This repository is a work-in-progress and need further modifications. Much of the code variables have been hardcoded to test the algorithm and it'll be solved in upcoming commits.
You can clone this repo to $HOME and run the ./ script directly to set it all up at once (give root access if required (sudo)).
chmod +x
The first step assumes you have build the ArduPilotPlugin and got ardupilot_gazebo setup on the system. Follow the instructions provided here if not.
Set the Gazebo environment variables in your .bashrc
or .zshrc
or in
the terminal used to run Gazebo.
Assuming that you have cloned the repository to $HOME/ardupilot_gazebo
export GZ_SIM_RESOURCE_PATH=$HOME/ap_nongps/models:$HOME/ap_nongps/worlds:$GZ_SIM_RESOURCE_PATH
Assuming that you have cloned the repository to $HOME/ardupilot_gazebo
echo 'export GZ_SIM_RESOURCE_PATH=$HOME/ap_nongps/models:$HOME/ap_nongps/worlds:$GZ_SIM_RESOURCE_PATH}' >> ~/.bashrc
Reload your terminal with source ~/.bashrc
For Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install libgirepository1.0-dev libcairo2-dev
sudo apt-get install gobject-introspection
For macOS:
brew install cairo
brew install gobject-introspection
brew install inih
Install python requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
gz sim -v4 -r iris_runway_ngps.sdf
gz topic -t /world/iris_runway/model/iris_with_gimbal/model/gimbal/link/pitch_link/sensor/camera/image/enable_streaming -m gz.msgs.Boolean -p "data: 1"
The terminal used to launch Gazebo should display the following if the streaming started correctly:
[Msg] GstCameraPlugin:: streaming: started
[Dbg] [] GstCameraPlugin: creating generic pipeline
[Msg] GstCameraPlugin: GStreamer element set state returned: 2
[Msg] GstCameraPlugin: starting GStreamer main loop
cd ardupilot && -D -v ArduCopter -f JSON --add-param-file=$HOME/ardupilot_gazebo_ap/config/gazebo-iris-gimbal-ngps.parm --console --map
arm throttle force # because of visual odom the arming checks report the VisOdom is not healthy; we have to force for the initial takeoff
takeoff 10
# set roll to centre
Guided> rc 6 1500
# set pitch directly downwards
Guided> rc 7 1300
# set yaw to centre
Guided> rc 8 1500
# Run the camera based state estimator
cd src && python
If everything's working, then you'll see the following output:
$ python
Heartbeat from system (system 1 component 0)
Offset x, y(in cms): 0.1942269262460972 -0.3884538524921944
Offset x, y(in cms): 0.1942269262460972 -0.3884538524921944
Offset x, y(in cms): 0.1942269262460972 -0.3884538524921944
Offset x, y(in cms): 0.1942269262460972 -0.3884538524921944