- Static Github Pages Demo: https://sparkcity.github.io/campaign_dashboard/app.html
- gcloud: https://campaigndashboard-mnddwotdkq-uk.a.run.app/
A dashboard webapp built to display data visualizations related to the ongoing Dungeons & Dragons campaign I play in with my friends.
Field | Description |
pc | The name of the Player Character |
lvl | The level of character |
race | The race of the character: Human, Tiefling, Changeling, Triton, Elf, Aasimar, etc |
str | The character's total Strength score |
dex | The character's total Dexterity score |
con | The character's total Constitution score |
int | The character's total Intelligence score |
wis | The character's total Wisdom score |
cha | The character's total Charisma score |
Field | Description |
pc | The name of the Player Character |
lvl | The level of character |
acrobatics | The character's total Acrobatics skill bonus |
animal_handling | The character's total Animal Handling skill bonus |
arcana | The character's total Arcana skill bonus |
athletics | The character's total Athletics skill bonus |
deception | The character's total Deception skill bonus |
history | The character's total History skill bonus |
insight | The character's total Insight skill bonus |
intimidation | The character's total Intimidation skill bonus |
investigation | The character's total Investigation skill bonus |
medicine | The character's total Medicine skill bonus |
nature | The character's total Nature skill bonus |
perception | The character's total Perception skill bonus |
performance | The character's total Performance skill bonus |
persuasion | The character's total Persuasion skill bonus |
religion | The character's total Religion skill bonus |
sleight_of_hand | The character's total Sleight of Hand skill bonus |
stealth | The character's total Stealth skill bonus |
survival | The character's total Survival skill bonus |
Field | Description |
pc | Name of the Player Character |
session | The session number |
type | The type of role that was made: Attack, Save, Check |
context | The context in which the roll was made: Combat, Exploration, Social |
skill_check | If the roll was a skill check, the Skill it was for for: Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Arcana, Athletics, Deception, History, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Performance, Persuasion, Religion, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Survival. If not a skill check, then null |
ability_save | If the roll was an ability save, the Ability it was for: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma. If not an ability save, then null |
roll_base | The base roll on the dice without any bonuses |
roll_total | The total of the roll: roll_base + modifiers and bonuses |
Field | Description |
session | The session number |
pc | The name of the Player Character |
level | The level of character |
dmg_taken | The amount of total damage taken during the combat encounter |
dmg_healed | The amount of total healing done during the combat encounter |
dmg_mitigated | The amount of total damage mitigated - through evasion, shield, reactions, features, etc - during the combat encounter |
combat_id | The combat ID assigned to the encounter in the format of: Session Number - Combat Encounter (14-1 would be the first combat encounter of session 14) |
atks_success | The amount of total successful attacks |
atks_fail | The amount of total missed or failed attacks |
spells_cast | The amount of spells cast through cantrips, leveled spells, or scrolls |