SNPUtilities is a Swift-based helper library for iOS. Our plan is to add any helper function, class, Extension in this repo. Current version contains:
- File manager related tasks such as clear temp files.
- SNPError, a custom error maker we need in our application, Snapp. This SNPError is used in API callbacks or as input parameter type in a function.
- SNPDecodable.
- Extension to Bundle.
- Extension to Dictionary.
- Extension to Int.
- Extension to UIDevice.
- Category for UIImage(Objective-C).
- Keychain wrapper.
- Extension to NSString.
- Extension to UIViewController.
- Extention to String for converting digits to persian.
- Extention to String for handling price format numbers.
- Add a Podfile. In the terminal, navigate to your Xcode project directory. Create a Podfile by running the following command.
$ pod init
- Edit your Podfile. Add the following in your Podfile under your project's target.
target 'YourAppTarget' do
platform :ios, '9.0'
pod 'SNPUtilities'
- Install SNPUtilities. Navigate to your Xcode project directory and run the following command.
$ pod install
Arash Z. Jahangiri,
If you have any questions about the project, please contact via email:
Pull requests are welcome!
SNPUtilities is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.