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Data Structures and Algorithms in JavaScript / TypeScript

By: Nasr Galal / @sniperadmin

This is the most comprehensive explanation for the data structures and algorithms in TypeScript.

for the best experience, feel free to visit the full page here:

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Material contents

Run Time Analysis

An estimate of increasing the runtime of an algo as its input grows

It is used for measuring the efficiency of the algo

Time Factor (Time complexity)

number of operations required for a particular algorithm

Space Factor (Space complexity)

amount of memory required used by an algorithm

Notations for Run Time Analysis

  • Omega Notation -- Best Case
  • Big O Notation -- Worst Case
  • Theta Notation -- Average Case

Omega Notation

  • Gives Lower bound of an algorithm
  • Used to measure the best case of the algorithm

Big O notation

  • Gives Upper bound of an algorithm
  • Used to measure the worst case of the algorithm

Theta notation

  • Gives average for both Lower & Upper bound of an algorithm
  • Used to measure the average case of the algorithm

Guided Examples of Run Time Analysis

Complexity Name Example
Constant Adding element in front of a linked list
Logarithmic Searching an element in a sorted arr / linked list
Linear Searching element in a unsorted array
Linear algorithmic Merge sort algorithm
Quadratic shortest path between 2 points in a graph
Cubic Matrix Multiplication
Exponential Naive solution for the nth Fibonacci problem
Factorial Naive solution for travelling salesman problem

Practical examples for all types

Constant time

  • It is not affected by the size of an input
      function (n: number): number {
        const a: number = n * n
        return a

Linear time

  • Performs n of operations as it accepts n input size
let nums: object = {1,2,3,4,5,6}
for (let i: number = 0; i < nums.size(); i++) {

Logarithmic Time

  • Algo than has running time O(log n) si slightly faster than O(n) [Example Binary Search algo]
const binarySearch = function (nums, target) { // -- T(n)
  let left = 0; // --- O(1)
  let right = len(nums - 1) // --- O(1)

  while (left <= right) { // --- O(n/2)
    let mid = left + (right - left) / 2; // --- O(1)
    if (nums[mid] == target) { // --- O(1)
      return mid; // --- O(1)
    else if (target > nums[mid]) { // --- O(1)
      left = mid + 1; // --- O(1)
    else { // --- O(1)
      right = mid - 1; // --- O(1)

  return -1; // --- O(1)

To calculate time complexity

After k division length =

TC =>
SC =>

Linear Logarithmic Time:

It divides the problem into sub problems and then merges them in n time (Example => Merge & sort algorithm)

function mergeSort(nums, left, right) { // -- T(n)
  if (right > left) { // -- O(1)
    let mid = left + (right - left) / 2; // -- O(1)
    mergeSort(nums, left, mid) // -- T(n/2)
    mergeSort(nums, mid + 1, right) // -- T(n/2)
    merge(nums, left, mid, right) // --O(n)

function merge() {// -- O(n)}

**Solving it: **

---->> eq.1

--> Divide n by 2

---->> eq.2

substitute eq.2 in eq.1

substitute n by n/4 in eq.1
---->> eq.3

Pattern will be:


after substituting in the discovered pattern

Pattern will be:

TC => O(n*log(n))
SC => O(n)

Quadratic Time:

Bubble sort algorithm takes quadratic time complexity (loop nested inside a loop)

for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { // o(n)
  for (let j = 0; j < n; j++) { // o(n)
    // statement here --- O(1)
} // -- total O(n^2)

Cubic Time:

Same principle of

for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { // o(n)
  for (let j = 0; j < n; j++) { // o(n)
    // statement here --- O(1)
  for (let k = 0; k < n; k++) { // o(n)
    // statement here --- O(1)
} // -- total O(n^3)

Exponential Time

Very slow algo as input grows up. If n = 100,000 .. then T(n) would be 21000000. (Example => brute forcing algorithm [Backtracking])

Factorial Time

Slowest EVER!

Digging deeper in calculation of time complexity

Example #1

for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // -- O(n)
  console.log(i) // -- O(1)

--- Reject any constants ---

TC => O(n)
SC => O(1) --- This means that we don't save any data structures in memory

Example #2

for (let i = 0; i < 10; i += 2) { // -- O(n/2)
  console.log(i) // -- O(1)

TC => O(n)
SC => O(1) --- This means that we don't save any data structures in memory

Example #3

for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // -- O(n)
  for (let j = 0; j < 10; j++) { // --O(n)
    console.log(i) // -- O(1)
i j Execution
0 0
1 0 1
2 0,1 2
3 0,1,2 3
4 0,1,2,3 4
... ... ...
n 1....(n-1) n

Pattern will be:

TC =>
SC => O(1) --- This means that we don't save any data structures in memory

Example #4

let p = 0; // -- O(n)
for (let i = 0; p <= n; i += p) { // -- O(root n)
  Do something // -- O(1)
i j
1 0 + 1
2 0 + 1 + 2
3 0 + 1 + 2 + 3
4 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4
... ...
k 1.... + k

Taking the stop condition if p > n


TC => O(n)
SC => O(1) --- This means that we don't save any data structures in memory

Example #5

for (let i = 0; i < n; i *=2) { // -- O(n)
  console.log(i) // -- O(1)
i j
... ...

