- Sync Liquipedia matches to your Calendar.
- Events are refreshed when the iCal URL is re-fetched by your Calendar. (generally every 15 minutes)
I was tired of not having any simple way of adding esport matches to my calendar. Some apps tried to achieve that but none really achieved that simply and none integrates well into my workflow. So I build this.
This service lets you use Liquipedia match pages as iCal URLs, also known as .ICS URLs.
It parses the Liquipedia match page in real time and returns events as ICS.
Find the match page of the game you want. For example Rocket League or League of Legends. Strictly use pages of this format or it won't work.
Copy the page URL and put it in this URL: https://ics.snwfdhmp.com/matches.ics?url=YOUR_URL
Example URLs below on this page.
Import this URL in your Calendar App and it will produce events like this.
"???" means that the opponent is not yet defined and will be later when the competition administrators announce the opponent officially.
Use URL parameters :
Parameter name | Description |
competition_regex |
Filter competition using REGEX. |
teams_regex |
Filter teams using REGEX. Use team tags (eg: KC, T1) |
teams_regex_use_fullnames |
Set to "true" to use full team names instead of tags for teams_regex (eg: "Karmine Corp" instead of "KC") |
condition_is_or |
Set to "true" if you want competition_regex and teams_regex to be tested as an OR condition (by default, its AND). |
ignore_tbd |
Ignore matches that have "TBD" as team1 and team2 (TBD = To Be Done) (ie: announced match with unannounced teams) |
Encode REGEX using URL encoding.
📅 https://ics.snwfdhmp.com/matches.ics?url=https://liquipedia.net/leagueoflegends/Liquipedia:Matches
League of Legends, all matches
📅 https://ics.snwfdhmp.com/matches.ics?url=https://liquipedia.net/leagueoflegends/Liquipedia:Matches&competition_regex=%5EWorlds
League of Legends, only Worlds matches
📅 https://ics.snwfdhmp.com/matches.ics?url=https://liquipedia.net/leagueoflegends/Liquipedia:Matches&competition_regex=%5ELEC
League of Legends, only LEC matches
📅 https://ics.snwfdhmp.com/matches.ics?url=https://liquipedia.net/leagueoflegends/Liquipedia:Matches&competition_regex=%5E%28Worlds%7CLCK%29
League of Legends, Worlds and LCK matches
📅 https://ics.snwfdhmp.com/matches.ics?url=https://liquipedia.net/leagueoflegends/Liquipedia:Matches&competition_regex=%5EWorlds&condition_is_or=true&teams_regex=%5E%28KC%7CM8%7CVIT%7CBDS%7CG2%29%24
League of Legends, Worlds matches + any match featuring KC or M8 or VIT or BDS or G2
Rocket League, all matches
📅 https://ics.snwfdhmp.com/matches.ics?url=https://liquipedia.net/rocketleague/Liquipedia:Matches&competition_regex=%5EWorlds
Rocket League, only Worlds matches
📅 https://ics.snwfdhmp.com/matches.ics?url=https://liquipedia.net/rocketleague/Liquipedia:Matches&teams_regex=%5EKC%24
Rocket League, only matches featuring KC
📅 https://ics.snwfdhmp.com/matches.ics?url=https://liquipedia.net/rocketleague/Liquipedia:Matches&competition_regex=Major
Rocket League, only competitions that have "Major" in their name
📅 https://ics.snwfdhmp.com/matches.ics?url=https://liquipedia.net/rocketleague/Liquipedia:Matches&competition_regex=%5ERLCS&condition_is_or=true&teams_regex=%5E%28KC%7CM8%7CVIT%7CG2%7CBDS%29%24
Rocket League, Worlds matches + any match featuring KC or M8 or VIT or BDS or G2
📅 https://ics.snwfdhmp.com/matches.ics?url=https://liquipedia.net/counterstrike/Liquipedia:Matches&ignore_tbd=true
Counter-Strike, all matches except "TBD" (unknown teams)
Game | Working |
Rocket League | ✅ |
League of Legends | ✅ |
Trackmania | ✅ |
Counter-Strike | ✅ |
Starcraft 2 | ✅ |
Overwatch | ✅ |
Other games | Test yourself and report |
Feel free to report any issue or any working/broken game in issues.
Pull Requests are welcome, please follow standard rules.
I made this website to help you build your URL.
You can also reach out to me using GitHub issues or discord : @mjo___