This is an unofficial release of the code documented in the report found here: Official, approved versions of the code will be released at once all internal USGS reviews are complete.
Executables are provided for Windows 10 (64-bit). The executables provided here must have the associated netcdf and hdf5 DLLs available (in the same directory as the executable or on the user's path).
- feat: FAO-56 bare soil evaporation is now handled in a manner more faithful to the FAO-56 publication; the code now contains a pseudo bare-soil storage reservoir to track a subset of soil moisture in the top centimeters of the soil storage reservoir
- fix: the time attribute within a netCDF file is now re-evaluated each time one file is closed and another opened.
- feat: a new control-file directive (for example, PRECIP_COORDINATE_TOLERANCE) can be specified to tell SWB to allow calculations to proceed even if the SWB grid extents and the extents netCDF coordinate values do not overlap exactly.
- test: more unit testing of datetime calculations.
- test: unit tests that should trigger fatal flaws can be written while allowing the unit test run to continue as though no errors were detected.