Taking the stop condition if i >= n

TC =>
SC => O(1) --- This means that we don't save any data structures in memory

Example #6

for (let i = 0; i <= 1; i /=2) { // -- O(n)
  console.log(i) // -- O(1)
i j
1 n/
2 n/
3 n/
4 n/
... n/ ...
k n/

Taking the stop condition if i < 1


TC =>
SC => O(1) --- This means that we don't save any data structures in memory

Example #7

for (let i = 0; i*i < n; i++) { // -- O(n)
  console.log(i) // -- O(1)

This will stop if --


TC =>
SC => O(1) --- This means that we don't save any data structures in memory

Data Strucutres


Array is a data structure that contains a group of elements, each is identified by array index.


  • Can store data of different types
  • Has contiguous memory location
  • Index starts from 0
  • Size of array need to be specified and cannot be changed


  • Simple Array =>

Types of Array

  • One Dimensional Array =>
  • Multi-dimenstional Array =>

One Dimensional Array

Each element is represented by a single subscript. Elements are stored in consecutive memory location

Two Dimensional Array

Each element is represented by two subscripts. The Two-dimensional array mxn has m Rows and n columns and contains m*n elements.

for instance 3X4 Array =>

How Array is stored in RAM (Random Accessed Memory)

1D Array

let nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]

let's assume it will render like this

. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .

The key is that each array value will be converted to a binary equivalent and then will be stored in a memory slot

2D Array

Same concept

How to create 1D Array

  • Declare
    • Create a reference to the array
  • Instantiation
    • Create an array
  • Initialization
    • Assign Values to the array

Declaration of Array

let Example: Array<number> // [1, 2, 3, 4]
let Example: Array<string> // ['a', 'b',...]

Instantiation of Array

let example: Array<number> // [1, 2, 3, 4]
example = new Array()

Initialization of Array

example = new Array()

Searching algorithms

Linear search

Binary Search

The Idea of Binary Search is to divide the array into 2 halfs and must be sorted. if the target number is larger than the mid value, then we discard the first half and vice versa. this technique is very powerful.

const nums: Array<number> = new Array(1, 3, 5, 8, 12, 34, 35)

let get = function (arr, index) {
  return arr[index];

let search = function (arr, target) {
  let left: number = 0
  let right: number = arr.length - 1;

  while (left <= right) {
    let mid: number = (left + right) / 2;
    if (arr[mid] === target) return mid;
    else if (arr[mid] < target) left = mid + 1;
    else right = mid - 1;
  return -1;

search(nums, 34)

TC =>
SC => O(1) --- This means that we don't save any data structures in memory

2D Arrays

let x: Array<number> = new Array(2);

for (let i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
  x[i] = new Array(2);

x[0][0] = 1
x[0][1] = 2
x[1][0] = 3
x[1][1] = 4

This initialization costs only

Linked List

It is a dynamic data structure where each element (node) is made up of two items [data and Reference (pointer) that points to the next node].

Linked List Array
Size is not fixed size is always fixed
Cannot access a random node Can access a random node
Stored in a non-consecutive memory location Stored in a contiguous memory location

Array stored in memory

Because the only ref for each node in the array is the node index itself, the array is stored in memory only in a consecutive memory location.


Linked List visualization


Linked List stored in memory

It could be something like this. Each node is linked to the next one. but they are scattering in different memory slots.


Types of linked lists

  • Singly Linked List
  • Circular Singly Linked List
  • Doubly Linked List
  • Circular Doubly Linked List

Singly Linked List

  • Each node in the linked list stores the data of node and a reference to the next node.
  • Does not store references for previous nodes.


Circular Singly Linked List

  • End node is connected to the first node


Doubly Linked List


Circular Doubly Linked List



It is a data structure used to store a collection of objects in memory.

LIFO Principle of Stack

LIFO => Last In First Out

  • Putting an item on top of the stack is called push
  • Removing an item is called pop

LIFO visualization


Operations in Stack

  • Push: Add element to the top of the stack.
  • Pop: Remove element from the top of the stack.
  • IsEmpty: Check if stack is empty.
  • IsFull: Check if stack is full.
  • Peek: Get the value of the top element.

Implementation option of stack

Stack can be implemented in two ways:

  • Using Array
  • Using linked list

Array implementation


  • Easy implementation


  • Fixed size


  • push()
  • pop()
  • peek()
  • isEmpty()
  • isFull()
  • deleteStack()

Linked List implementation


  • Variable Size


  • Moderate to implement (hard setup)


  • push()
  • pop()
  • peek()
  • isEmpty()
  • deleteStack()


Full explanation for Javascript/Typescript data structures and algorithms






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