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Pokémon Explorer 🔍

Pokédex style application using the PokéAPI the where all pokémons are listed on the landing page and the user can just navigate through the pages to see all the pokémons and/or use the search input to search for a specific pokémon.

Specific details of a pokémon can be acessed by clicking on a pokémon card or "view", this will navigate the user to the pokémon's details page. The details page show the following information:

  • Name and image of the pokémon
  • Types
  • Abilities
  • Evolution chain
  • Base stats (hp, attack, defense, special-attack, special-defense, speed)

How to run locally

First, run npm install to install the dependencies needed.

To start the development server run:

npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

Tech Stack

  • Typescript
  • Next.js
  • Styled Components

Project Structure

public/assets: contains the asset images.

src/api/pokemons.ts: contains all API requests.


layout.tsx: Root of the app, contains the metadata object, renders the Header.tsx and children.

page.tsx: Home page, renders the SearchList.tsxcomponent.

[name]/page: renders the DetailsPage.tsx component by passing in the specific pokémon data.


SearchList.tsx: displays all pokémons and renders the pagination component. If the user performs a search, the exact match pokémon will be displayed. If there's no match a message is displayed to the user informing that.


DetailsPage.tsx: renders the pokémon name and image and the different components to display the pokémon's details:

EvolutionChain.tsx: renders the evolution chain with name and image of the pokémons it evolves to.

TraitList.tsx: accepts props and renders Types and Abilities list accordingly.

BaseStats.tsx: renders the different stats.

src/components/ui: contains all the reusable UI components: Card.tsx, EmptyState.tsx, Header.tsx, Pagination.tsx and StatsBar.tsx.

src/app/lib: contains all the project interfaces and the styled components registry file.

src/app/helpers: contains helper hook/functions.


Styling was done with styled components (CSS-in-JS) with responsive design in mind. My approach was to keep the styled components within the component they're being used - in the future I would like to extract some of them and make them reusable so they can be used globally.


Accessibility checks performed with lighthouse, accessible navigation done manually.

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