(file.size) # => "486 KB"
To add pages to cardboard edit config/cardboard.yml. See a sample cardboard.yml
title: Default page title
repeatable: true
type: image
required: true
default: CrashTest.jpg
type: rich_text
pages, parts and fields take identifiers (:home_page
, :slideshow
and :image1
) used to reference the data form the views. Choose these names carefully!
Each page section starts with the name of it's unique identifier. This name is used to reference the page in the code an thus should not change throughout the life of the project.
Key | Type | Default | Definition |
parts | hash | nil |
a list of page parts |
title | string | identifier | name of the page as shown in the nav bar |
position | integer | auto-increment | position of the page on the nav bar (the lowest position is the home page!) |
parent_id | string | nil |
identifier of the parent page (used for nested pages) |
controller_action | string | 'pages#identifier' |
go to a specific controller example 'blog#index' . In that case, the page identifier is passed in the params. If you'd like to still have the current_page goodness, make your controller inherit from UrlController |
Templates are declared exactly like pages. They allow for the creation of pages directly from the admin interface. One key difference between templates and pages is the location of the view files which will be under app/views/templates.
Each part sub-section starts with the name of it's unique identifier. This name is used to reference the part in the code an thus should not change throughout the life of the project.
Key | Type | Default | Definition |
fields | hash | nil |
list of fields that make this part's form |
position | integer | auto-increment | position of the part on the admin page |
repeatable | boolean or string | false |
can the client add multiple of these parts (example a slide in a slideshow), if a string is passed, true is assumed and the string becomes the label for a single part |
Each field sub-section starts with the name of it's unique identifier. This name is used to reference the field in the code an thus should not change throughout the life of the project.
Key | Type | Default | Definition |
label | string | identifier | form field label |
hint | string | nil |
form field hint |
placeholder | string | nil |
form field placeholder |
position | integer | auto-increment | position of the field within the part (only for the admin area) |
required | boolean | true |
must this field have a value for the form to save |
type | string | 'string' |
choose between: 'boolean' , 'date' , 'decimal' , 'file' , 'image' , 'integer' , 'rich_text' , 'text' , 'string' , 'resource_link' (needs value: resource_linked, same as the controller name ex: 'pianos' ), 'external_link' (needs value: '' ) |
default | string | nil |
set the value but don't overwrite (only set if nil ). Put default images in /assets/images/defaults and default files in /assets/files/defaults |
value | string | nil |
USE ONLY FOR types 'resource_link' and 'external_link' (this will overwrite user input, in most cases use the default key instead) |
To add an admin area for a model simply type (make sure the model exists first and migrations have been run)
rails generate cardboard:resource model_name
Then customize the controllers/cardboard/model_name_controller.rb and associated views to your heart's desire.
The default cardboard resource scaffold help you quickly get started by making the most of the following gems.
Gem | Description |
Simple Form | Forms made easy! It's tied to a simple DSL, with no opinion on markup. |
Kaminari | A Scope & Engine based, clean, powerful, customizable and sophisticated paginator |
Ransack | Object-based searching and filtering |
Dragonfly | On-the-fly image processing and file uploading |
You can customize the menu for this resource by adding to the controller class:
menu label: 'Test', priority: 1
You can also choose to remove a resource from the menu
menu false
You can customize the sorting for this resource by adding to the controller class:
default_order 'name DESC' # default: 'updated_at desc'
You can pass any Ransack sort order, which includes associations. Example:
default_order 'user_name' # belongs to a user
You can show filters on your resource index page simply by adding cardboard_filters
, with the model class, the main field to search (has to be a text or string field), and options.
= cardboard_filters User, :name
Property | Description |
:title |
change the page's title (optional) |
:new_button |
Options for the button used to create a new resource element. Can be false to remove it, or 'label' and 'url' can be modified (optional). |
:predicate |
defaults to 'cont' (contains). Note: On non text fields, this field is required |
= cardboard_filters User, :name, title: 'Employees', new_button: {label: 'Add an employee'}
We use kaminari, so all you need to do is add to your index view:
= paginate @users
The @q
variable gives access to the Ransack gem.
= sort_link @q, :name, 'Product Name'
To add custom helpers for your resource simply create a helper with the same name. Example:
module Cardboard
module PianosHelper
Make sure this file is located under 'app/helpers/cardboard'
The css/js for the resources is the same as the cardboard admin interface. If you'd like to extend or overwrite some of these, simply edit the cardboard.css.scss or cardboard.js files located in your assets/ folder. These files were generated during the cardboard installation.
Note: Make sure to remove *= require_tree .
from your application.css, you don't want your cardboard css and js to leak into your main app!
You can create new settings that will be editable from the admin panel.
In your config/cardboard.yml
type: boolean
default: true
All options/types from fields are available
Then you can use this setting in your views or controllers like so:
you can put your controller instance variables at the top of your view or in a decorator
|- decorators
|- controllers
|- pages_decorator
PagesController.class_eval do
def page_identifier
@example = 'cool'
In your controllers you may want to redirect to a specific page. You can do so with the following:
page_path 'identifier_for_this_page'
page_url 'identifier_for_this_page'
cardboard.edit_page_path @page #link to let your admins edit the page they see
To add SEO meta tags simply add a yield as follows to your layout file:
= yield :seo
Feel free to make it fit as you want in your site design
- if current_admin_user && current_page
div style="float:right"
= link_to 'Edit this page', cardboard.edit_page_path(current_page)
= nested_pages do |page, subpages|
= link_to(page.title, page.url) if page.in_menu?
= subpages
or similarly with UL and LI tags
= nested_pages do |page, subpages|
= link_to(page.title, page.url) if page.in_menu?
- if subpages
ul = subpages
Use the page identifier defined in the cardboard.yml file
= link_to_page 'page_identifier', class: 'btn' do |page|
"hello #{page.title}"
# or, to simply use the page title
= link_to_page 'page_identifier', class: 'btn'
You can (and should) add a can_manage_cardboard?
method to your user model. By default users can manage all areas of the admin panel.
def can_manage_cardboard?(area)
case area
when :pages
when :settings
when :resource_identifier #should be plural
You can add whatever you want on the dashboard by simply adding
|- cardboard
|- dashboard
|- index.html.slim
You can easily change the default behavior of the app by overwriting the views. For example say you'd like to change the my account page. Simply add a views/cardboard/my_account/edit.html.slim and edit it at will.
namespace :cardboard do
desc 'Seed the cardboard'
task :seed do
run "cd #{current_path}; bundle exec rake cardboard:seed RAILS_ENV=#{rails_env}"
after 'deploy', 'cardboard:seed'
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