Module Changes (for users):
Admin-only .set command can now set non-existent config values
The meetbot .endmeeting command now works properly
Significant improvements made to RSS module
The database structure for storing RSS feeds has been modified. The module will attempt to migrate old data.
Command syntax has changed in multiple ways
.rss help is now available with more detailed information on usage.
Module is overall better-behaved and less buggy
Traceback can now be attached to a GitHub issue from Willie's logs
GitHub module no longer puts "IRC" tag on issues it creates
A .listactions command is added to allow actions to be listed before the end of a meeting
Dice now limits itself to 1000 dice, and output is cleaned up
Willie now joins channels when invited
Reddit module no longer gives an error if the submitter's account has been deleted
A new .comments feature allows optional comments on meetings, e.g. from those muted in the channel
.xkcd is more robust, and can now access the nth-latest comic
calc module now uses an internal calculator, rather than the discontinued iGoogle calculator
Core Changes (for users):
Memory lock and unlock no longer cause errors
Debugging target no longer needs to be a channel
Whitespace can now be used in the command prefix
Line numbers are given when modules fail to load
Error messages are more consistent across core and modules
Willie now retries joining channels if it fails initially
sqlite is now the default and recommended database type
MySQL remains supported; support may be dropped in a later version
MySQLdb is no longer listed as a recommended dependency
IRCv3 is now largely supported
Willie can now authenticate with SASL
API Changes (for developers):
Modules can now provide a shutdown() function to clean up when the bot is quitting or the module is reloading
web.get and can be told to limit how much they read from a URL, to prevent malicious use
A new @unblockable decorator allows callables to be run even when triggered by otherwise blocked users
Willie can now connect over IPv6
If the channel given to bot.join contains a space, the part after the space will be used as the password
IRCv3 is now largely supported
Modules can now request capabilities from the server.
Message tags, if enabled, can be read from trigger.tags
You can’t perform that action at this time.