Releases: snapappointments/bootstrap-select
Releases · snapappointments/bootstrap-select
Bug Fixes
- #2263: Selecting non-existent option throws error in v1.13.10
- #2266: Desired width of dropdown menu breaks after resizing window
- #2285: bootstrap-select throws javascript error with jquery slim
- #2289: Multiple ticks in optgroup with data-max-options defined as "1"
- #2326: In IE11, options aren't visible when moving to bottom via "up" arrow key if select has an optgroup
Bug Fixes
- #1219: Keyboard navigation not working when searching and virtualScroll is false
- #2109: elements with .form-control class don't adjust height properly since Bootstrap 4.1.3
- #2126: showTick option not working as expected
- #2153: Screen reader doesn't read elements in expanded list (NVDA and JAWS)
- #2251: A standard select with a selected option doesn't scroll to the selected option if inside an optgroup
- #2253: hideDisabled and selectedTextFormat: count not working correctly if disabled options are selected
- #2256: selected option styling is not updated if .selectpicker('val', x) is called while dropdown menu is open
- #2258: menu size doesn't update when virtualScroll is disabled while the menu is open
Bug Fixes
- #2022: selected class is not removed properly when virtualScroll is disabled and choosing options at the bottom of the select
- #2106: setting BootstrapVersion option still shows console warning
- #2126: setting show-tick class doesn't work
- #2232: Every 'refresh' appends a new span.check-mark
- #2233: server-side error: HTMLSelectElement is not defined
- #2234: position bootstrap-select behind input field
- #2235: Mobile native menu not accessible
- #2236: JS errors are thrown when using bootstrap select on js-generated select (after calling destroy())
- #2239: Setting styleBase and empty style result in exception
- #2244: val() method fires, but the select's previousValue is not passed through
- #2245: some default Bootstrap 4 styles are not being set when using BootstrapVersion
- #2248: width: fit in IE collapses button with text overflowing
Bug Fixes
- #2046: val() method incorrectly fires a native change event
- #2109: The height of the select doesn't auto-size with multi-line options
- #2213: button height wrong if using an older doctype
- #2220: js folder missing in bower_components/bootstrap-select/dist
- #2221: style option can no longer include multiple styles
- #2224: auto width (data-width="auto") not working
- #2226: Selecting option by typing is not working correctly
Bug Fixes
- #1321: remove extra files from bower release
- #1665: performance improvements
- #1832: use
event handlers instead ofclick
shorthand - #2078: Elements in an input group below a selectpicker have a higher z-index, causing them to appear above the opened menu
- #2150: Live search discards the first typed character
- #2163: Cannot read property 'top' of undefined (ensure container exists)
- #2166: Sub options display separately instead of as 1 list
- #2187: move bulk of logic into a setTimeout for faster page load
- #2189: Empty select refresh error "Cannot read property 'classList' of undefined"
- #2198: "Cannot read property '0' of undefined" when dropupAuto is false and the select is at the bottom of the page
- #2199: Escaped tags parsed as non-escaped in title and data-content
- #2202: always update menu size after updates to live search
- #2206: Map file for minified js version does not work correctly
- #2210: An extra divider is added if an optgroup is the last visible element and there are hidden options after it
- #2217: The bottom divider of an optgroup disappears when searching and one of the options in the optgroup is hidden
- #2199: Fixed an XSS vulnerability with data-content, data-subtext, and title options. Implemented a new HTML sanitizer for data-content.
Bug Fixes
- #1710: When listening for keydown event on .bs-searchbox, ensure it is a child of .bootstrap-select
- #1943: Option dropdownAlignRight auto doesn't work
- #2034: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined
- #2082: button vertical alignment
- #2105: Dynamically added picker causes resize JS error
- #2118: Memory leak: getPlacement resize & scroll
- #2140: data-hidden broken in v1.13.0
- #2151: This plugins broken when the version of IE below 10
- #2125: add styleBase option to documentation
New Features
Bug Fixes
- #1425: Don't render checkMark (tickIcon) if showTick is false or the select is not multiple
- #1828: Select not working on mobile
- #2045: 'auto' width not working
- #2086: Cannot read property 'display' of undefined
- #2092: Cannot read property 'className' of undefined
- #2101: Extra tick mark when using livesearch in Bootstrap 4
Bug Fixes
- #1999: selected styling removed from previous option in a multiselect
- #2024: Arrow down key doesn't scroll the view to the top when virtualScroll is disabled
- #2027: data-max-options="1" not removing selected class
- #2029: LiveSearch and "Select All" selects too many options
- #2033: Dividers broken on bootstrap 4
- #2035: Selectbox with live search throwing error when UP/DOWN key is pressed
- #2038: Select / Deselect All buttons are modifying disabled options
- #2044: When data-container is set, first click resets scroll position
- #2045: 'auto' width not working
- #2047: Optgroup labels are escaped
- #2058: Menu hight is not properly calculated when using data-size and styling the options' height
- #2079: Subtext is difficult to read on active options