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En Rong edited this page May 13, 2024 · 1 revision

Authentication Providers

The Source Academy application supports authentication providers with the following protocols:

  • OAuth Code Flow
    • OAuth 2.0
    • OIDC
    • CAS (to be merged)
  • SAML

Feel free to take a look at the auth providers directory here to see a list of authentication providers that have been integrated.

Setup for local development

OAuth Code Flow

  • Authentication providers which follow the OAuth code flow can easily be configured with the instructions found in dev.secrets.exs.
  • New authentication providers can be added easily by configuring a new Provider in the backend by referring to existing examples.


NOTE: The SAML flow does not play well with modern day SPAs like React. Some workarounds are necessary to integrate SAML SSO providers with SPAs. The current approach is as follows:

  • After the SAML assertion is validated by the Assertion Consumer Service (ACS) endpoint in the backend, we redirect to a separate endpoint on the backend /auth/saml_redirect to generate the JWT tokens that will be used for subsequent communication between the frontend and backend.
  • After the JWT tokens are generated, we redirect once more to the frontend client with the JWTs in a secure cookie.
  • This is as opposed to the OAuth code flow where the frontend makes a POST request with the authorization code from the authentication provider to exchange for a set of JWT tokens.
  • Other methods of integrating SAML and SPAs exist, such as adding an intermediary server to handle the SAML exchange, while retaining the OAuth code flow interface with the frontend client.
  • SAML Identity Providers (IdP) for local development are less readily available online since they require the SAML public certificate from the Service Provider (SP, i.e. our backend).
  • Nevertheless, we can quickly configure our own local SAML IdP with the following instructions to test ou SAML auth flow.

Setup a local SAML IdP for testing SAML auth flow locally

The following instructions were referenced from, with some modifications to suit our configuration.

  1. Pull the repository here.

  2. If on Apple Silicon, modify the Dockerfile with the following line to run the emulation of x86-64 architecture instead. This is necessary so that the setup container does not fail silently.

    FROM --platform=linux/amd64 php:7.1-fpm-alpine3.8
  3. Build the Docker image.

  4. Add the following to the /etc/hosts file on your local computer.

    # Inside /etc/hosts api.cadet.ap # for the backend SP nusstu.samly # for the SimpleSAML IdP
  5. Copy the self-signed cert used for signed SAML requests to the setup/sp directory. Note that this is different from the SSL cert for the backend SP.

    • See samly-howto for more details.
      • In the cadet backend directory, run mix phx.gen.cert --output priv/cert/backend_sp nusstu.samly
  6. Configure SimpleSAML via a simple docker-compose wrapper

    # Save this as
    export USE_SUBDOMAIN=0
    export TIMEZONE=Asia/Singapore # <<- change this if needed
    export SP_DOMAIN=api.cadet.ap # <<- change this, this is same as SP HOST in path_segment model
    export SP_PORT=4443 # <<- change this
    export SP_ENTITY_ID=sa-backend # <<- change this - should match what is in samly config
    export SP_CERT_FILE=backend_sp.pem # <<- change this - this should be present in ./setup/sp folder
    export PSWD=password # <<- change this - password for all demo users in ./setup/templates/params.tpl
    export IDP_ID=nusstu # <<- change this
    export IDP_HOST=${IDP_ID}.samly
    export IDP_PORT=9091 # <<- change this
    sudo -E ./ $*
  7. Modify the SAML attributes in setup/templates to suit the needs of our backend application

    # In authsources.php.tpl modify the following lines
    'samaccountname' => array('{{ $user.samaccountname }}'),
    # 'first_name' => array('{{ $user.first_name }}'),
    # 'last_name' => array('{{ $user.last_name }}'),
    # In params.tpl modify the following lines
    # first_name: Fred
    # last_name: Stone
    samaccountname: Fred Stone
    # first_name: Wilma
    # last_name: Stone
    samaccountname: Wilma Stone
    # first_name: Dino
    # last_name: Stone
    samaccountname: Dino Stone
  8. Start the IdP containers (the repeated commands are as per Samly SimpleSAML README)

    ./ up -d
    ./ down
    ./ up -d
  9. Double check the configuration

    ./ info
  10. Visit https://nusstu.samly:9091/simplesaml

    • Login as admin with the configured password above
    • Check the Federation tab, you should see the SAML service provider
    • Copy the metadata.xml to the cadet backend directory under priv/metadata/simplesaml_metadata.xml

Setup the Elixir backend for local SAML auth flow

  1. Generate a self-signed SSL cert for the backend

    mix phx.gen.cert --output priv/cert/cadet_local api.cadet.ap
  2. Generate a self-signed SSL cert for SAML requests, as per the instructions above. Remember to copy it to the SimpleSAML setup/sp directory before starting the SimpleSAML container.

    mix phx.gen.cert --output priv/cert/backend_sp nusstu.samly
  3. Set the /etc/hosts file if you have yet to do so, as per the instructions above.

  4. Set the priv/metadata/simplesaml_metadata.xml file if you have yet to do so, as per the instructions above.

  5. Configure dev.secrets.exs

    • Under identity_providers add
      "student_saml" =>
            assertion_extractor: Cadet.Auth.Providers.NusstuAssertionExtractor,
            client_redirect_url: "http://cadet.ap:8000/login/callback"
    • Configure Samly
      config :samly, Samly.Provider,
        idp_id_from: :path_segment,
          service_providers: [
              id: "source-academy-backend",
              entity_id: "sa-backend",
              certfile: "priv/cert/backend_sp.pem",
              keyfile: "priv/cert/backend_sp_key.pem"
          identity_providers: [
              id: "nusstu",
              sp_id: "source-academy-backend",
              base_url: "https://api.cadet.ap:4443/sso",
              metadata_file: "priv/metadata/simplesaml_metadata.xml"
    • Configure the backend to use HTTPS
      config :cadet, CadetWeb.Endpoint,
        https: [
          port: 4443,
          cipher_suite: :strong,
          certfile: "priv/cert/cadet_local.pem",
          keyfile: "priv/cert/cadet_local_key.pem"
        debug_errors: true,
        code_reloader: true,
        check_origin: false
  6. In lib/cadet_web/controllers/auth_controller.ex, make the following modification to disable secure cookies (for local development only, since the frontend client is on http)

    |> put_resp_cookie("jwts", encoded_tokens,
      http_only: false,
      secure: false # Added this line
  7. Write a backend start-up script

    # Save to
    HOST="${HOST:-api.cadet.ap}" \
    PORT="${PORT:-4443}" \
    MIX_ENV=dev \
      iex -S mix phx.server
  8. chmod +x and run the start-up script

  9. You should be able to access the backend at https://api.cadet.ap:4443

Setup the React frontend for local SAML auth flow

  1. Add or update the following values in the .env file.
  2. Add the following to the /etc/hosts file on your local computer. cadet.ap
  3. Run yarn start to start the frontend.
  4. Access the frontend at http://cadet.ap:8000.
  5. If everything was configured correctly, you should be able to log in via the SAML flow with the SimpleSAML credentials.