Bug Fixes
- #2022: selected class is not removed properly when virtualScroll is disabled and choosing options at the bottom of the select
- #2106: setting BootstrapVersion option still shows console warning
- #2126: setting show-tick class doesn't work
- #2232: Every 'refresh' appends a new span.check-mark
- #2233: server-side error: HTMLSelectElement is not defined
- #2234: position bootstrap-select behind input field
- #2235: Mobile native menu not accessible
- #2236: JS errors are thrown when using bootstrap select on js-generated select (after calling destroy())
- #2239: Setting styleBase and empty style result in exception
- #2244: val() method fires changed.bs.select, but the select's previousValue is not passed through
- #2245: some default Bootstrap 4 styles are not being set when using BootstrapVersion
- #2248: width: fit in IE collapses button with text overflowing
Compare this release with the previous one.