This is a my first full stack project. 😊 Its a simple news app which gathers news from various sources on real time and show by category along with an image, head line a meta description.
firstly I have tested various news papers on jupyter notebook and selected the best news papers...
- python
- Responsive
- Can easily be scalable
- User can get redirected to the actual article if he wants
|---- result
| |---- screenshot1.png
| |---- screenshot2.png
| |---- screenshot3.png
|---- static
| |---- images
| | |---
| |
| |---- styles
| | |--- index.css
| | |--- india.css
| | |--- indiatoday.css
| | |--- layout.css
|---- templates
| |--- index.html
| |--- india.html
| |--- indiatoday.html
| |--- layout.html
|---- test.ipynb
|---- requirements.txt
When you will visit the site you will see this home page.
from this home page you can choose to read a particular paper and find news like this...
or you can directly click on a particular category and can read news on that category across different news papers...