Repo for backend of reviewgram - a full stack webAPI for finding reviews and ratings of TV shows and movies, and keep your own watchlists
We connected our back-end to TMDB API which gave us all the tvshows and movie information. For the front-end to work we created the following endpoints:
User Routes
- CRUD routes for user
- Get reviews from user
- Add review to Media
- Add to user watchlist
- Add to user watched list
- Get user watchlist
- Get user watched list
Media Routes
- Get Img url (TMDB api requires to look up for the images in different serves regularly)
- Search media
- Get trending tv shows
- Get trending movies
- Get movie details
- Get show details
- Get reviews for tv show
- Get reviews for movie
Authorization Routes
- Get authorization Token
This back-end has been entirely programmed in Python, using flask and SQLAlchemy. The database used is Postgres.