** Phase 3 Update **
The live version is still in development, it may not be stable at all times, but if it is up you can access it at:
Via the splash page users can create an account, read the about page, login to an existing account or view an example .gro file in graph format.
Please note this a work in progress and may not be stable at all times
The Team Food project is a social networking site that is aimed at providing a place for food computer builders to share and discuss the plant growing recipes they have built. You can read more about what food computers are at MIT's site for their Open Agriculture initiative here.
Open Agriculture is an Open Source Project started by the MIT Media Lab OpenAg. The Open Agriculture Data base is a project intended to enhance that vision, by allowing open sharing of plant recipies between the community Team Food.
With the goal of creating a central place where food computer builders can meet and share recipe files and discuss them our app will support the following functionality.
- Create and manage account
- Upload/download recipe files
- Graphical viewing of recipe file contents
- Text based viewing of recipe file (spreadsheet)
- Ruby, at least version 2.2.1
- Rails, at least version 4.1.6
- Ubuntu, server edition, version 14.04.4
Set up a server or VM with Ubuntu 14.0.4, with ruby on rails and Git Hub
--Step by step guide found here https://gorails.com/setup/ubuntu/14.04
From root directory type:
cd ~rails/
Use Git to clone repository:
git clone https://github.com/smurphy333/UMUC-Open-Agriculture-Database.git
Create a feature branch:
git checkout -b branchYOURNAME
To run server change directories:
cd UMUC-Open-Agriculture-Database/bin
Install ruby dependancies:
bundle install
Run rails server type:
rails s
--WEBrick info will display showing where your server is hosted(Generally http://localhost:3000)
To make updates: simply change the code or documentation
To send updates to Git Hub: git status
--Note any new files will need to be added to the commit list using
git add -
git commit -a -m "branchYOURNAME"
set up remote:
git remote
Push to Git Hub:
git push origin branchYOURNAME
enter your github uname/password -
Check the repository for fork data
Next Update: Final Version